
Thursday, December 25, 2014


I can hardly believe that another has gone by and that this is the fourth time that I have had the honor of addressing you in my capacity as Parliamentary Representative for Choiseul and Saltibus and the Minister for Tourism Heritage and Creative Industries
The Christmas Season for me means many things
It is a time for introspection and at times solemn reflection on the past year, and with it the various triumphs and attendant challenges. I feel comforted that despite the odds I managed with the help of my family, and committed staff at my ministries and loyal constituents to meet most of my objectives this year.
Christmas is also a time when we reconnect with family, and loved ones, mend wounds of the past and cultivate a positive outlook for the coming year. It is also a time when we revitalize our spirituality as we ponder on the birth of our Lord and Saviour for his sacrifices for each of us.
I look forward to the days that I will spend with my constituents, family and friends and hope that I can bring nothing but cheer and good will during these times and our interactions in the future. Whilst we celebrate this season, let us also take time to remember those who lost their lives during 2014, those who are sick, and those who may be less fortunate than ourselves.
I extend the warmest Christmas greetings to our Hon. Prime Minister and my Cabinet colleagues, to the entire community of Choiseul and Saltibus and to my staff at the Ministry of Tourism, Heritage & Creative Industries, the Saint Lucia Tourist Board, The Cultural Development Foundation and the Folk Research Center
I wish to thank you at this time for your motivation, support, and at times tolerance in dealing with me as I pursue this public mandate.
Merry Christmas and a Happy 2015!

Monday, December 08, 2014

The St Lucia Labour Party is deluded... brace for drawbacks - By Melanius Alphonse

