
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mem Bet Mem Pwell

As I sit with my BB and start to write this post my father -in-law has just put on his sound system and the sound Snowflakes by Jim Reeves echoes throughout the community. More than one person have asked , why am I not running my system for the sesson? Apparently they miss the pounding of the bass that somehow brought a feeling of the season for the community over the years. No specific reason for not charging up my system. Simply this Xmas did not really appeal to me. Guess you may want to think poliitics? Nah, no way.
Pre-Christmas activities in. Roblot have traditionally remained the same - nimals being slaughtered at homes, farmers bringing an extra load of mixed ground provisions and vegetables, Courts delivering one, two appliances, bamboo bursting , the transits being filled with residents going to VF to do a little shopping and finally the late night drinkere shouting their hearts out on their way home.
Quite visibly on christmas day was the absence of the usual Roblot crew that comes down from Castries every year. The house to house routine was absent. What seemed to have happened is that individual homes had small sessions privately where one two strangers popped in for a bite or drink. The uch xpected drum and bottle beating and marching on the road by the youngsters of the area was not that impressive like last year. (Maybe due to the rain)
For sure Christmas not not impressive in the community this year like previous years. The party goers have gotten one year older, the Vat may have taken its toll, employment is actually a no in this community, though the government did circulate a little something amongst its own people, and there seems to be a general feelings that Christmas is just another day. ( Have not seen one Christmas light outside a home)
With the. "Better Days" slogan, now two Christmases old, one would have expected a livelier season. The job creation propaganda, the 100 million dollar injection bluff and the betterment of life for the rural people is still an elusve dream.
With the election of lorne over Rufus Choiseulians were looking forward to a change in affairs. This is still far-fetched and seemms destined for a "espoire mal papai."
The same bluff Rufus employed during his tenure seems to have taken root in lorne's modus operandi. What will be interesting to note is certain communites have not seen the Rep for over a year now. Will he do like Calderon and pass during the night blasting over his P] systen, " bon "laney."
Which. Ever way you cut it all. Dem ploiticians are the same. Mem bet mem pwell.
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Monday, December 24, 2012

Is an American Disaster inevitable?

What is the Fiscal Cliff?
By Thomas Kenny

The Fiscal Cliff Explained

"Fiscal cliff" is the popular shorthand term used to describe the conundrum that the U.S. government will face at the end of 2012, when the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 are scheduled to go into effect.

Among the laws set to change at midnight on December 31, 2012, are the end of last year's temporary payroll tax cuts (resulting in a 2% tax increase for workers), the end of certain tax breaks for businesses, shifts in the alternative minimum tax that would take a larger bite, the end of the tax cuts from 2001-2003, and the beginning of taxes related to President Obama's health care law. At the same time, the spending cuts agreed upon as part of the debt ceiling deal of 2011 will begin to go into effect. According to Barron's, over 1,000 government programs - including the defense budget and Medicare are in line for "deep, automatic cuts."

In dealing with the fiscal cliff, U.S. lawmakers have a choice among three options, none of which are particularly attractive:

They can let the current policy scheduled for the beginning of 2013 - which features a number of tax increases and spending cuts that are expected to weigh heavily on growth and possibly drive the economy back into a recession - go into effect. The plus side: the deficit, as a percentage of GDP, would be cut in half.

They can cancel some or all of the scheduled tax increases and spending cuts, which would add to the deficit and increase the odds that the United States could face a crisis similar to that which is occurring in Europe. The flip side of this, of course, is that the United States' debt will continue to grow.

They could take a middle course, opting for an approach that would address the budget issues to a limited extent, but that would have a more modest impact on growth.

Can a Compromise be Reached?

The oncoming fiscal cliff is a concern for investors since the highly partisan nature of the current political environment could make a compromise difficult to reach. This problem isn't new, after all: lawmakers have had over a year to address this issue, but Congress - mired in political gridlock - has largely put off the search for a solution rather than seeking to solve the problem directly. Republicans want to cut spending and avoid raising taxes, while Democrats are looking for a combination of spending cuts and tax increases. Although both parties want to avoid the fiscal cliff, compromise is seen as being difficult to achieve - particularly in an election year. There's a strong possibility that Congress won't act until the eleventh hour. Another potential obstacle is that the next Congress won't be sworn in until January 3, after the deadline.

