
Monday, September 03, 2012

Where is the Foot- Police Patrol

Our readers will remember an article posted on this blog last year speaking to the good works being done by one officer nicknamed "Sal" who Choiseulians were proud about for the deligence he did his work in the community. Sal was regularly
patrolling the streets of the Choiseul Village and there was a marked reduction in illegal activities especially on a Friday night.
Even in the other communities one would have seen an ocassional passage of a police vehicle. Where has all this gone now?
The Roblot community which was once drug-free has now turned into a do-as-you-like-when-you-like community.Over the weekend a stabbing incident took place at a rumshop there. Teenagers as young as 14 yrs are being introduced to drugs. The level of truancy is at an all time high and loitering especially in the delapidated multi-purpose centre is a regular affair
The patrols in the village and the interior communities have disappeared. The only time one would see a police officer in uniform on the village street is when they head to the supermarket to get a grocery item. When someone from the interior communities make a report one may see a police vehicle.
With the recent spate of violence gripping the country regular foot-police patrol is a must for the communities. There must be more intereaction with the general public.
The Choiseul police I have always said are a bunch of holiday makers who spend the majority of their time at base rather than out in the field.
Sargeant Mitchel need to take a stand and get his officers off their laurels to do what they were appointed to do.
I have had on more than one ocassion to pull up the socks of one or two officers even taking the matter to the highest level.
Choiseul deserves better from its police officers.
Dedan C. G.Jn. Baptiste

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