The last three years of Labour has been hell on earth. But, with two more years to go, and the proposition for early election, the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) brand will fade away.
That would be a welcome sign on the heels of an establishment that not only continues to lose purpose, but lacks credibility. For those who bothered to listen and watch last Sunday's conference of delegates, the reviews conclude that it was a successfully performance of Hollywood proportions.
In much delight, the staged performances were effortless; in much the same manner that Labour's brand of politics delivers countless pain and suffering on the people of Saint Lucia.
The message, if any, reaffirmed the establishment solidarity with constitutional abuse and excesses of autocratic leaders, and a ruling [SLP] party that's in a state of indisposed denial, finds it necessary to reassure delegates that "We came from different stock. The Saint Lucia Labour Party came from the struggles of our workers against the plantocracy and colonialism." ~ Kenny Anthony
There must be something in the air, to merit that retort. Similar, there may be reasons to conjure, as Labour is stretched out, in full self adulation in the thought process that most Saint Lucians are dancing and drinking SLP Kool Aid.
Delusional as this is for Kenny Anthony and the SLP that's the feeling of disconnection with people, business and community that is not coincidental.
Let's break this down!
Last Sunday, Kenny Anthony and the SLP attempted to come across with some revisionist history, a fake sense of compassion and a subdued social conscience. Maybe it had something to do with indifference. But first, bear with me to focus your attention to a few excerpts from Kenny Anthony's address and offer some observations. Because, repeatedly, what was dramatized is not what the people of Saint Lucia are receiving, beginning with this:
"Sometimes we are hard on ourselves, so taken in by the criticisms of our detractors that we fail to recognize our accomplishments. We are in danger of becoming apologists for our success!"~ Kenny Anthony
This is not the first attempt to bend reality or to distract society. But truly, this has to be a worrisome sign, with the responsible of finance and the governance of Saint Lucia, to actually bask in the stratosphere of nothingness. This is really dehumanizing. And to even claim that:
"We were different then, we are different now and we dare to be different tomorrow," is impractical to the quote that, "Labour is truly a government which does not discriminate."~ Kenny Anthony
Really! This is side-splitting in a self-serving endeavour. However, those who know otherwise concur that the personalization of politics, vendetta politics and the scorched earth policy of partisan warfare that currently exist -- fairness, equity and a brighter tomorrow are buried with SLP's ideology.
The underlying factor in Saint Lucia today is the underperformance of every sector of governance and the economy. This is fueled by low value ideas of contain and control methods that are a staple of SLP substandard ideology. Meanwhile, the country is mired in bread-and-butter issues and unfulfilled job creation in plain view for all to see.
However, the bad news is being propagated into a fallacy that reads:"Negative growth has now decelerated and I believe that we will see a return to positive growth next financial year. We have bottomed out. Little green shoots of growth have begun to appear. On the fiscal side, our deficit has not worsened but the delay in arriving at an agreement with the public sector unions has not given us the benefit of the adjustment we needed. We have a lot going for us. Sometimes we have to take two steps backwards to take a giant leap forward."~ Kenny Anthony
There are two phrases that come to mind. One that says "Ignorance is bliss" and the other "Knowledge is power", and with that power opens more opportunities for those who are able to make rational and intelligent decisions. I will leave it at that for the time being.
The fact is that there are plenty of opportunities that suggest the unwillingness of government to use its marginal political mandate in a collaborative manner to tap creativity and innovation to propel Saint Lucia's economy. However, these opportunities go unfulfilled due to a one dimensional scrutiny. But you won't know this having read the following:
"We believe in creating and building a society that is just and inclusive. As I said in my maiden acceptance speech to you in Laborie in 1996, we seek 'to build consensus at all levels of decision-making and to accept that we are morally responsible and accountable to the people of Saint Lucia as a whole.'"~ Kenny Anthony.
Naturally, collaboration brings people together, working together towards personal and institutional goals and the country as a whole for a successful end product. And the culture that surrounds such depicts how business is conducted, how ideas are transformed, how problems are solved and the creativity that blooms to drive innovation. So when government's best ideas have not come across as purposeful, capturing the innovation of people, this surely indicates a lack of optimism in the future with SLP on the frontlines.
The bad news is that Kenny Anthony and the SLP are roughly at their best when receiving Taiwanese money, which was classified as "dirty money" while in purgatory, and now with the distinction of implementing and collecting the 15% VAT, once described as "oppressive, anti-poor and anti-worker", is now a smart policy to raise revenue in a dead beat economy.
In a big way Kenny Anthony feels content to announce that the ALBA Bank has agreed to provide grant financing to the government of Saint Lucia to finance NICE to the tune of US$10 million over two years, that is just under EC$27 million; and overnight flip flops, as meaningful investments turned away.
Whatever you think about the ALBA Bank, nothing was declare on the fiscal chaos in Venezuelan and that the government seems to be running out of hard currency in the face of depressed oil prices, rampant inflation, shortages of consumer goods and worsening crime. Last Friday, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro said, "I have ordered a revision of salaries of ministers and state enterprises, starting with the president of the republic." Adding that a commission will be established, he stated, "This commission is going to take an axe and chop wherever we need to," and that "budget cuts were needed."
PetroCaribe and ALBA are feeling the heat. They are hanging on a shoestring as well as their foreign policy influence in the region. Four CARICOM countries Belize, Haiti, Jamaica and Guyana are taking steps to reduce their dependency on PetroCaribe. Meanwhile Saint Lucia's PetroCaribe and ALBA transaction(s) are a national secret of the SLP socialist elite.
At the same time, Russia, which by all accounts is trying to extend it borders into the Caribbean, is hurting, with a wounded economy that could fall into crisis. The wisdom of its Ukraine policy is under tremendous attack worldwide. Depressed oil prices have compounded the situation, and consequently the rouble is taking a hit, along with $1.9 trillion in debt coming due, of which $35 billion of debt repayments are due in December alone.
Closer to home in Trinidad and Tobago, Finance Minister Larry Howai has cautioned that some belt tightening will have to be undertaken and that there is no room for complacency as the ministry of finance continues to monitor the global environment and to refine remedial fiscal measures [including budget reviews] to changes in the market for oil and gas.
Conveniently, while in purgatory, Kenny Anthony and the SLP made an issue of high oil prices and the retail price of petroleum products on the island, and referenced the term "extortion". Today, world market prices are the lowest in five years and the SLP is in government, yet the retail prices for petroleum products in Saint Lucia remain unexplained.
I now put the question: is this extortion, hypocrisy or both?
But as usual, Kenny Anthony and the SLP choose to ignore such matters, and issues that affect the daily lives of the people of the country, but for political platitudes and self adulation fit for kings and emperors, except in this case the pretend kings and emperors are displeasing to the eye, serving merely as puppets, to the south-south bloc of nations.
What might those reasons be for Saint Lucia, while the risks of getting worse are filled with political dogma?
For various reasons, these are serious causes for concern that not only hinder collaboration and innovation for the development of the country, but are a far cry from the issues of development, governance and accountability, pursuing policies and systemic changes that are need to pull-up struggling people and the country from tough economic times.
The party clearly has a motto: "bread, justice, and freedom for all." But getting a fair share is a huge undertaking that very few people can afford. In essence, the article of faith and creed reads:
"The Saint Lucia Labour Party continues to champion a more equitable society in which poverty has been eliminated. We champion a society in which there is no 'yawning gap' between the rich and the poor, or as Peter Phillips, the current Jamaican finance minister once told us, 'no yawning gap between those who have too much and those who do not have enough to survive.' We believe that a society is best constructed on the pillars of social peace, solidarity and stability."
It continued:"We believe in participatory democracy. We reject the notion that democracy is for one class of persons, that some are better endowed than others, to manage authority and power."~ Kenny Anthony.
Reading this I felt besieged, knowing the realism to what is subscribed, and that minimum government, maximum governance has been a flip of the tongue and can't walk the talk, as the performance of most ministers leaves much to be desired and that the function and role of government has gotten messy with each passing day, as there is no clear cut counter-balance that is recognized about who's actually responsible for what.
Despite the explanation that "we are different" [meaning the SLP], as expressed by Kenny Anthony, the paradox is unchanged – Saint Lucia is at risk, at the hands of a self-serving small group of the [Socialist] plantocracy, who think if not them, then who else to govern the country.
There is no shortage of this action. The continuous exhibition of political theatre on every opportunity is alarming. Last Sunday was no exception!
Repeatedly, political theatre has taken precedence over finding solutions to gripping problems, and has proven repeatedly that the current political culture is incapable of creating a culture of cooperation to harvest diverse viewpoints and to reap the benefits of creative disagreements.
Is this a price worth paying? Is this brand of politics and economic mythology that is certain to breed anger, frustration and despair worthy of two more years in government? Or would an embrace of a collaborative mindset create a culture in which relationships are formed and results are derived?
Perhaps with perseverance there is hope on the horizon, as illustrated in the most recent case involving 23 Coubaril residents and the Development Control Authority (DCA) whereby residents of Coubaril expressed their disapproval of a change of use of lands at Auralie Drive, Coubaril, in Castries from residential to commercial to facilitate the relocation of the offices of the Saint Lucia Social Development Fund (SSDF) and the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) is an interesting demonstration of collaboration, democracy and the rule of law.
Perhaps the abuse of power that values symbolism over substance that public officials are exhibiting with some misguided employees will be placed in context to what the law says, rather than ambiguous deals that do not serve the public good in closing the gap between the haves and the have nots.
But now that the building and surrounding land at Coubaril will be restored, hopefully the community will return to its accustomed sense of tranquility that all can continue to enjoy. And to welcome new residents, including ministers of government who would someday call Coubaril home.
The other matter of similarity on the radar is that of the residents of Trouya Pointe raising objection to a proposal to change the land use of properties in their community from single family residential to multi-family villas and a hotel with spa and restaurant.
Emma Hippolyte, the area district representative, has indicated that she had no knowledge of the proposal beyond what has been reported in the media and vows to support the residents in their effort to stop this proposal.
But since the right hand knows not what the left hand is doing, the address to delegates lends clarity. It reads:
"We must care for all of our children, the inheritors of our future… we reaffirm that we are the guardians of our environment. This declaration is not new. That, too, I announced in my maiden address to you in Laborie in 1996. We declared our commitment to be protectors of our patrimony long before it became vogue for other political parties in our region to do so."~ Kenny Anthony.
Clearly, Labour is in the midst of paralysis, and as such is blaming somebody else but themselves for their bad policies that are not working. Their approach has no honest choices. It is hidden with discrimination and gridlock and a messy reality in a system of distraction and extortion. One that is propagated by ideological platitudes, in a system, that won't put money by way of employment into the wallets of the people of Saint Lucia.
Hopefully, soon from now, finding solutions will be possible, working together to improving globally competitiveness and compatibility with global standards. But, to achieve this, the utilization of resources is necessary to restore the middle and working class agenda with a coherent, comprehensive strategy of collaboration to transform policy for future results.
Most importantly, such will be carried out in an inclusive manner and not imposed, or to feel that without the party of substance, SLP, then who else? After all, the essence of governance is to represent and engage the people and not marshal them adversely.
Otherwise everyone will be farther out at sea, and still wondering. What went wrong? Buckle your seat belts Saint Lucia!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Who sold out the Roblot library?

Choiseul On The Move has been relentless in its efforts to have the Roblot Multi-purpose Centre repaired. The author has also taken to facebook to air this concern all to no avail. It appears that we really are a forgotten community. The Rep continues to show complete disrespect to the citizens of Roblot by not even acknowledging the people's concerns.
The focus of this article is not about the Rep's lack of concern for the residents of Roblot, but rather a situation that is very disturbing and needs clarification.
The Centre was damaged during hurricane Tomas....the roof was completely blown off. However, the library which was housed in a section attached to the building was partly damaged....one or two galvanize sheets flew off, and many books were damaged. The library after minor repairs to the roof continued to operate until prior to the next year's hurricane season it was abandoned and the service moved to the Debreuil Primary School.
I dont have to tell you what happened next........in the dark of night, and some daring day situations, a rampage of the materials began and in less than two weeks a bare skeleton of the Centre stood up.
This blog made mention of this, but no one heeded; not even the Constituency Council, under whose jurisdiction the building falls. Seeing no one seems to care, the perpetrators shifted their focus to the library.....all the toilet facilities, and front door was stolen in one night.
The only materials left were the roof and galvanize, two aluminum windowswith burglar bars, an old executive desk which was used by the librarian and the mahogany flooring.
Lord and behold, can you imagine, two to three weeks ago, in broad daylight a crew in full view of the residents was demolishing what is left of the library. The blog has learnt that all the galvanize, the two aluminum windows with burglar bars and the mahogany flooring was sold to a gentleman for a meagre $300.
The village Clerk and a councillor were contacted and both denied having any knowledge of this transaction. Though the Village Clerk promised to investigate and get back to me, up to the time of writing this piece no news came forth. However a councillor mentioned that the Clerk would be on the site today.
Question. Who authourised this transaction? Who got paid? Why wasn't the Counstituency Council notified? Into which account is this money lodged? What is this money to be used for? Is the Ministry of Social Development aware of this? What's about the youtth development officer? A litany of questions need to be answered on this shady activity.
The residents are up in arms about this latest development and demand that a reasonable explanation be given.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Flambeau Countdown 2014