The most likely outcome is another set of stop-gap measures that would delay a more permanent policy change until 2013 or later. Still, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that if Congress takes the middle ground - extending the Bush-era tax cuts but cancelling the automatic spending cuts - the result, in the short term, would be modest growth but no major economic hit.

Possible Effects of the Fiscal Cliff

If the current laws slated for 2013 go into effect, the impact on the economy would be dramatic. While the combination of higher taxes and spending cuts would reduce the deficit by an estimated $560 billion, the CBO estimates that the policies set to go into effect would cut gross domestic product (GDP) by four percentage points in 2013, sending the economy into a recession (i.e., negative growth). At the same time, it predicts unemployment would rise by almost a full percentage point, with a loss of about two million jobs. A Wall St. Journal article from May 16, 2012 estimates the following impact in dollar terms: "In all, according to an analysis by J.P. Morgan economist Michael Feroli, $280 billion would be pulled out of the economy by the sunsetting of the Bush tax cuts; $125 billion from the expiration of the Obama payroll-tax holiday; $40 billion from the expiration of emergency unemployment benefits; and $98 billion from Budget Control Act spending cuts. In all, the tax increases and spending cuts make up about 3.5% of GDP, with the Bush tax cuts making up about half of that, according to the J.P. Morgan report." Amid an already-fragile recovery and elevated unemployment, the economy is not in a position to avoid this type of shock.

The cost of indecision is likely to have an effect on the economy before 2013 even begins. The CBO anticipates that a lack of resolution will cause households and businesses to begin changing their spending in anticipation of the changes, possible reducing GDP before 2012 is even over.

The Term "Cliff" is Misleading

It's important to keep in mind that while the term "cliff" indicates an immediate disaster at the beginning of 2013, this isn't a binary (two-outcome) event that will end in either a full solution or a total failure on December 31. There are two important reasons why this is the case:

1) If all of the laws went into effect as scheduled and stayed in effect, the result would undoubtedly be a return to recession. However, Congress continues to work toward a deal that will alleviate the effects in some form.

2) Even if the deal does not occur before December 31, Congress can - and almost certainly will - act to change the scheduled laws retroactively to January 1 after the deadline.

At the same time, even a "solution" isn't necessarily positive, since a compromise will likely involve higher taxes or reduced spending in some form - both of which would help reduce the debt, but would be negative for economic growth.

With this as background, it's important to keep in mind that the concept of "going over the cliff" is largely a media creation, since even a failure to reach a deal by December 31 doesn't mean that a recession and financial market crash would necessarily occur.

The Next Crisis

Unfortunately, the fiscal cliff isn't the only problem facing the United States right now. At some point in the first quarter, the country will again hit the "debt ceiling" - the same issue that roiled the markets in the summer of 2011 and prompted the automatic spending cuts that make up a portion of the fiscal cliff.
Source: http://bonds.about.com/od/Issues-in-the-News/a/What-Is-The-Fiscal-Cliff.htm

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

National Cricket Team wins Tournament

The Government of Saint Lucia has congratulated the Saint Lucia Men`s Cricket Team for capturing the Windward Island Cricket Tournament after forty three years.

The triumphant "Team Saint Lucia" returned home on Friday December 7th , 2012 after beating the home team Dominica in a thrilling encounter at the Windsor Park Stadium in Dominica the day before.

Director of Youth Development and Sports Victor Reid says the team`s victory is proof to the entire nation that sports men and women are deserving of more support and encouragement.   "If the other sporting disciplines can take a page from what the Cricket Association has done.   It will auger well for sports development in Saint Lucia.   What this team has done is a great accomplishment because after struggling in the wilderness for forty three years to come through and win is an accomplishment of great magnitude.  You have made it to one of the highest levels of cricket the next level for you is West Indies Cricket".

The Government of Saint Lucia is optimistic that the victory of the team will serve as encouragement to the nation's youth that they too can excel.

Team Saint Lucia Vice Captain Keddy Lesporis says the victory is for the people of Saint Lucia and can hopefully rekindle its interest in sports locally.

 "We accept this accomplishment as a stepping stone to work and to fight harder to bring more of these accomplishments to Saint Lucia.  It has been a good year as we won the World Cup and we are champions of the Windward Island Tournament after such a long time".

When the final run was scored, Team Saint Lucia beat Dominica by two wickets to claim the title of Windward Island 50 Overs Cricket Champions.

