
Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Apology - There's No Spining It!

By Melanius Alphonse
In retrospect, Timothy Poleon's apology as written and delivered, probably at the directive of the legal luminaries familiar with the pending action, makes it clear for all to see the trivial-mindedness, and the state of affairs in Saint Lucia under the St Lucia Labour Party.
On the heels of the Labour Party's newly found adoration of President Nicolás Maduro's government in Venezuela, and on the second anniversary of the SLP narrow return to power (November 28), the Labour government may have just celebrated their foremost achievement in office -- an apology. Melanius Alphonse is a management and development consultant.
As hard as one may try to separate the party and the government, in this regard, the outcome is to accomplish a common purpose.
A common purpose that should not be taken lightly, particularly as it serves to have a chilling effect on the freedom of speech and press freedom in Saint Lucia. Given the nature of the SLP regime, this action is reminiscent of what socialist countries and dictators thrive on -- intimidating their people, and controlling their local domain.
But if there was any doubt why the backdoor formation of the National Broadcasting Network (NBN) by the government of Saint Lucia, then there must be even more vigilance and a rapid response to debunk fallacies.
What these occurrences revealed is a scheme to suppress information dissemination. Which recalls to memory: "Whoever controls the media, controls the mind." -- Jim Morrison (The Doors) Timothy's apology, if intended to bring one to their knees and to make columnists, reporters and journalists afraid of touching critical issues pertaining to the government of Saint Lucia, may have produced the opposite result in the regional and international press.
Prior attempts to oppress and intimidate the local media with the introduction of article 361 amendment did not work. As such, no amount of calculated attempts to instill fear in opponents with the intent to silence voices and derail strongholds of freedom, or to disregard the rights of freedom of expression guaranteed under the constitution of Saint Lucia, or even to show signs of manipulating the democratic process should be tolerated by any government or group of persons. This leads me to understand Rick Wayne's frustration with the Saint Lucia Media Association's "need to step up and take their responsibility to citizens more seriously." He describes the Saint Lucian media as silent and incompetent, advocating that they learn their profession and their rights. If anything, the current (apology) stunt should become St Peter's stone and help to urgently hasten the demise of this socialist SLP regime and their puppeteers.
At the same time, this epic catastrophe must not permeate right thinking Saint Lucians, and should rather wake them up from their blindfolds and guard against the detrimental elements of socialism and political dogma, that has no place in western democracies.
It is the role of citizens to ask questions, especially in the face of allegations and apologies that try to mislead and have international organizations asking what is going on in Saint Lucia. The country is becoming a different place, more in decline and complicating matters.
One indication is an unashamed and two-faced SLP regime that seems comfortable parading a make- believe agenda, bloated with smiling faces that lack major skills and international clout; including economic and capital development capabilities. As such they rely on hand-to-mouth economics and heavy borrowing that has to date placed Saint Lucia's debt service ratio in the vicinity of 80%, to keep Labour Party hacks and the socialist mafia wealthy. This influence, in combination with a fearful symmetry, is inclining the country to a welfare-state to tolerate a dependency regime that is dodging social and economic collapse.
It would be highly fortunate for a turn of events and major changes to take place. But evidently, one knows a perfect storm is up ahead when a minister of government can acclaim that EC$5, in Saint Lucia, can adequately feed a hungry belly, and "block-a- hole."
Where's the apology from the wordsmiths of a SLP bureaucratic regime? "A regime that is sensitive to 'distorted' messaging, and prides itself with credibility."
And, as for the Apology - there's no spinning it! It's an irreconcilable SLP bureaucratic regime. A regime with a legacy of low standards, poor decision-makers and pipe-dreamers! An unapologetic legacy that stifles nonconformists, except to service Labour elites at their fancy and to reward the socialist mafia!
Labour's apology web is troublesome for a country that needs peace, order and good governance. Not a despondent regime!

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