The gloves are tied securely on the wrists of both Allen and Claudius as they launch last minute pushes vie-te-vie in the final round of the match to see who captures the crown. It, for sure, will not be these lethal blows that they hurdle at each other that will determine the winner, but a set of soft heads judges that can be swayed either way once the deal/cut is just right.
Many political pundits have given Allen the edge over Claudius, but it would serve Allen well to remember his last defeat in Soufriere where he was not only fighting the opposition but also members within his own party as well.
A paralell can be drawn here as well. It is rumoured that Claudius in tagging with Frederick and Rufus, as well as a few prominent persons who were once in Allen's corner to try to secure the leadership from him.
Rufus, for sure has made the first move where he had his cronies nominate Claudius for the race. Why did it have to be Choiseul? Why not Castries Central or even Castries North? Who is financing Claudius' campaign?
Can Claudius pull this fight off? Quite likely the other set of pundits reiterate. Claudius is young, energetic, educated, can speak kweyole, can put Flambeau back on its feet are some of the points brought forward for this new found politician.
UWP has never been so organized. From the time Allen took over the leadership, one can see purpose and a clear direction where the party is heading, and it would serve them well to continue in this vein regardless who pulls it off on D-day.
Yes, forces are at work for both Allen and Claudius and the fight is a dog-eat-dog one. Let's hope that the same unfounded gossip which came out from the last convention does not find root when the Sunday results are announced.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Earth Blackout for 3 Days!

NASA has confirmed that the three days of darkness will take place this year on days 21, 22 and 23 December. The land will remain during these three days without sun, night ie in total darkness due to a solar storm ....
This is the head of NASA Charles Bolden who made the announcement and asked everyone to remain calm. This will be the product of a solar storm, the largest in the last 50 years for a period of 72 hours. Note that in the responses of Light Beings to questions Monique Mathieu by his members "From Heaven to Earth," she wrote: "The three days of darkness will actually take place. This will be an extremely difficult time for humanity. source : science.nasa.gov
Dedan C.G.Jn Baptiste

Friday, October 17, 2014

Some Facts About Ebola

Here's some background information about Ebola, a virus with a high fatality rate that was first identified in Africa in 1976.

Facts: Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a disease caused by one of five different Ebola viruses. Four of the strains can cause severe illness in humans and animals. The fifth, Reston virus, has caused illness in some animals, but not in humans.

The first human outbreaks occurred in 1976, one in northern Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) in Central Africa: and the other, in southern Sudan (now South Sudan). The virus is named after the Ebola River, where the virus was first recognized in 1976, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Ebola is extremely infectious but not extremely contagious. It is infectious, because an infinitesimally small amount can cause illness. Laboratory experiments on nonhuman primates suggest that even a single virus may be enough to trigger a fatal infection.
Instead, Ebola could be considered moderately contagious, because the virus is not transmitted through the air.
The most contagious diseases, such as measles or influenza, virus particles are airborne.
Humans can be infected by other humans if they come in contact with body fluids from an infected person or contaminated objects from infected persons. Humans can also be exposed to the virus, for example, by butchering infected animals.
While the exact reservoir of Ebola viruses is still unknown, researchers believe the most likely natural hosts are fruit bats.

Symptoms of Ebola typically include: weakness, fever, aches, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain. Additional experiences include rash, red eyes, chest pain, throat soreness, difficulty breathing or swallowing and bleeding (including internal).
Typically, symptoms appear 8-10 days after exposure to the virus, but the incubation period can span two to 21 days.
Unprotected health care workers are susceptible to infection because of their close contact with patients during treatment.

Deadly human Ebola outbreaks have been confirmed in the following countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Gabon, South Sudan, Ivory Coast, Uganda, Republic of the Congo (ROC), Guinea and Liberia.

According to the World Health Organization, "there is no specific treatment or vaccine," and the fatality rate can be up to 90%. Patients are given supportive care, which includes providing fluids and electrolytes and food.

There are five subspecies of the Ebola virus: Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV), Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BDBV), Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV), Taï Forest ebolavirus (TAFV) and Reston ebolavirus (RESTV)

Statistics: The CDC reports that there have been 5,848 cases of Ebola since 1976, resulting in 3,246 deaths. (as of September 25, 2014)

Timeline: *Includes outbreaks resulting in more than 100 deaths or special cases.

1976 – First recognition of the EBOV disease is in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo). The outbreak has 318 reported human cases, leading to 280 deaths. An SUDV outbreak also occurs in Sudan (now South Sudan), which incurs 284 cases and 151 deaths.

1989 – In Reston, Virginia, macaque monkeys imported from the Philippines are found to be infected with the Ebola virus (later named the Ebola-Reston virus).

1990 – In Texas and Virginia quarantine facilities, four humans develop Ebola antibodies after contact with monkeys imported from the Philippines. None of the humans has symptoms.

1995 – An outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) leads to 315 reported cases and at least 250 deaths.

2000-2001 – A Ugandan outbreak (SUDV) results in 425 human cases and 224 deaths.

2001-2002 – An EBOV outbreak occurs on the border of Gabon and Republic of the Congo (ROC), which results in 53 deaths on the Gabon side and at least 43 deaths on the Republic of the Congo side.

December 2002 - April 2003 – An EBOV outbreak in Republic of the Congo results in 143 reported cases and 128 deaths.

2007 – An EBOV outbreak occurs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 187 of the 264 cases reported result in death. In late 2007, an outbreak in Uganda leads to 37 deaths. 149 cases were reported.

November 2008 – The Ebola-Reston virus (RESTV) is detected in five humans in the Philippines. They are workers on a pig farm and slaughterhouse and suffer no symptoms. This is the first known occurrence of the Reston virus in pigs.

August 26, 2014 – The Ministry of Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo notifies the World Health Organization of an Ebola outbreak in the country. It is the seventh outbreak in the country since 1976, when the virus was first identified near the Ebola river. The outbreak is not related to the ongoing outbreak in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. As of September 21, 68 cases and 41 deaths have been reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

2014 West Africa Outbreak: Confirmed or suspected cases of Ebola as of September 21, 2014 (World Health Organization):

Guinea – 1022 cases, 635 deaths

Liberia – 3280 cases, 1677 deaths

Nigeria – 20 cases, 8 deaths

Senegal – 1 case, 0 deaths

Sierra Leone – 1940 cases, 597 deaths

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Is The Choiseul Development Foundation In Hibernation?