The team,  in the coming days is expected to be the guest of Youth Development and Sports Minister Honourable Sean Edward who will pay special tribute to them on behalf of the Government and people of Saint Lucia.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012


CONTACT #758-519-1650/758-584-2977


THE CHOISEUL/SALTIBUS UWP CONSTITUENCY BRANCH is calling on the District Representative, Hon. Lorne Theophilus and the Minister for Fisheries, Hon. Moses Jn. Baptiste to expeditiously address the desilting of the Choiseul Fisheries Complex pond. The situation is now critical and multi-hazardous with many fishermen suffering substantial damage to their fishing vessels. The pond is practically inaccessible; the stagnant water is a prime breeding ground for harmful vectors; and fish, a essential of a healthy diet has been conspicuously absent from a once thriving market.
We are dumbfounded as to why the excavator which was donated to the Choiseul Fishermen Cooperative and Choiseul Village Council by the Japanese Grassroots Fund almost two years ago to assist in the desilting of the pond still remains parked in the parking lot of our District Representative's Choiseul office. Is there any truth to the rumour that the excavator remains dormant as a result of the failure of our Parliamentary Representative and to a lesser degree the Choiseul Village Council to source a meager $8,000.00 to insure it.
Isn't the livelihood of the Choiseul fishermen sufficiently important to demand the consideration and timely action of our Parliamentary Representative to remedy the situation? Was it not candidate Lorne Theophilus who promised the fishermen of Choiseul a sand sucker to alleviate what is a persistent problem of the silting of the pond?
The protest action of the Choiseul fishermen is evidence of Hon. Lorne Theophilus' failure and inability to manage the affairs of the people of Choiseul/Saltibus. It is also a striking indictment on Hon. Lorne Theophilus' capacity to deliver on and his commitment to lead us to the "Better Days" that he promised not so long ago.
Therefore, we strongly recommended that Hon. Lorne Theophilus immediately focuses on the plight of the Choiseul fishermen to bring deserved relief to them. We understand that these are trying economic times, but sourcing $8,000.00 for the survival of our vital Choiseul fishing industry cannot be 'rocket science especially for a man of Hon. Lorne Theophilus reputed acumen.
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Santa Rufus! Time to pay up.

By Jimmy James Haynes

Christmas is fast approaching and by all accounts it appears that this will be one of the shabbiest Christmas's that I have lived through. The draining impact of VAT, the ever increasing cost of living, coupled with climbing unemployment makes simple surviving a mounting challenge.
But this is the season of giving isn't it? Well, isn't it also a great time for those who can afford to, to settle their outstanding debts? This brings me to a matter that has tormented me as a consequence of my silence. Elections was almost thirteen months ago. I recall that approximately one hundred (100) loyal and trusting people from Choiseul/Saltibus served as agents or rendered catering services etc. to the past Paliamentary Representative, Mr. Rufus Bousquet. Today a large majority of these people have not been paid.
I can safely say that none of the agents from the Delcer and the Mongouge Polling Stations have been paid; nor have the caterers received compensation. The caterers actually spent their own monies to provide the service, they even employed help. This is a crying shame. Mr. Bousquet you promised everyone that you would pay them irrespective of the result of the General Election. So Mr. Bousquet, this is the ideal time to pay up. The desperation among the people you owe is palpable. These are hard times and the small amount you owe them could make a huge difference. You can make their Christmas. Yes you can. I know that you can afford it so please, please......please put on your Santa outfit and deliver the money.
Merry Christmas and hope you settle before 2013.
Editor's note: (This blog has been reliably informed that a caterer by the name of Shiela John from La Fargue has not been paid for services she rendered on election day to the UWP team working at the Secondary school. Likewise a shopkeeper at Roblot has been left in the dark.
What is shameless about this scenario is that newcomers like Wacha have settled all his election debts and a veteran like Rufus cannot do the same.)?
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By Jimmy James Haynes

