
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chastanet All Set To Go?

Political leader

2nd deputy political leader
1st deputy political leader

2nd deputy chairman
1st deputy chair

Party Chairman
 AllenChastaneforpolitical leader states:
"We believe that in assembling a team of individuals to collectively begin the reorganization of the UWP, generate a plan of action to move St. Lucia forward, provide meaningful representation to the supporters of the UWP on current policy issues is a small step in the right direction.

  We ask you to support our team to provide strong leadership to begin the removal of the people from the void economic practices of the SLP."

 Allen proposes this team:
Allen Chastanet - Political Leader
 Dr. Gale T. C. Rigobert - 1st Deputy Political Leader (unchallenged)
 Lennard "Spider" Montoute - 2nd Deputy Political Leader(unchallenged)
 Ezekiel Joseph - Party Chairman
 Mary Polius - 1st Deputy Chair
 Andy Daniel - 2nd Deputy Chairman
 Leone Theodore - John - Elections Officer
 Inista St. Marthe - Welfare Officer
 Mr. Fulgence -Treasurer"

Pics for the other nominees on the team were not available
   In-boxed a number of King's supporters to get his team. No one cared to reply.

Editor's note: Both Rigobert and Montoute have secured their positions unchallenged.

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