Biens Charlemagne
I was very taken aback and surprised, when I read this post on Facebook. Actually it was posted in the group What's Going On In Choiseul?
It was posted by  Biens Charlemagne, who coincidentally happens to be the chairman of the SLP Choiseul Constituency Branch. He wrote:
"My Thoughts
Is there a real Development Foundation in Choiseul?
What is the mandate of this group, who constitutes this group?
Blochay.... What really is that?
Why was there no other activities other than a failed Jourvert with youth parading in the skimpiest outfits.
why not a craft festival instead of jouvert jam
Why not a parade of of costume bands?
why not use resources in choiseul rather than giving Jerrrico thousands of dollors that will never be spent in choiseul?
Why Why Why."

For starters, it mystifies me as to why it took Biens two years to ask these questions? what is he contemplating?

Augustin aka Bolo Charles openned the comments innings of  biens' post:
  •  This is perhaps how we define our Choiseul! It is apparent that the Foundation is immersed in its own "mission-critical" challenges which has in turn aptly defined them. What is the way going forward? I wish I knew!'
It would be quite interesting if Bolo could have expanded on "immersed in its own"mission-critical" challenges which in turn aptly define them' That would be something.I am sure we have not heard the last of him on this issue, though i have this gut feeling that he would rather stay quiet on this.........he does not want to rock the boat.

John Satney  president  of CDF
  The idea of a Choiseul Development Foundation/ Committee must have come about by the Social Transformation Officer. I remember vividly his enthusiasm about the whole project. How the group was formed remains a mystery to many Choiseulians. It is no secret that some of the members on the Foundation/Committee were persons with strong political inclinations...prove me wrong if you can. John Satney, Goddard Darchiville two members who actually lived in Castries, held top positions on the Foundation.

Jimmy Haynes, in his turn at the wicket to answer Mr Charlemagne's question, "Is there a real Foundation in Choiseul?' puts it like this:
  • Unfortunately, the Choiseul Foundation is a Boy &Girls Club which despite its huge appetite for public assistance preferably financial and goodwill is accountable to only itself. Some Foundation.
So the Boys' and Girls' Club have vanished into thin air?Have they left any financial audit reports or any minutes?

     Immediately after general elections 2011, there was that zeal, that euphoria about good things ah gwan, and there was this bubbling of energy after a victory. Then came along a brain child of the Foundation, "BLOTJE EN CHWASEZ"This sub group got down to the nitty gritty of it and by August had plans well on the way for a FIRST activity in the district. Their Facebook page posted this itenary in September 2012

Blotje Carnival Queen Contestants (2013)
Another scene with the Contestants
    Choiseul Cultural Festival
Sunday 16th September-Mini Launch
Sunday 23rd September- Sports
Saturday 29th September- Music Festival
Sunday 30th September- Craft & Agicultural Festival & Country & Western
Monday 1st October- J'Overt, Craft & Agricultural Festival & Parade of Bands

Rufus Bousquet
    The festival went on into 2013. Rumours were circulation that the finances are not forthcoming and that the carnival queen pageant may not come off. Whether or not it came off is not the concern here. .One will recall on more that on occasion before 2012, Many will remember how Bousquet used his influence to source funding ($10,000.00) for the carnival pageant...during the period which was managed by a Carnival Development Committee,which was headed by Feria Modeste.

Below is another Facebook post by the Blotje group
September 2013
Eve Aimable, worked with Blotje
  Look out for Choiseul Cultural Festival 2013 dubbed 'Blotje' This will include a complete package this year...and yes..the famous Queen Pageant is back after a short absence..from September 28 to October 7..will include an Anse Citorn Fish Lime each Friday from September 13 in Choiseul Village...(more details later)
This CDF was so hyped-up and enthusiastic that John Satney president, also spoke to the Star about this new initiative.  “We decided that we wanted to have not just another carnival but something different. We wanted this to be a part of the tourism product to show diversity in the arts and culture under a different name,” Satney says. “The idea is that hopefully  this will not just impact Saint Lucia but the diaspora as well,” he added.

    Now in 2014, the Blotje En Chawzey group and the CDF are scattered, disenfranchised and lack the motivation to move on. Was it the Rep's attitude toward the constituency that caused this year's activities to be so low-keyed?Is something brewing that Choiseulians need to know about? Don't the CDF still want according to Satney, ..."be a part of the tourism product...?"

      There are no Fb post from the Blotje group for 2014? What does this tell you?

What interests me, and hopefully other Choiseulians, is why out of the blue  Biens is concerned about the ineptitude,of the CDF and asks these questions? Is he looking forward to taking it over? One will recall the masquerade he and some of his friends created in an attempt to overthrow the Executive of the Delcer Farmer's Association. What became of this escapade?
    Beins will do well to let sleeping dogs lie. Goddard and Satney rate themselves as big fishes in Choiseul politics...remember the former's contribution of a bus to Club 60? Also one must not forget the deal he also made with the Choiseul Constituency Council for over $200,000.00 for that piece of shit that lies on the Fisheries Complex compounds. You scratch my back, I scratch yours style of politics that still goes on in Choiseul.
The Parliamentary Rep
 Will Beins champion the cause and ask for fresh elections? Does this CDF have a constitution?  When last did they have a meeting? Who are the person's that put this year's activities together?Where did the money to pay Jericho come from? These questions  which he asked may have merit but they have no legs...not with the let downs and broken promises,as well as the poor representation by our Rep.  Who will anyone put their neck on the block to find ou?. It would serve Biens well, with  all the disgruntlement about his Rep now going on, to put his energies into his Constituency group and try to see if he can pull off the Parliamentary seat for his Party, come next year or early 2016.
   My take, the relevant authorities should set up a one-man committee to investigate this CDF/BLOTJE and come up with a forensic audit report and recommendations, and take it from there. Get Choiseulians who live in Choiseul to man the foundation. I recommend  Mr Augustin Charles as my first choice to carry out this investigation.

Choiseulians, wake up and smell the coffee.

Editor's note: The statements by the individuals in this post are unedited.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Caribbean Youth Day 2014

The theme for this Year's Youth Day is -: Embracing technology to promote innovative and sustainably conscious Caribbean Youth
Myra Delice from St Lucia gives this explanation:
Technology, particularly information technology,
plays a vital role in current youth developmental
initiatives in metropolitan countries. Therefore, it is
no surprise that future trends will follow suit
parallel with the lightening speed of global
technological advancements. In light of this trend, I believe that the Caribbean should take more
aggressive steps towards equipping its youth with
the knowledge, technical know-how and hands-
on application of such global advancements.
Developing sustainable economies (which are by
products of human resource practices) is one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)- a clear
indication of its importance
not only in the More Developed Countries, but also
to the Lesser Developed Caribbean countries. An academically capable youth will never loose
flavour in its contribution to youth development,
but it will not suffice on its own. By further
broadening the minds of Caribbean youth through
technological trending, they become more curious
about their environment. Curiosity propels critical thinking, which will further breed innovation. In a
nutshell, an academic and technologically apt
Caribbean youth pave the way for creating
and maintaining sustainable Caribbean economies.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Uwp Choiseul Branch Exec Still In Rufus's Back Pocket?