Christmas is fast approaching and by all accounts it appears that this will be one of the shabbiest Christmas's that I have lived through. The draining impact of VAT, the ever increasing cost of living, coupled with climbing unemployment makes simple surviving a mounting challenge.
But this is the season of giving isn't it? Well, isn't it also a great time for those who can afford to, to settle their outstanding debts? This brings me to a matter that has tormented me as a consequence of my silence. Elections was almost thirteen months ago. I recall that approximately one hundred (100) loyal and trusting people from Choiseul/Saltibus served as agents or rendered catering services etc. to the past Paliamentary Representative, Mr. Rufus Bousquet. Today a large majority of these people have not been paid.
I can safely say that none of the agents from the Delcer and the Mongouge Polling Stations have been paid; nor have the caterers received compensation. The caterers actually spent their own monies to provide the service, they even employed help. This is a crying shame. Mr. Bousquet you promised everyone that you would pay them irrespective of the result of the General Election. So Mr. Bousquet, this is the ideal time to pay up. The desperation among the people you owe is palpable. These are hard times and the small amount you owe them could make a huge difference. You can make their Christmas. Yes you can. I know that you can afford it so please, please......please put on your Santa outfit and deliver the money.
Merry Christmas and hope you settle before 2013.?
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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Santa Rufus! Time to pay up. By Jimmy James Haynes

(Rufus on his way to pay up?) Look out tomorrow for this eye opener post. A real shocker. Log in tomorrow at 6:00am
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Have RDC failed the Residents

At a July 17, 2012 meeting aimed at reviving the dormant or rather half dead Roblot Development Committee, it was decided to get the Committee back on its feet again. As if like Michael Bolton's " When I am back on my feet again" the revamped executive actually through Dellan Emannuel promised to invigorate and bring the RDC to a new high.
Was Mr Emmanuel's speech on July 17, 2012 all bluff or an attempt to impress the residents with nuff rhetoric? As I sat in dis belief at that meeting I actually had to restrain myself from taking this gentle man on. He went on to say that he on June 24, 2012 had a meeting with the youth, that certain games and sports will be organized, that a clean up campaign for the community will soon take place, tours to visit the elderly, twining with other local groups in nearby communities, enhancing the skills of the youth by contacting local seamstresses and a litany of ideas which to my mind was just a senseless prayer. Not one has been achieved to date.
What was most puzzling to me was that the young man was only invited to the meeting to be accepted as the PRO and there he was acting like the president.
Talking about the President? Looking for someone with no foresight and ideas for the community, you just got one. I personally recommended that the executive be reshuffled with the secretary and the president exchanging roles (sisters) but awhah, they like it like that.
The executive comprises of newcomers Clement and Dellan, as tresurar and pro respectively, Enda as Secretary, Sadia, not sure about her role, Patrick a no no, and the president, Trudy.
From July 17 to this present day not one meeting has been held except a half-assed walk which made no sense at all.
Seeing the youth sitting idly by, and with the library service taken away from them I, during the middle of October quickly wrote a proposal and sent it to the President and treasuar whose email was in my contact list.
The proposal was a sports program to involve 7 - 19 year olds to take place on December 13, National Day this year. This program involved cricket, futsal, netball, fun games and a quiz. The proposal was well detailed with instructions on how to implement it, even with instructions to source funds from the Village Council. Ministry of sports and Corporate Choiseul.
Up to this day that executive has not seen it fit to consider this proposal to help bring the youths together to celebrate National Day in a big Way.
What therefore is the function of this executive? This blog suggests that if this executive cannot deliver they should resign en block and let persons who are interested in youth affairs take over.
What a waste? These persons on the executive have as far as this blog is concerned failed the community of Roblot miserably.
Again, Roblot continues to suffer.
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Thursday, December 06, 2012


"Choiseul On The Move" wants to apologize to its readers for a lapse in articles recently. The author has been ties up in other demanding activities which has curtailed his writng ime considerably.
Albeit an article entitled " From Better Days To Everything Will Be Alright" will be published early next week.
The author takes a critical view of Lorne's first year representation to the Choiseul people vis-a-vis his contribution to the debate on the Estimates of Expenditure.
While you await this article, are you not sensing that things are getting worse in this country: crime is on the increase, the poor and indigent are crying foul, the union officials seem bent on taking its membership for a ride and meaningful employment by this administration ceases to exist.
We still see political favourtism being displayed at the highest level in the district, while a job recycling process keeps revolving constantly with no clear end in sight.
The political labour hacks have their foot in the throat of the Uwp supporters while a puppet Uwp constituency branch sit on their royals expecting a miracle to happen. Maybe one should not blame them - novices.
Let me not delve any further least I disclose too much too soon.
One thing is for real though, Choiseul/Saltibus en seeing any Better Days just yet. We all in for the long haul.
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