
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

UWP Rally on for this Sunday

Supporters and well wishers of the United Workers Party will converge on the town of Vieux Fort this Sunday to witness the launching of three candidates for the Vieux Fort South, Vieux North and Laborie Constituencies.
The candidates are

Karl Daniel, Nancy Charles and Hericks 'Wacha' Reny respectively.
The turn out is expected to be a massive one. It is hoped that it will be even larger than the one that launched Dr. Mondesir in 2006.
Rumours have it that the date General Elections will be announced. (keep your fingers crossed)
All the Constituency Branches are expected to organise motorcades to move towards the South.
The Choiseul Branch has a massive plan on hand for the day which will surely rock the Constituency.
Choiseul-Saltibus Constituency moving forward with Rufus Bousquet, who has Delivered and continue to Deliver more than any past Representative.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The victory illusion taking its toll.

Inspiration for writing this post came from a comment by 'Teway Chelot' who apparently responded to one 'Anonymous' comment.Inspite of this blog wanting to encourage serious discussion on issues, and wanting to take a stand not to publish nonsensical comments that hide behind the name anonymous, we are rather appalled at the intellectual level of some anonymous writers. The last two qualifies what I have been talking about. Total foolishness.
One such comment speaking to rain, and another about bus load. My God, where are we heading with this kind of mentality. What is their Modus Operandi? Sending a comment to this blog speaking to rain and bus load is pathetic and downright gutterish, for lack of a better word. It leaves one to wonder the level of thinking that these comment writers portray. I Guess, for such stupidness, they must hide behind 'anonymous.'
That said let's move on.
In my last blog on Lorne's launching a number of predictions were made....according to reports reaching this blog most of them came to past.... there was the intermitent showers, there were attacks on Uwpees,there was the usual theatrics on stage and of course the maypwis.(nothing new}
If the rally was held these are what you would not have seen or heard....stage theatrics, half-truths to gain votes, boastings of who should be or not be on stage, a date for general elections and surely a clear sky.
But the rally will be held soon. Talking about a turnout, Lorne's launch will be eclisped by it. From then on Labour will get cold feet and death to an illusion of victory for them both at the party and constituency level.
You know there seems to be a pattern of selective amnesia among many Labour supporters who deliberately want to forget the past and drag down with them sensible people. A price for which they surely will pay. Like Anonymous said, Karma. (take care Lorne sue for his pet word)
the rally issue shoulg by then be a dead issue by now. actually there was no rain. The rally is to be dated sometime this week.
In closing this blog wishes to extend its deepest regret at the passing of Mourus Faucher.Heartfelt condolences are extended to his family. RIP dear brother.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

What about Bois Den Road

The following is an article taken from a facebook page of the Uwpconstituency Branch.
Most people regard the Bois Den Road as one of the most significant and noteworthy projects delivered by Rufus Bousquet so far this term. The project completed last year at a cost of approximately EC$2,000,000.00 has brought immeasurable relief and pride to the residents and motorist alike. Not only was the project a central component of Mr. Bousquet's campaign promises, but it was completed at the most opportune of moments when the bridge at De Ville was washed away during heavy rains. Divine intervention!

The people of Bois Den had suffered immensely during the reign of the Labour Gov't with the then if we may call him so, the past District Representative. I say good riddance. Mr. Bousquest had commenced work on that road during his first term and that work was never continued by the past administration. But that is the story of unforgivable negect and incompetent representation from Labour Reps. Evans Calderon and Ferguson John. What a legacy.

The road continues to provide acess to the communities of Morne La Croix and Fond Gens Libre in Soufriere and also to Delcer, La Pointe, Industry, Franciou, Ravineau and Esperance.

There is also good news on the De Ville Bridge front as the project is in the mobilisation phase. Hoorah!

Thank you Lord for these mercies in such tough economic times and thank you Hon. Rufus Bousquet for delivering on your promises. Keep it up. Choiseul Saltibus for Rufus in 2011!