Rufus Bousquet
  Put it how you want, Rufus's influence still manifest's itself on the members of the Uwp Constituency Branch Executive and by extension the constituency. If you disagree, then you must admit that the Welfare Officer on the executive can surely sway the other members to carry out Rufus' agenda. Live with it!
   At the  Party's Conference of Delegates meeting that was held yesterday at Mon Repos, though a nomination was not going to come from the Choiseul Branch, I was expecting a well-known Choiseulian within the political circles to  be nominated for the post of Deputy Chairman. It was hoped that the nomination might have come from a Castries based branch....I  stand corrected That did not happen. Whether this individual had a change of heart or chickened out, is for another show.
   Did it surprise you that Choiseul executive, through Peter 'Reds" Philip,showed their displeasure with Allen's leadership by nominating Claudius Preville to via for the post of Political Leader come November 2014, at the Party's Annual Convention. It must be noted here, that Claudius himself must be disappointed with Allen's style
Dr Claudius Preville
of leadership to accept the nomination. If he was in sync with Allen's leadership he would not have accepted the nomination.Truth be told.
Allen Chastanet
    He Claudius, mentioned  a couple weeks ago that he was asked by some persons to throw his hat in the ring. Question.  Who were these persons? Was it a King-Frederick faction? Was Rufus at that meeting?Why was the task of nomination left to the Choiseul Branch? Did Rufus rally to get the Choiseul Branch to go for Dr Preville? These are some of the questions bugging the minds of Chastanet's team. Choiseul on The Move, have on more that one occasion call into question the loyalty of the Choiseul Executive to Allen Chastanet. Instead of heeding to the complains one, "Just Come" Catherine, a know-it-all stupidity, and other nut cases think this is not so. Well here it is.Sleep on it.
   Talking about dead horses and commitment; those from outside Choiseul that thought they were running things got the shock of their lives.
   The UWP hierarchy would have liked to go into this upcoming convention with Chastanet running unopposed. This is a blow to them. It clearly shows that there is discontent with Chastanet as political leader.ely
  With the nomination coming from Choiseul one can  safely assume that all will be done in the power of the executive, not to forget Rufus, to sway all delegates in the constituency to vote for Dr Preville. The campaign war has just begun. Can Dr Preville match up to Chastanet's strategies? King, Rufus and Frederick could not, leading to the last Convention, Who says Dr Preville can?


Monday, September 15, 2014

Dedan - Kon Sar mwen wer ee

Never in the history of Choiseul politics, as far as I know, have I seen a period leading to General Elections where the constituents are so undecided. People are fed up with Lorne's representation and they are not seeing an alternative to ease their pain.
The talks coming from the watering holes....mind you, I don't frequent them anymore....especially from the rep's supporters is not what I'm sure he would like to hear. This reminds me of the similar sentiments being portrayed by Fergy's supporters when they were fed up with him. Beware Lorny Boy! Your days MAYBE numbered.
Regarless, what Flashing Mirrors and Kalson, said at the SLP convention at La Fargue sometime aback, Lorne can manage time to be with his constituents , and especially with Bolo who used all his expertise to get him into Office...porjab Bolo.... This to my mind is unforgivable. Lorne's absentism can be paralled to an absentee owner back in the days of slavery...he runs Choiseul in absentia....aa, my word wee, mwen par melee uhn.
Today marks exactly 1,021 days since our Rep won his seat, and would you believe there are communities that have not seen him for that same amount of time? It is so remarkable what power given by the people can do to a person.
What amazes me even further, is the largese with which the rep operates. Always grand standing in parliament about what he has done in Choiseul...never done before and all this nonsense while persons catching their royals in the constituency. Choiseul has yet to see a tourism based initiative from him...the Tourism Minister and u want to tell Choiseulians Lorne cares? Give me a break!
So, as far as many Choiseulians are concerned, no way for Lorne....sar yo dee?
Now, what has been happening to the other side. The supporters of the UWP have placed themselves into King's camp...AA, King is definitely not a leader, because he following Frederick....so its Frederick's camp or Chastanet's camp. Now that does not spell good for Flambeau. But this post wants to remain focus on Choiseul.
What has the UWP Branch been doing to show Choiseulians a better alternative to Lorne is them? All we see is a bunch of Guys with no direction, well talking about last year. A bunch of guys to my mind who were still under the hypnotic spell of Bruce. It appears that the spell may have been knocked off now.
Have the Branch gotten its act together to get the divisional groups going? Why are they ostracizing Jimmy Haynes who can be of great help in the Lapoint/Delcer area? Why is your humble servant also being kept in the dark, when they know very well that the I5 seat was brought home through the effective management of his forces? Why, are they not conscious of the problem which continues to plague Saltibus rendering it not fully supportive of the Party? Why have there not been a shadow candidate with elections next year?
So it begs the question. Are Choiseul UWP's ready to throw out Lorne? And with whom? Hmmm! Mee question uhn? Waypon sar.
According to my investigations a number of persons are looking at the seat, but the present scenario playing out in the Pary keeps them at bay.
This fracas in the Party, it is my strongest view will heal itself. Time here is the crucial factor. With 21 seats up for grabs, I think Kenny has just openned up his Party for a possible defeat come next GE.
Dedan C G Jn Baptiste

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

The PM Responds To Bolo's FB Post.

Dr. Kenny D Anthony
Augustin "Bolo" Charles
In a recent, very recent Facebook post Augustin Charles aka 'Bolo' followed a preamble on the FireMen's Strike with these two questions. (1) What is the rationale for a critical agency like the Fire Service not being categorised as an essential service? And why is there no clear legislative provision in that regard? Is this tantamount to legislative oversight or legislative negligence?
(2) Should the Attorney General (in her legal research) deem the Fire Service to be an essential service and a court were to rule accordingly, then what are the potential legislative ramifications? Will there be potential retroactive penalties for the striking firemen?
The PM, Dr. Kenny D. Anthony, took time off his busy schedule to respond. This is his brief take on the questions.
"May I join and offer some comments? I believe that the explanation to your first question is historical. Prior to our independence the Fire Service was part of the Police Service. Since Police Officers were prohibited from striking the question did not arise.
The Essential Services Act was introduced in very special circumstances which, at the time, may not have applied to the Fire Service, at least so it may have been thought. Neither the Attorney General nor the Court can deem the Fire Service an essential service, only Parliament can do so by amending the Essential Services Act"
Many persons including Diana Theodore, a contributor to Bolo's post were of the notion that the Fire Service is an Essential Service. Diana Theodore
wrote, "What ? When I first heard the fire Service were talking about going on
strike my initial reaction was, 'but they can't , they are an essential
service , don't they know that'. and unlike bigger countries they are the ambulance service as well . Also unlike bigger countries there is no army
to step in and you are telling me they are not categorised as an essential service ?
I have been occupied elsewhere the past few days and have not been able to follow the news......."
Like Bolo, she wishes that Claudius Francis would throw some more light on this issue. Claudius hosts a program "Straight up" on Helen Fm every Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 am.

Dedan C G Jn Baptiste

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Have Choiseul/Saltibus Seen The Last Of Bousquet?



