
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Civil Servants vs. Teargas

The Civil Servants strike action moves into its second week come Monday and there seems to be no letting up. A recent unauthorised letter was penned to the PS of the Public service by the secretary of the CSA asking for the negotiations to reopen. Whereas the PS seems in favour of getting the GNT and the CSA back to the negotiating table, he stresses that negotiations cannot take place under duress. What is he implying? Simply, the CS must return to work first, then talks can proceed. Fair enough? But the CSA will continue their strike action and may even take it up to another notch come Monday.
The Government, it is allegged is gearing up for any escalation come next week. It is allegged that a shipment of teargas assigned to the government landed at Hewannora earlier this week.
Is it coincidental that the shipment of TEARGAS coincides with the CSA's Strike action? Is it that the Minister for Homeland security sees a potential problem on the horizon? Or, is it a matter of just boosting up the police's arsensal?
One will have to agree that the strike action seems to be taking its bite on the country, in spite of the Cabinet Secretary suggesting otherwise.
Civil Servants are asking for a 9.5 % pay hike or 6 % with conditions. Other members of the TUF have agreed to the 4 % which the government say it can offer and will go no higher.
It is also being alleged that the leadership of some of the Trade Unions sold out for certain perks - Martin of the Police force from constable to Sargeant, Monrose from principal of RC Boys to Vice principal of Sir Arthur Lewis community college, just to mention a few.
The PM holds the key and he doesn't seem to care two hoots. He says Government cannot pay higher than what it has offered, the civil servants says he can pay higher. Both sides have put forward their case. Whom should we believe? I'm more lost than you are?
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

1 comment:

Paulo Gonçalves said...

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Greetings from Algarve, Portugal
Paulo Gonçalves

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