
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Did Bousquet deserve to lose? Part one

      It’s 2012 and general elections have come and gone, yet there are persons who are yet to come to grips with their unexpected defeat. Did I say unexpected? I guess history must have repeated itself. This last election was fought to the wire. Uwpees still keep saying that Labour did not win, they just lost. What garbage!
   The Piaye, Jetrine and Saltibus polling stations dealt Bousquet the knockout punch in this last election. In every one of these three polling divisions Bousquet did worst than 2006. Saltibus stood out the most giving Bousquet a meagre 70 votes lead. Why did Saltibus vote this way? 1. Labour did their homework. 2. The people were disenchanted with Rufus, and 3. Rufus’ campaign team in the area was actually non-existent. Bousquet literally abandoned the people for two long years because it is alleged that he got wind that the Saltibus constituency would be shifted over to Laborie for election 2011.The process dragged on until it was too late to combine Saltibus with Laborie. The prodigal son came home wounded and ashamed. Nothing he did could have soothed the Saltibus residents. They accepted gifts and whatever was handed to them, but deep in their hearts they had already made up their minds. Did he deserve to lose? You decide.
   Bousquet’s campaign team at the office was lacking in unity and direction. Rufus’ trio in Jimmy,Reds and Blackie were always at loggerheads as to what to do and how to do things. Reds’ job description frequently clashed with Jimmy’s and Blackie most times  had his own agenda.  Can you imagine that Blackie was not even a registered voter in Choiseul? Bringing Reds onboard angered many strong Uwp supporters as they felt that they were being short changed. They felt that Rufus was bypassing them who had worked for so long in the party and here he is bringing in Reds, a rejected Labourite, to boss them around. Many such persons publicly vented their anger did not vote.
   Rufus’ closely guarded secret of his illness dealt the campaign a crushing blow. There was no direction in the campaign; the office was running like it does not know what its functions are. Too many persons were doing as they please, with no one in command. Jimmy who was supposed to be campaign chairman was more concerned with projects and finance than strategising.  Meeting with divisional committees had to be postponed on a regular basis. Bousquet who had to be undergoing therapy every other week would only be briefed when he comes down the week after therapy. It could clearly be seen that Bousquet was not that keen in politics anymore or was not satisfied with what he was seeing or hearing. Your humble servant was during all their “halay kasay” working his guts out with his team trying to bring the Debreuil box home. This we did.
  In 2006 Bousquet won three polling divisions out of the nine. They were Delcer, Dacretin and Saltibus and won the election by a meagre 85 votes. In 2011 Bousquet won four polling divisions. The Debreuil box came on board for the first time since1992 plus the same three in 2006. Lorne still won with a meagre 95 votes. What needs to be taken into consideration here is history.
History or destiny had it that Lorne would have won the last elections. That news I held close to my chest and disclosed it only to my family. From the time of Bryan Charles, Choiseul’s elections have followed a sequential pattern over the years. A pity Bolo had not seen this. The pattern – Bryan - one term, Calderon - two terms, Rufus – one term, Fergy – two terms, Rufus -  one term. Taking that pattern into consideration it is obvious that Lorne would win. And mind you, he will be there for two terms. Surprised? History in the making! So did Rufus deserve to lose? He was destined.
   In closing we want to say that this blog has not acknowledged Lorne’s victory at the polls. We do so now and extend all the support and best wishes to him and his campaign crew. Good job guys you whooped our tails. Congrats are in order. However this blog will continue to monitor the Rep’s work and bring to light any forms of victimisation or favouritism pursued by him. We will equally inform our readers of his good works as well.
  This blog is very curious to find out the Rep’s choices for the Village Council – 2012 -2013. This as far as we are concerned will be his first test of openness and non-partisanship. Please no old hacks. Choiseul waits with bated breath.
Look out for  "Did Rrufus deserve to lose?" part 2 soon.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting analysis. Lorne and team labour did their homework and all the personal attacks worked.

I do believe that he will be our rep for more than two terms if he works and shows a presence in the community.

Anonymous said...

Fairly good article, Pippin! But there are a few loose ends!

Anonymous said...

Chosieul's results from here appears to be http://www.electoral.gov.lc/candidates-parties/candidate-lookup

1974 - Evans Calderon SLP
1979 - Evans Calderon SLP
1982 - Bryan Charles UWP
1987 - Evans Calderon SLP
1992 - Rufus Bousquet UWP
1997 - Ferguson John SLP
2001 - Ferguson John SLP
2006 - Rufus Bousquet UWP
2011 - Lorne Theophilius SLP

Calderon did win twice in April 1987 but that was not really 2 terms.

So I do not know if the pattern – Bryan - one term, Calderon - two terms, Rufus – one term, Fergy – two terms, Rufus - one term is accurate.

Also interesting is that both Evans Calderon and Rufus Bosuquet run for 5 terms, Calderon won 3 (1974, 1979, 1987) lost 2 (1982, 1992), Bousquet won 2 (1992, 2006), lost 3(1997, 2001, 2011)

Anonymous said...

I agree with your comment about the composition of the council. Indeed, it will be his first major test of honour and reflect the extent to which he is like his Mum and Dad? I believe that the best available talent should be brought in - after all, he is a representative of all the people.

My councilors would come from the following: Herbert Peter, Anthony Herman, Erenius Josephat, John Mathurin, Silvanius Fontenard, Augustin Charles, Russell Jean, Jimmy Haynes, Mc Arthur Phillip, Myron Joseph, Theophila Charles, Suzie St. Brice, Aldrek Mondesir, Lynn Hippolyte, Stephanie Charles-Theophane, Griffifth Jn Baptiste, Monica Barnard, Cosmos Lafeuillee, Lorraine Nicholas . . .

Jimmy said...

Great article Gillo. just a few corrections.
> 1. I was not the campaign manager.
> 2. There was not a 'Rufus trio' it was actually a council which consisted of ten to twelve members.
> 3. My responsibility was to get 600 votes in delcer and assisst Mongouge in crossing the 200 vote mark.
> 4. I was forced into projects and payments because of Rufus' unavailability as I frequently asked to be relieved of these responsibilities.
> 5. Even after confirmation of the concerns of the UWPees in the saltibus basin rufus did very little of substance to address the situation. (maybe a consequence of his illness or his complacency.)
> Just though I would add these points.
> By the way how are you doing?
> Regards,
> Jimmy