The present saga being played out between the Frederick-King faction and Chastanet faction may have its roots deeper than meets the naked eye. The former faction is on an all-out campaign, so they, to destroy Chastanet, are so blinded by their rage, don't even realize the damage they are creating for their own-selves..    So where and when did this all start? There is a school of thought which purports that Frederick never fitted the profile of UWP's, and was only allowed to join for mere convenience.  An opinion expressed in the  Voice  newspaper read," King’s problems in the UWP started when he re-admitted Rufus Bousquet into the Cabinet after he had been disciplined by Sir John Compton over the China-Taiwan recognition issue. Frederick was never a fan of Flambeaus, because he did not fit their profile. They went along with him because he represented an added “arrow” or “gun” in the party’s arsenal to go up against the Labour Party in 2006......."
        Peter Josie wrote,......."those who keep a close watch on politics can say with some conviction that after Sir John Compton led the UWP to victory in 2006, the same persons who were prepared to hold on to his coat tail for survival had suddenly got swell headed. Like Icarus they had ignored the warnings of the father of the UWP and had flown too high and were in danger of losing their wings. Soon their disrespect and insults resulted in a number of health issues for the aging father of the nation. Many, including this writer, believe that the unwarranted pressure and insults were responsible for Sir John’s early demise. He was a strong and fit individual but, 82 is eighty-two. Had he received the support and co-operation of his elected MP’s after the December 2006 elections, he may still be with us today."
    Rufus was expelled from Cabinet by Sir John because he allegedly headed the super 8 which went along with reinstating diplomatic ties with Taiwan. It is well documented the maneuvers Rufus was engaged in to secure a seat  back in Cabinet, this time under King. It is also well known the fracas that dragged on between him and Jimmy Haynes; all Constituency Branch was doing was to make sure that the Constituency was not neglected.. By then Rufus and Frederick had tagged up and it was quite visible that these two men were in charge in spite of King being the PM.This did not go down well with the general population at large    The Opposition party preyed on this with insatiable hunger. But that's for another show.
   " Frederick’s ambition to rise within the UWP was shot down early at a party convention when he failed in his attempt to win a position on the executive. His problems with the under -invoicing business with Customs, his arrest and the very many unfavourable reports about his behaviour that were widely recorded in the media, ending with the revocation of his U.S. visas had further cause to convince Flambeaus that he was not for them and that he was in fact an embarrassment to the party". So says the Voice writer.
  I personally felt King was a weak leader who to my mind was only filling in the position. He was by no small measure disrespected by the leader of the opposition and his team. King was ridiculed for his academic  standing. his family, and the rest. He was never decisive on any thing. It is further believed that his weak leadership skills coupled with Frederick,s visa revocation may have played a crucial role in Uwp losing to Slp in the last general elections. His handling of the Janine issue during his tenure was unspeakable. By this time he had already lost himself in the fantasy of the power that being incharge brings. lettle did he know that his days as well as Frederick's were already short listed.
  " The Flambeau party had had enough. If King would not distance himself from Frederick, the UWPees would ditch them both. This is what has been going on in the UWP since the convention of last year. Allen Chastanet was not yet a player in the party when these two gentlemen began to ruin their own political careers. The UWPees turned to him to rescue their party, a task which was entrusted to King by Sir John himself and he failed to grasp it. On each occasion, Allen Chastanet has been endorsed over King and Frederick by huge margins and any fool would have read the message the rank and file of the party was trying to send by now." Continued the writer.
   But where is Rufus in all this saga? But before we continue it is important to note that Frederick said, neither he nor King will contest next general elections on a Flambeau ticket.Will Lucians see the emergence of a new party? Who will lead this party? For sure it could not be King since in all this saga he is clearly the follower. Will Rufus join?  He clearly still has his sights on Choiseul as many of his followers want him to return. Hmmm? With the purging now going on in Uwp it is almost certain that Rufus cannot run on their ticket. So in Choiseul we may have a repeat of a three-cornered fight. The previous one being Brian - UWP, Gilroy - PLP and  Gregor - SLP.  Uwp won that contest.
 Will Lorne still contest the Choiseul seat? It is alleged that Edgar may be his successor. Uwp are yet to name their candidate and  Rufus for TTSP ( Frederick's Party). Whether the LPM will chance their luck in Choiseul is way off.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Chermalyn 'Red Ox' Albert HYPED

Chamalyn 'Red Ox' Albert
On Wednesday February 12, 2014, the blog carried out a feature on Chamalyn 'Red Ox' Albert at  http://choiseul-inform.blogspot.com/2014/02/shamalyns-high-hopes-for-national.html  It may be interesting to compare Chamalyn then, and now.
We at "Choiseul On The Move  have always seen the multiplicity of talent this young athlete possessed. It is encouraging to see that Kerwin has taken an interest to get into this athelete's head. Well done bro.
 Below is his take on Red Ox which he penned in The St Lucia Star under the heading " Multi Talented Chamalyn"' Below is the article:
"You may have heard the term 'natural athlete' before. For some, it's a person who's fast, strong and well built. For others, it's a person who possesses exceptional physical qualities and is blessed with loads of skill and talent. Meet this week's HYPE feature 20-year-old Chermalyn Albert, who seems to excel at every sport that she attempts and fits the description "natural talent"
A national youth track and field star and footballer, she has also represented her country in netball and basketball at the youth level and also plays volleyball. But let me not give away all the details on this true multi-talented sportswoman from La Fargue, Choiseul.
Chermalyn Albert: A young woman with so much potential and another Olympic hopeful.

How did you get involved in sports?
CA: I believe it's genetic. I come from a sport-oriented family and I was encouraged to take part in sports. Sports has always been a part of my life and I would love to have a career in sports when I'm done with my education and see how far I get with it.

Which sporting discipline did you begin with?
CA: I started with track back in primary school; I was a sprinter competing in the 100, 200 and 400-meter races. Being introduced to field events at secondary school, I did long jump, high jump and javelin, along with the 100 and 200 meters; but that was only because I was allowed to do five events (chuckles).

How many years have you taken part in the Windward Island games and how successful have you been?
CA: I've taken part in the Windward Island games for the past five years and been able to capture the MVP award consecutively in 2013 and 2014. In 2013, I won a gold medal for long jump and the 400m, and silver for javelin, shot put and high jump. This year, gold medal for shot put and silver in the 200m, long jump, high jump, discus and javelin. And while I will be too old to compete in those games next year, I am presently assisting another young female athlete who I believe is capable of achieving that MVP award. I would love for her to do well, win the MVP award and the country would have a hat trick of awards.

What are your preferred track and field events?
CA: I love taking part in the 100m and 400m events and also the 4×100 and the 4x400m relays. I enjoy sprint events but I am competitive in all of the events that I do so I compete in the heptathlon. But, I really love the 100m and long jump.

Which sporting discipline are you mainly focused on at the moment?
CA: My focus is on the heptathlon. I started competing in combined events with the pentathlon but since my second best event (long jump) wasn't part of it, I moved on to the heptathlon.

How difficult is it competing in the heptathlon?
CA: It's very strenuous, but we usually have a 45-minute break between events. The two-day event is usually four events on the first day and three on the second, so it won't be too much of a strain on the athletes.

You are also heavily involved in football.
What fueled your curiosity for that particular sport?
CA: I started playing football at the age of 16 when in 2010, my uncle, who was the assistant coach for the Nemesis team, (which is Marchand for Inter-District Competition), decided to put me on a trial. I trained and played with the team and I made the National Female Under 20 Football team, and I decided to continue football as a primary sport. I am now a member of the Mabouya Valley team.

