
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Choiseul's most dangerous civil servant

In this guava season, and with VAT due tomorrow it is quite in order for employees to protect their jobs. It is also a scary scenario where workers tread a thin line as they never know when the boss will terminate their services.
This concern of young workers in the Roblot community is presently under threat by a well known civil servant who apparently have an axe to grind. It is also well known in the community that this "DVS" sits behind her desk at work and make phone calls to the employers of young persons with an aim to have them dismissed.
This blog has been reliably informed by three business places(a hotel, a government department and a statutary board) of calls made by this civil servant in an attempt to tarnish persons names.
But why is this civil servant using the government's phone to do this dirty work? Petty jealousy? Pure mischief? But this blog in discussions with persons in the community learns that this person is suffering from love syndrome and is bent on destroying persons who cross her path in any love affair. Quite a mouthful. This civil servant has been rated as second class by many of the men she has had an affair with and she has in every instance gotten herself into trouble with these men's lady. Her cantankerous nature only hurts more and more persons.
Recently she was expelled from the Labour Crew which sees about the development of Choiseul. Why? Because of her regular loose-tongued phone calls again dissing persons on the committee.
She needs a complete turns around in her life and Christ is her only answer. She once went that way after she was let down by a well known male in the district. Then she back slided to again take pleasure in hurting persons.
Finally what is remarkable about this woman is that after she does her things and is confronted with the facts she always wants to threaten someone with the law as if the law was written for her and her alone.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Business Investment Idea!

Goodday Sir/Madam,

I am Looking for a profitable business that my client can invest his funds
in your country.I will be waiting for your positive business idea as soon
as you can.

With Regards,
Emad S. Alshamllan

Business Investment Idea!

Goodday Sir/Madam,

I am Looking for a profitable business that my client can invest his funds
in your country.I will be waiting for your positive business idea as soon
as you can.

With Regards,
Emad S. Alshamllan

Sunday, September 16, 2012

UWP - back on the road?

Sam Floyd in his usual morning programs chastised the Flambeaus for taking o long to "heal their wounds" and regroup. He jokingly said that when kerosene was cheap they did not see. The need to fuel their fambeaus but now tha kerosene prices have increased by over 100%, that's wheh they have decided to hit the road. Regardless, it seems Flambeau is back.
Last Thursday they made a stunning return in Soufriere where a massive crowd was in attendance. Their message: St Lucia en ready for VAt at this juncture . Speaker after speaker critisized the labour administration for their poor performance over the past nine months.
Dalson and Jn Baptiste were accused of nepotism as King said they were instrumental in securing jobs for their daughter and wife respectively.
Kenny's speech on diplomatic ties with Taiwan the Flambeaus said was in poor taste and seems to have created. Some form of tension between the two nations. The. PM's announcement of an investigation of the usage of Taiwanesese funds by the parliamentarians and Rural Councils according to King is like searching for a needle in a haystack.
Guy in his usual flare condemned Walter Francois' appointment on the basis that he Francois presently earns two pensions and that this Soufriere Foundation's job should have gone to a younger Soufriere resident.
Notable absent from the UWP crew at Thursday's meetng was Rufus. Bousquet. Well finally the Flambeaus hav said happy riddance to a double edged sword.
It will be interestind to see if Flambeau can maintain this momentum.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vaughn/Kenny keeps Taiwan, but....

