
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lorne makes impression in the House

Give jack his jacket. Lorne was superb in his delivery to the debate on the "Constituency Councils Act Bill." He was eloquent, sharp, consistent and to my mind cunning.
The bill seeks to empower at most fifteen persons from the various contituencies to manage the affairs of their constituency. In the case of Choiseul it will be known as the Choiseul Village Council. The bill seeks to give autonomous powers to the Councils to manage the affairs of the constituency. They are to report all matters to the House and also an audit report to be conducted yearly.
The Councils are to invite the rep to meetings and are to have two annual public meetings where the rep may speak or not.
In his support of the bill our rep brought up the issue of funds being used by a district rep of a certain constituency for purposes not intended. Though very cunning and not mentioning the constituency or rep by name, when asked by a member opposite whether it is Choiseul, he remarked, "may be Choiseul."
Lorne maintains that such allegged misconduct cannot ever happen under the construct of the Councils in the bill.
The opposition in their debate argued the intention of the bill. They seem to think that the bill is some form of revenge and seeks to sideline the opposition parliamentary reps. Another arguement brought forward is that the Councils should be elected by the people and not by the minister for local government. Richard challenged the wording in some of the paragraphs while Gail thought that the intent of the bill may be genuine but there must be room for more participation by the district reps and constituents.
What was remarkable at the House was the fact that while members threw remarks at each other across the chamber (Richard and Moses the two main culprits) at the end they all sat down like civilized men during the committe stage to amend the Act and make it into law.
Wasn't that wonderful.
Taking into account the autonomous powers placed into the hands of the councils it will be very interesting to see who our rep recommends. According to the bill councilors must come from national interest groups, special interest groups, one person from each of the political parties in the house, a public servant, and persons from other area such as health, agriculture, tourism and other area that may arise as the constituency grows.
This blog would like the rep to consider Maura Minvielle, Augustin Charles or John Mathurin as the chairperson and no other person than Sonia Thornille as the secretary. Automatically either Anslatus Joinsville or Mc Arthur Phillip will be on the Council.The councilors will be paid an honorarium for their work.
This blog will monitor tha appointment of the Council and comment on the merits and demerits of each councilor.
Dedan C. G. Baptiste

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good balanced article. It is admirable that Dedan can come out of his partisan political cocoon and produce a quality piece of that nature. Just goes to show the talent of the man! Keep it up, Pippin!