How successful have you been in football?
CA: As a striker for the Nemesis team, I won three consecutive National Women's League titles from 2011 to 2013, with my best goal tally of nine goals coming in 2012. I received the MVP award from the Football Association (FA) for the National Women Tournament in 2012, and also the Female Footballer of the Year award at the Choiseul Sports Awards in 2012 and 2013. I've been to countries across the Caribbean, Mexico and Brazil in December 2011, where I had a trial with the Brazil U23 Female team.

With your involvement and success in so many different sports, have you had any athletic scholarship offers to a college or university?
CA: Yes I have gotten offers to colleges and universities but I didn't feel like I was ready. I do believe that at my age it is ideal to move on to that level but I didn't feel well prepared to go into it. So I am currently a student at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Southern Division pursuing an Associate's Degree in social work and hopefully when this is over I can pursue physchology at university.

Finally, which persons have been most instrumental through your young and vibrant career so far?
CA: First of all my parents, teammates; coach Denise Herman and members of the Choiseul Athletics Club, my coach Terry Finisterre, and all Saint Lucians who come out to support me at the different meets"

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Deborah Tobierre (Gov Senator)
It passes as a little strange that just after Deborah Tobierre, a government senator, speaks out on threats being made against her life. No sooner the government's press secretary, Jadia Jn Pierre-Emmanuel, is also fearful for her own personal safe...ty.

Despite both government officials have been to some extent more than happy to express themselves freely, it appears others must now be taken to task for doing the same.

   It's all well for Tobierre and Jadia to put out their ads of free speech for people to come and shop their government made for sale items, but when it's UnitedPac ads of free speech which turns out today's sale of the day the competition becomes too fierce and unfair.

UnitedPac statements about Senator Tobierre being endorsed to contest the 2016 elections in Vieux-Fort South at a secret meeting is "absolutely not true", says Senator Tobierre.

But, just when you thought the truth had bolted out from the horse's mouth and not on good grounds when said by UnitedPac. We are again presented with the Tobierre horse making good its ground on being endorsed to run the Vieux-Fort South seat.

Prime Minister of St Lucia
“A lot of the rumours seems to be originating from the Labour camp" admitted Tobierre. Though, in the same breathe she hastens to say "I am deeply honored that Dr. Anthony had such confidence in me (like her endorsement had indeed taken place), but due to my current business responsibilities and the political climate, I may be reluctant to accept such an appointment in the future." Says Tobierre.

Maybe that's just about the truth of a horse flashing its tail and a bit woozy at being confronted by the facts of it all. Mindful, "people know that we (referring to herself and the Prime Minister) have great mutual respect for each other." Tobierre tries frantically to quell the rumours by fanning the flames.

While all this time one thought it was UnitedPac spreading propaganda about Senator Tobierre which has somehow exposed her to "open threats of violence", it was Tobierre herself adding to the "rampant speculation" about Dr. Anthony's confidence in her as a possible hopeful for contesting the Vieux-Fort South seat rather than trying to "publicly discourage the thinking".

Jadia Jn Pierre-Emmanuel ( St Lucia PM's PS)
  With Jadia, it’s somewhat different belonging "to a network and family". The extent of which saw her colleagues in the other islands "worry about her safety and sanity". Jadia seems particularly troubled about the death of the Bahamian press secretary, Latore Mackey. "I have been reflecting and I cannot really express what I feel", she went on to add.

Does Jadia know more about Mackey's death than she is willing to share? In her own words she makes clear that “...I too am wondering about the circumstances and recent experiences.” (About Mackey's death perhaps or before his death?)

What circumstances and experiences is the press secretary to the prime minister of Saint Lucia alluding to? Had the tooth fairy press secretary stumble upon more than what she bargained for as not only did they, as she said, "update each other on what is happening in our respective islands."

The press secretary to prime minister of Saint Lucia went on to say that "We copy each other's styles and programmes." if one failed to get the import of what was being said the press secretary emphatically went on to state, "We are one".

Latore Mackery (Bahama's PM's PS)
Does Jadia know more than her words are willing to tell? Though Mackey’s death was still sketchy the press secretary to the prime minister of Saint Lucia was already raising concerns about her own safety. With such remarks being made about how "she is not afraid to discharge her duties as press secretary" and "will continue to do so fearlessly".

It appears the press secretary to prime minister of Saint Lucia has more information about Mackey's death which causes her to worry about her own Safety? Is there an attempt on the life of press secretary imminent as there has been threats on the Facebook life of Deborah Tobierre? Will Jadia like Tobierre "as a matter of formality, report this matter to the police" (?)

The SNO in its article on August 25th , 2014 by Merrick stated, "JnPierre-Emmanuel’s comments was pointed directly to concerns made by Mackey before his death, as it relates to his safety and not specifically what may have led to his murder, given the fact that there is no evidence that links his murder to the political office he held."

 Yet, Jadia still finds "the need for persons like herself (in political office) to look out for their own safety." She further claims "she was attacked most recently by a female in the parking lot at the office of the Prime Minister.” Was that matter reported to the police? All this time building a correlation for her safety without any evidence. Nevertheless "she is aware that she must be on guard"(?)

With Tobierre already looking at "what legislation exists" to deal with freedom of expression on Facebook as it is a relatively new phenomena. It is clear that she will not be discouraged to serve as she wants to contribute to the development of her country. Now, if what she says is true that "It might be difficult to demand that people be more responsible" then the best way to go about it might just be to legislate people’s behaviour.

 This is the mindset which Tobierre wants largely to determine our future. Remember 361? Tobierre is of the view that the “sense of entitlement and dependency that has long been prevalent” in our society must now shift from being free (like freedom of speech and assembly are engendered) to being state sponsored or regulated. All in an attempt to safeguard the “political appointment” of the governing Labour elite from criticism.

Prime Minister of Bahamas
Building her case against UnitedPac however Senator Tobierre (unlike Allen Chastanet who was said to be requesting the Micoud-South seat by Claudius Francis on Straight-Up) would be seeking police intervention, if not, the advice of her lawyer.

But it was not so much a case against what was said as it is one "regarding a violent threat against her in response to the UnitedPac statement". As Tobierre is of the belief the comments made by the man on the Facebook page "Government Employee" was a "direct response to the article distributed by UnitedPac."

The SLP can say whatever they want about Allen Chastanet but it isn't fair to say anything against Kenny's friends with benefits even at true value or amidst the decay of a sweet tooth fairy of a jaded press secretary.

While appealing that people be "more responsible" and to "raise the level of discourse". Why Senator Tobierre didn’t make such a culturally enlightened remark when such propaganda was leveled at Allen Chastanet and Mary Isaac. Surely, hurricane Allen winds of change is coming. So, they are afraid of free speech.

It is ok for Labour to let loose on Allen Chastanet and Mary Isaac (President of the CSA) and to malign them as having agreed in some secret meeting to bring down the Labour government or such nonsense about issuing Mary Isaac with a diplomatic passport once flambeau won the next elections. With no one willing to sue them for their outrageous remarks there was no letting up in their attacks.

Allen Chastanet
Over the last few weeks the SLP has been unrelenting in its criticism of both Allen Chastanet and Mary Isaac. And, at times demonizing them in an attempt to sway public support against the CSA president and the man who now walks along the yellow brick road. Yet, if you listen to them it is only the UnitedPac which is a "politically motivated group" and not them.