It's obvious that the mounting pressures from St Lucians and the opposition party must have breathed some common sense into the Labour administration to go along with diplomatic ties with Taiwan. The many cries by farmers, small contractors, vendors, and the ordinary citizen on the street who could have identified with what the assistance given by Taiwan, I'm sure played a crucial role in the Vaughn/Kenny decision. (No Alva there)
Kenny in his usual self would not bow to the pressures of Lucians without first taking a swipe at the UWP and inhis closing statements, threats. That's the nature of the man.
The PM bloodfired the last admin for the way they established the diplomatic ties with Taiwan, as if to indicate that had it not been for certain parliamentarians Compton would have gone with China. (Not sure about that) He continued his onslaught critisizing the disbursement of the funds by the Taiwanese and of course the way the parliamentarians themselves used up the funds.
What must have been confusing to Lucians is while Kenny decided to go along with Taiwan, in the same breathe he announced that there is a delegation presently in China to forge relationships with us.(Who is the us here, Labour or Lucia?) But hear this, the contingentis made up of the second deputy political leader, Alva Baptiste, Leo Clarke, and Merle, sorry Earl Bousquet. This is a Labour Party squad, not one with government's interest. Kenny was meticulous enough and quite rightly so, not to mention Alva as Foreign Minister on that mission. See my drift. You do the calculus.
It is clear, according to Kenny, that investigations into the alleged bribe by some politicians in the last administration to go with Taiwan is underway. So is a forensic audits into the use of the Taiwanese funds deposited into the District Councils.
Well most Lucians are pleased with the decision to go with Taiwan though the level of developement seen under the last administration using the funds may not be seen under this Labour Government, since the PM says a $12M package for St Lucia annually, is all what Taiwan has agreed to.
May be that's why a "Labour crew" is presently in China. Yes, Taiwan stays, but China is hot on their heels.
Better days? You tell me.
Dedan C.G. Jn. Baptiste

Sunday, September 09, 2012


   The Executive and members of the United Workers Party are saddened by news of the death of Mrs. Heraldine Rock, former Executive member of the party and Government Minister. Mrs. Heraldine Rock was a pioneer for St Lucian women in politics when she successfully contested the Castries South East Constituency in the General Elections of 7th, May, 1974. She would later become Saint Lucia’s first female Minister of Government with responsibilities for Housing, Community Development, Local Government and Social Affairs, Groups Needs, Cooperatives, the Provident Fund and Water, from 1974 to 1980.

Heraldine Rock was a strong and courageous woman who endured the hostility of the male dominated arena of politics. She was a member of the Castries Town Board from 1964 to 1974. She was also the first female vice-president of the United Worker’s Party. Her bold move to enter the arena of politics provided confidence and opened the way for other women who followed.

During her tenure as a Minister of Government she was responsible for the construction of a number of community centres throughout the island and helped to nurture the growth of local culture. The constituency of Castries South East which she represented benefited significantly from a number of water and electrification projects which improved the standard of living for residents.

 Mrs. Rock was a longstanding farmer who was outspoken in lobbying for better conditions for farmers particularly in the banana sector. She is counted among other outstanding women pioneers in politics at the regional level like: Dame Nita Barrow, Dame Eugenia Charles and Dame Hilda Bynoe.

The United Workers Party salutes the work and memory of Heraldine Rock as an outstanding woman, icon and pioneer of women in politics. We extend our deepest warmth and sympathies to her friends and family at this time of grief. The name of Heraldine Rock will forever be etched in the political and social development history of St Lucia as a result of the contributions which she made. She will forever remain a “rock” among women who have contributed to our national development. 

Wednesday, September 05, 2012


The Kenny Anthony Administration continues its vicious economic assault against the people of this country as the Government introduces another measure that will bring further hardships to St Lucians. This time it is the poor people/malewe who are being targeted as the SLP Government has put into effect a deliberate and heartless policy decision to withdraw subsidies on kerosene effective September 1st, 2012.

Kerosene has long been associated with the lower income sectors of the society otherwise referred to as Malewe a sector which the SLP Government purports to represent. These persons who use kerosene in many cases as their main source of fuel (for their lighting, cooking, etc;) are now left to contend with the dramatic increase in price  from EC $6.00 – EC $11.27 or lessen on their cooking activities and other uses of the fuel.

This latest onslaught by a Government which promised St Lucians “Better Days” can only lead to further hardship for the poor and indigent of Anse La Vedere, Barons Drive, Bruce Ville and Park Estate. The Government's action can best be described as unconsionable and anti-poor given that many of these persons have had to contend with expenses related the reopening of school, recent general trend of increases and projected further increases in food prices and further the impending increase in prices associated with the imposition of VAT.

The previous UWP Government kept subsidies on kerosene in place mindful of the fact that it was used as fuel by the poor and indigent. The Kenny Anthony Government must explain to these people its justification for removal of a subsidy which has been in place for the past nine (9) years.

We are now left to wonder if the next Government subsidy to be withdrawn will be that of the School Transportation as we note that bus owners/drivers who held contracts with the Ministry of Education were only offered a short-term three (3) months contract by the Ministry. Will our children be once again abandoned and exposed to the risk of finding their way to and from school as obtained during the tenor of the last SLP Administration.

