
Thursday, December 06, 2012


"Choiseul On The Move" wants to apologize to its readers for a lapse in articles recently. The author has been ties up in other demanding activities which has curtailed his writng ime considerably.
Albeit an article entitled " From Better Days To Everything Will Be Alright" will be published early next week.
The author takes a critical view of Lorne's first year representation to the Choiseul people vis-a-vis his contribution to the debate on the Estimates of Expenditure.
While you await this article, are you not sensing that things are getting worse in this country: crime is on the increase, the poor and indigent are crying foul, the union officials seem bent on taking its membership for a ride and meaningful employment by this administration ceases to exist.
We still see political favourtism being displayed at the highest level in the district, while a job recycling process keeps revolving constantly with no clear end in sight.
The political labour hacks have their foot in the throat of the Uwp supporters while a puppet Uwp constituency branch sit on their royals expecting a miracle to happen. Maybe one should not blame them - novices.
Let me not delve any further least I disclose too much too soon.
One thing is for real though, Choiseul/Saltibus en seeing any Better Days just yet. We all in for the long haul.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

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