It is just the way they will go about seeking public sympathy for themselves. After all, she was appointed a government Senator with threats now being made against her, such remarks must not go unchecked. And, the other is the prime minister’s press secretary and beyond reproach.

Serving as a watchdog and advocacy body and safeguarding the best interest of the youth and exemplifying the standards of good governance, now, every attempt will be made to quiet UnitedPac. This is the just a glimpse of what is to come with all of Labour’s intended efforts at constitutional reform. See how readily Labour has usurped the governor-general’s signature at signing a contract with Grynberg.

No matter how much they try to divert the public’s attention from the real issues. The Looshan Forum invites its readers to stay on the side of free speech. Be on the lookout for Tobierre’s and/or Jadia’s next move however. For if they feel that their political affiliation cannot protect them from criticism they may just play the woman-gender card.

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it, says Voltaire. The right to freedom of expression belongs to all Looshans no matter how scared at hollow-point Tobierre has without merit become, or how much it has now become a press secretary’s nightmare.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedPAC/photos/a.366160133474992.85438.365971050160567/686560484768287/?type=1

Editor's note: Pics from Blog

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

From Calderon To Lorne - Has Choiseul Been Played? Part 1

     The more things change the more they continue to stay the same - this is the talk on the lips of every Choiseul/Saltibus constituenst these days. With VAT eating away at their little and meagre savings it should not be surprising whatever they do next.
That been said, Choiseulians are the biggest enemies of themselves - chicken and rum and a never-to-accomplish-promise, works wonders on their minds during any 'Silly Season.'
JMD Bousquet
  Calderon came into politics on the basis of family ties and gave JMD Bousquet, 
a people's person, a licking. JMD never recovered from this shock...he soon died. Calderon's days was rough for Choiseulians because the UWP was in power and Calderon was SLP. That did not seem to bother Calderon one bit. He had that proud notion about him and repeatedly kept saying, "I am not going to beg Compton for anything."........check the mentality? He was never present in the constituency............Lorne may have adopted these genes from him............  the only time Choiseulinans would hear him is in the wee hours of New Year's Day...........for five years.......... when he used to wish the constituents a Happy New year over his mobile PA System.
Next elections Brian defeated Gregor Mason and Gilroy Satney in a three-cornered fight, after Calderon stood down, most likely through shame.  Gregor....SLP.......Gilroy......PLP.........Brian UWP. Brian won handsomely, though many critics thought he only pulled through because it was a three-pronged fight. Whatever, Brian won.
 He started his tenure with much enthusiasm and charisma. He quickly got the Leriche to Lapointe road paved and carried out a number of little projects here and there. (He got your humble servant a job at the Ministry of Sports as a Sports Officer, but I turned it down in favour of a teaching job which was already in the pipeline and I was suppose to start the Monday after the day I was offered the job) He traveled back and forth to Castries daily, during which he must have smashed about two or three vehicles.......sleep they say.
The young Rep began losing popularity with the people when he started, so it is rumoured, to spend more time at the deceased Lawrence St Ange's shop.......Lawrence was SLP....... and not enough time with his own. (The same fate that befell Rufus.......history in the making) Regardless of the warnings, Brian stood his ground. Cauldron got wind of this, came back next election and whooped Brian's but........Cauldron again!......the unpredictable people changing gears.
Cauldron won........UWP in power.......same old bag for Cauldron.......same old representation for the Choiseul people.........enter Rufus. How he got to Choiseul, I don't know......but he came on the scene feeling the people's pulse. People got to know that he is JMD Bousquet's son, and like wild fire his name and intentions spread across the constituency.
Henry Giraudy
   A year or two later,at a meeting with Giraudy and some party officials  upstairs Ms Agie's place Rufus was given the nod over Brian to contest the next election. Brian kicked hell, and his grudge against Rufus was evident in his refusal to support him (Rufus) throughout the campaign against Cauldron.
Rufus bousquet
    This was the father of elections, since the SLP supporters had it that Cauldron, nicknamed 'PIE' had never lost to anyone and dat he was going to give the young, handsome and eloquent Rufus a whooping. They were so wrong.......on this 1992 election night almost every constituent had bonfires with straw burning.....an indication that they are burn PIE...Cauldron's nickname and also the patois name for straw.............the phrase......'nous bweelay pie'.
    Rufus was voted out in 1997....not that he did not perform....but rather there was an island-wide move against the UWP government. They only won the Micoud North seat...Enter Ferguson John.
Kenny Anthony
 There was a major shake-up in the SLP with Kenny at the helm. Fergy, prior to 1997 had been called down from England...it is rumored that Imogene Mitchel, Compton Francois and company played a bid roll in convincing Fergy to come down to do battle against Rufus.
Critics of Fergy thought that Fergy did not win Rufus but rather Kenny. However Fergy still gave Rufus another licking in the 2001 elections. Fergy because of his mannerisms was
Ferguson John
 losing popularity among his very own supporters. He was never given a ministry and it was being rumored that he is not a fav of Kenny........school days issues they say. One strong supporter from Cafierre said, ' If Fergy were to be drowning and a collection was needed to save him, and if that collection needed one more cent to make the total to save Fergy, and I have  it, you can bet your money Fergy would drown..' This goes to show how much  Fergy was unpopular.
Tennyson Joseph
  Kenny was taking no chances and replaced Fergy with Tennyson Joseph...a university graduate and lecturer. Fergy was kicked out through a run-off process. I stand corrected.
Well this hatred of Fergy must have spilled over to Tennyson  since it was clearly shown in 2006 when   Rufus beat him. This election was no joke, as tempers flew on both sides,.....enemies were created,qualifications were challenged, so too was personality, character and snippets of personal lives were on the front burner.....WOW.....after all was said and done, the people spoke. Rufus after ten years in the political wilderness was back in.
  Rufus' whole life in politics has been marred with controversy after controversy, and it appears to me that he never learns anything. Sometimes I wonder whether the man is daft or simply stupid......far from both.
Comton Giraudy Mallet
  Even before Rufus got in elective politics there was UN scandal looming over his head. During his first tenure Compton put a gag order on him which he refused to keep...subsequently he was fired and again during his last tenure.
Leaving all this history behind, Rufus proved to be a man for the poor working class. During his last tenure the Taiwanese funds in no small measure found itself into the pockets of Choiseulians......though his critics thought otherwise. A strong supporter of Lorne mentioned to me, 'Rufus is a good person, however it is the people that surrounded him that threw him away.' - strong words.
 Rufus was criticized for building footpaths, drains, walls and all this was coined as 'Ti Canal projects.' However these projects were well received by the people.....Rufus' mark can be seen in each and every community...his true legacy.
 During his last tenure, Rufus saw the arrival of Lorne to challenge him for the seat come next elections. Though Rufus was handing out projects left right and centre, many of his top men were, according to UWP supporters, giving the SLP supporters more work than them. This created much animosity.
Lorne Theophilus
The election campaign of 2006 saw a very sick Rufus being managed by a bunch of incompetent men and women, whose only aim was their self-fulfilment. Rufus's campaign was a mockery of what a campaign should be.....nuff halay karsay. The inclusion of Peter Reds Phillip on the campaign team was not well received by many strong supporters of the party.

Lorne gave Rufus a whooping by over 100 votes.

To be continued...............