We are clearly witnessing the rapid marginalization of the poor under the current SLP Government. Whilst the Government continues its approach of political patronage by the handing out of menial jobs through the Step program, the pockets of these persons are ravaged by increases in basic commodities and now the decision to put into effect a dramatic increase in the price of kerosene. The SLP Government through this latest action appears determined to diminish the oil that lights the lamp of hope for the poor of this country.       

Monday, September 03, 2012

Where is the Foot- Police Patrol

Our readers will remember an article posted on this blog last year speaking to the good works being done by one officer nicknamed "Sal" who Choiseulians were proud about for the deligence he did his work in the community. Sal was regularly
patrolling the streets of the Choiseul Village and there was a marked reduction in illegal activities especially on a Friday night.
Even in the other communities one would have seen an ocassional passage of a police vehicle. Where has all this gone now?
The Roblot community which was once drug-free has now turned into a do-as-you-like-when-you-like community.Over the weekend a stabbing incident took place at a rumshop there. Teenagers as young as 14 yrs are being introduced to drugs. The level of truancy is at an all time high and loitering especially in the delapidated multi-purpose centre is a regular affair
The patrols in the village and the interior communities have disappeared. The only time one would see a police officer in uniform on the village street is when they head to the supermarket to get a grocery item. When someone from the interior communities make a report one may see a police vehicle.
With the recent spate of violence gripping the country regular foot-police patrol is a must for the communities. There must be more intereaction with the general public.
The Choiseul police I have always said are a bunch of holiday makers who spend the majority of their time at base rather than out in the field.
Sargeant Mitchel need to take a stand and get his officers off their laurels to do what they were appointed to do.
I have had on more than one ocassion to pull up the socks of one or two officers even taking the matter to the highest level.
Choiseul deserves better from its police officers.
Dedan C. G.Jn. Baptiste

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Local Lawyer Takes High Profile Case

The recent death of 17-year old female teenager, has sparked public outcry to bring back the death penalty.
A 19-year old man of Gros Islet has been charged with the crime. He made his first appearance in court on Friday last. Visibly at the seen just before the alleged man was taken into the court room was our own renowned, and cunning lawyer, Huggins Nicholas affectionately known as Neil.
If my memory serves me well this will be his first "high profile" case since being accepted to the bar. All eyes will be on this young and vibrant lawyer to see the line of defense he will employ in this matter.
For sure the proscecution will go for the death penalty and it will take tact and lots of skillful manouverings and the application of the law by Huggings to convince the jury otherwise.
Avoiding the death penalty for this young man will definitely be a victory for Neil.
The accused is due in court on September 19, 2012.
With an enraged public, and the girl's family pressing for the death penalty, Huggins has quite a handful to deal with.
Albert Richeleau is also patnrring Nicholas on that case.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Library 12, the nowhererian

Recently our readers will recall that this blog reported the transfer of the Roblot Library to a section of the Roblot School which is located in Debreuil.
The transition appeared smooth - a bus was hired to transport the books, tables and what have you to the school, a telephone line was installed, and in no time the Roblot Library was functional in a room previously occupied by the school's IT program.
Well, what do you know? The library has been asked to move back to its former location. A joke? More than that. Probably this library should be made mobile.
According to the librarian the initial relocation of the. Was based on the idea of being proactive - taking action before disater strikes, meaning the hurricane season. But couldn'I the library be renovated? It survived hurricane Tomas therefore with some rennovative works it would have survived this season. But no, the authorities that be saw otherwise withot the slightest foresight of the plans the school already had in place for their IT room.
Yes the library was kicked out of the school. The room where the library was is prensently being renovated to accommodate a state of the art IT classroom. Presently the books and shelves lay embarrasingly in a class which has to be ready for the opening of school on Monday.
There has been no library service in the community for the past two weeks as users of the service await the authorities next move.
As far as this blog sees it, the library can operate at its original location as nothind has happened to the building since the books were moved.
But again quite a bit of work for the poor librarian.
In the meantime the library service has been suspended.
The children are the ones paying the price.
Whah wrong wit dem. Persons in posish?