Bois Den Road 2010

Written by Jimmy Haynes

Friday, August 19, 2011

UWPees Rolling Out en Masse

Our rival candidate's favourite term, 'I'll roll on you.' may come to haunt him over this weekend.Well it's UWPEES time to ROLL on him.No hard feelings. this motorcade to VF will be so massive that a few Labars wiil get stroke. You know its typical of the labour supporters to be spying, and watching in all holes and corners to see how the Uwpees come out. They will have their work cut out for them this time around.
This motorcade will send a serious message to the opponent. don't underestimate the Flambeaus.
It is not the purpose of this blog to spell out details of the plans, but rest assurred it will be on a grand scale..
The crowd will all gather at the secretariat of the branch and ROLL OUT.
As is typical of Labour supporters, they will line up the streets and cast foul remarks as the motocare ROLLS pass by.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jetrine Roadworks Full Speed Ahead

A recent visit to the community revealed a massive employment drive underway.
A road rehab project which has over fifty persons from the community is moving along smoothly. Drainage works are presently underwayand a stretch of road of about 300m is being dug.
in their community. The project will also involve the paving of the road. The residents can now live in a dust-free environment
Many such communities are having their roads rehab in an effort to uplift the standard of living of the residents.
Recently La maze was done, Morne Jaques, Boisden, Fiette etc.
This is what representation is all about - seeing after the welfare of the people.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Constituency's most needy gets increase in welfare payments

The Government as part of its commitment to lifting thousands out of extreme poverty, which is its key priority, has increased the amount of welfare payments to the Constituency's, and by extension the island's most needy under its Public Assistance Programme. It pays up to $375.00 a month to single mothers, depending on their income and number of children.
According to Mr. Anthony Ferdinand, (seen in pic) Welfare Officer in the Ministry of Health, Human Services, Family Affairs and Gender Relations, one of the key objectives of the Public Assistance Programme, is to ensure the most destitute, especially children, can access these programmes.
In 1995 the rate of assistance was $40 a month for a single person househould, $60 for two persons household, $80 for three person household, $100 and $120 for four and five persons household respectively. There were two additional increases effected over a ten year period
The current Government has had the record of implementing two increases during a three year period, first in 2008 and then again in 2010.
When the Programme was first established, it was geared primarily toward under-privileged older persons, inclusive of those with disabilities or suffering from certain mental illnesses.
Over the years, younger persons have been discovered to be in need of assistance and the programme expanded to meet that need.
The adjustments in the five categories ehich the programme covers reflect increases (over the three year period) in the respective categories: single person household $85, two person household - $100, three, four and five person household - $110, $115, and $125 respectively.
The table below shows the payments for two periods.
H/hold - June 2005 - Oct 2010
Single person - $85 - $170
Two persons - $125 - $225
Three persons - $165 - $275
Four persons - $200 - $315
Five persons - $250 - $375
This part of the committment to improve the living standards of the poorest as quickly as possible. The implementation of the two significant increases of a period of just under three years is a demonstration of a Government that is emphatic to the needs of the less fortunate among us.

Source: nationalreview@pm.gov.lc

Monday, August 15, 2011

Retired Post Mistress Honoured

On Sunday August 14, 2011, probably the most elderly senior citizen in the community of Debreuil was honoured at the opening ceremony to mark a week long Summer Programme organised by the Youth Advancement Committee (Y.A.C.), the brain child of yours truly.
Esta Charles, born on March 28, 1921 is ninety years old. She was the first post mistress serving the entire North-East region of the district - Lamaze, Roblot, Debreuil and Rivere Doree as well as Sauzay. She served in that position for thirty-four years.
She recalls when JMD Bousquet, the present District Rep's dad,who was the District Rep at the the time, and seeing the need for such a service, approached her in 1965 and offered her the job. She was asked to use her home as the post office.
Inspite of her frail-like appearance I was impressed by her ability to read a short prepared statement to the gathering.
Her unedited statement reads , '' This is a great honour and privilege to be recognised and honoured today. Words cannot express how I feel but to simply say thank you to everyone who made this possible.
Thanks to Mr. Rufus Bousquet, who assisted me after the hurricane by repairing my damaged house and for replacing my wet mattress. I am very grateful that I can sleep very comfortably.
I want to say thanks to Pat Mason and Luna who were very instrumental in getting things done.
To all those who helped in whatever way a big thank you from my heart.''
Mr. Anthony Herman, who was the guest Speaker at the ceremony was given the honours to present Esta Charles with a plaque and bouquet to honour and appreciate her service to the community.
Hts will broadcast part of this ceremony on today's or tomorrow's evening news.
A post on YAC's opening ceremony will be published shortly.
Ps. News just coming to hand report of a tragic accident on the Micoud/VF Highway a short while ago. The pic below show the scene. Two unconfirmed deaths are reported

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Roblot Community purged of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes?

