
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Choiseul's Fantastic Four

Well well well, The Fantastic Four surfaced in Choiseul on Saturday nite - the nite before Lorne's launching. This is not the original Fantastic Four we knew from the comic books, but four prominent men who were on the road to hurt persons and create mayhem to achieve their goals by any means necessary. The urge to win really brings out the animal in some of us. What a pity!
A report reaching this blog allegges that four men namely, Lorne Theophilus, Ephraim Edgar, Ernest Hilaire and one Vernon, arrived at a location in Dacretin to confront two young men on a matter of putting down Lorne's posters. The report continues that Lorne, visibly annoyed confronted the young men with these words. "Why you taking my F... posters down?" and in the process moving towards the guys. Bernard, one of the young men replied. "I en taking down your posters, its you pants I'll take out."Ephraim who may have been the more level-headed of the three grabbed onto Lorne's shirt and begging him to stop. " Leave that man alone." Ephraim continued pleading, still grabbing onto the shirt. Vile words were exchanged on both sides as the situation escalated. According to Bernard Lorne mentioned he has a gun. Bernard replied that he Lorne is not the only one with a gun. The fracas went on for some time until a group of Uwp supporters arrived on the scene. The fantastic four exited the scene.
Moments later Bernard phone rings showing a private number. He answers and guess who is on the phone? Goddard Darchiville. According to Bernard Goddard threatenned him with kicks and slaps when comes down the following day for the launching of Lorne. Bernard accused him of wanting to buy him with chicken and according to Bernard the exchanged on the phone was very unpleasant. Bernard said he waited the whole day,but Goddard never showed up.
This blog in no way condone's the allegged activity of Bernard and his friend, but the Lorne's approach, ably supported by his friends was not warranted. Such activities are carried out by both sides by emotionally charged supporters. A code of conduct must be put in place to minimise such activities.
What is very frightening is Lorne's approach. Like someone said, "De boy green still." Even though, he surely is a man of the law and by extension a Lawyer. His approach is unwaranted.
This brings me back to the Saltibus incident, where he confronted Reds. This makes two violent spurts by a prospect candidate. Wow!It is so early in the fight and this is the type of behaviour he displays.
Like he loves to say, "I'll roll on you." He surely is a violent roller. God fordid.
And as for Hilaire, Vernon and Ephraim, they should have displayed a little more maturity by preventing Lorne from leaving the village and driving all the way up to Dacretin to confront a Uwp supporter who someone rang to tell him that his posters and flags are being ripped off the Lucelec and Lime posts.
As for Goddard, shame on him. Threatening a person with kicks is not nice.
The Fantastic Four will be at it again, Trust me.
So this leaves us with the notion that Lorne is no saint.


Anonymous said...

In as much as i don't condone any nasty exchange between the two political sides, i believe you all need to caution your supporters as well. Would you all be happy if someone was putting down Rufus's posters? Put yourself in Lorne's shoes. Personally if it was my posters this man would have gotten some hard slaps across his face for blatantly disrespecting me. I think it is time that a law be enacted that during the campaign if anyone defaces or tampers with any paraphenlia put up for display by any politician, that they should spend sometime behind bars. Bernard is lucky because like i said earlier if i were the politician he would not have a face now!

Anonymous said...

Is that the yardstick you are going to use to say that Lorne is not a saint? How would you feel if someone were to vandalise your property? If you are going to use this argument to convince people that Lorne is not a saint then , what are we going to say about Rufus who has several issues looming over his head. Choose your words accurately because you may use it to your own detriment!

Anonymous said...

SECCC! Why don't you blog about the comment Dr.Anthony made about your rep...I guess it's true after all...bunch of losers!

Anonymous said...

Well! The fantastic Four are 4 great men. One of them potentially a Saint. But how about Rufus? In him, there are five men: Rufus Cenac, Bruce Tucker, JMD 2nd, Rufus Bousquet and Mr Smith. By the way, which name will be on the ballot paper?

How could one man be so fraudulent? How could you want one man to be your district rep? But the worst is to come yet. Stay tuned or to night tune in to the RED ZONE at 8 for more.