
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Is Roblot and environs doomed?

Sometimes I sit and wonder, whether there are persons out there who are seriously concerned about the welfare of the residents of Roblot and environs. If there are they surely have a unique way of showing it.
Many persons will remember the days when Lamaze and Roblot have very good cricket teams. Debreuil was tops in football. The clubs in Lamaze, Roblot and Debreuil had committed individuals who saw about the development of youth and extension the community. Where has all this gone today?
There appears to be shift in focus of today's youth. The use of drugs is on the incline in all there communities and this is reason for concern. Persons who you least expect to be users, are themselves sitting with the young delicate minds, just blowing them away. What a life!
Presently, nothing for the young people is happening at any of the communities, though Lamaze has some programs bent of development of skills for the youth. Roblot's RDC has not been functional since May 6, last year, and Debreuil stays afloat with their seasonal participation in the local footbal competition. That's definitely not enough.
It is to be understood that the Community Development Officer (CDO) appointed by the Ministry of Ssocial Transformation, should take the lead in helping these communities achieve their dream. (If they have one) this blog has not seen the CDO in these parts for a little over two years. Therefore where is the assistance which he (CDO) is trained to provide?
Then there comes the Constituency Council who is responsible for the upliftment of standards, be it in physical or human. One can appreciate that Roblot has a representative on that Council, but the question which goes a begging, is, what effort is he putting to see an improvement in lives throughout these three communities?
These communities will recall that the Council met the residents early in 2012, and nothing fruitful has come out of this.
I would not be doing justice to the cause if our Rep was not mentioned here. Clearly one will have to admit that little if any attention has been given by the Rep to these three communities. The Roblot Resoure Centre is in a deplorable state. The multi-purpose court ineeds urgent attention and our young minds are without the access of the services of a library.
Suffice it to say, nothing specific for Roblot, Lamaze or Debreuil was mentioned in this year's estimates. So another year of nothing happening in these communities. However, the Rep has confessed that he will make himself more visible this financial year so it is hope that even at a townhall meeting the needs of the communities can be brought to his attention.
In closing, the poor state of affairs with regards to youth development must squarely place on the shoulders of those non committed persons who have allowed things to deteorate to this level. Surely our young persons have paid the price.
Dedan Christiani Griffith Jn Baptiste

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