Recognizing the threat to public health posed by Dengue, a fogging team from the Environmental Health Division of the Ministry of Health gave the community of Roblot and environs a real douching of fog on last Tuesday evening.
The Dengue Fever craze that has gripped the country have the officials doing every thing in their power to help eradicate the Aegypti mosquito which is the vector that spreads the disease.
Dengue fever also known as Breakbone fever is an infectious disease cause by a virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles.
This community recently has seen an increase in the population of mosquitoes due to the consistent rain over the past months. The community is noted for its handicraft.the raw material is from a plant called screw pine which traps a lot of water within its body.....ideal breeding grounds for the mosquitoes.
The local shops have seen an increase in sale of Baygon, Bop, mosquito coil and the like. This fogging operation will surely help.
The community welcomes the initiative. The kids themselves have had a field day as it was the first time they are seeing such a machine and activity in their community. There was much excitement during the squealing sounds of the fog machine and the heavy white smoke cloud which covered the area.
That night everyone must have slept like a rock.
Me too.
Much more info on the disease can be found at www.niaid.nih.gov

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Choiseul's Fantastic Four

Well well well, The Fantastic Four surfaced in Choiseul on Saturday nite - the nite before Lorne's launching. This is not the original Fantastic Four we knew from the comic books, but four prominent men who were on the road to hurt persons and create mayhem to achieve their goals by any means necessary. The urge to win really brings out the animal in some of us. What a pity!
A report reaching this blog allegges that four men namely, Lorne Theophilus, Ephraim Edgar, Ernest Hilaire and one Vernon, arrived at a location in Dacretin to confront two young men on a matter of putting down Lorne's posters. The report continues that Lorne, visibly annoyed confronted the young men with these words. "Why you taking my F... posters down?" and in the process moving towards the guys. Bernard, one of the young men replied. "I en taking down your posters, its you pants I'll take out."Ephraim who may have been the more level-headed of the three grabbed onto Lorne's shirt and begging him to stop. " Leave that man alone." Ephraim continued pleading, still grabbing onto the shirt. Vile words were exchanged on both sides as the situation escalated. According to Bernard Lorne mentioned he has a gun. Bernard replied that he Lorne is not the only one with a gun. The fracas went on for some time until a group of Uwp supporters arrived on the scene. The fantastic four exited the scene.
Moments later Bernard phone rings showing a private number. He answers and guess who is on the phone? Goddard Darchiville. According to Bernard Goddard threatenned him with kicks and slaps when comes down the following day for the launching of Lorne. Bernard accused him of wanting to buy him with chicken and according to Bernard the exchanged on the phone was very unpleasant. Bernard said he waited the whole day,but Goddard never showed up.
This blog in no way condone's the allegged activity of Bernard and his friend, but the Lorne's approach, ably supported by his friends was not warranted. Such activities are carried out by both sides by emotionally charged supporters. A code of conduct must be put in place to minimise such activities.
What is very frightening is Lorne's approach. Like someone said, "De boy green still." Even though, he surely is a man of the law and by extension a Lawyer. His approach is unwaranted.
This brings me back to the Saltibus incident, where he confronted Reds. This makes two violent spurts by a prospect candidate. Wow!It is so early in the fight and this is the type of behaviour he displays.
Like he loves to say, "I'll roll on you." He surely is a violent roller. God fordid.
And as for Hilaire, Vernon and Ephraim, they should have displayed a little more maturity by preventing Lorne from leaving the village and driving all the way up to Dacretin to confront a Uwp supporter who someone rang to tell him that his posters and flags are being ripped off the Lucelec and Lime posts.
As for Goddard, shame on him. Threatening a person with kicks is not nice.
The Fantastic Four will be at it again, Trust me.
So this leaves us with the notion that Lorne is no saint.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

The Day for Stage Theatrics and Political Gimmicks

There will be interesting events going on in La Fargue today and you are free to watch. Persons will be speaking in riddles and half-truths today. You're familiar enough with advertising to see a come-on when you see one. (check Kenny on stage) If nothing else, you'll end the day with your political maturity more sharpened.
There is no doubt in my mind that the crowd will be fully entertained by the artists and more so the politicians, not to forget the ''Keny Dance.'' One will see a repeat of the same stage theatrics that categorised the Labour Party's campaign in 2006. I won't be surprised if I see all the candidates dressed in black suits (men in black) like they once did at a meeting in La Clery when Ignatius Jean was launched during the last general election campaign. (depicting the caption)
What to expect today? Intermittent drizzles, a sizeable crowd, (supporters, non supporters, prospective voters and party goers, traffic congestions and the usual waylalay, as well as hostility towards non Lorne supporters, which the Choiseul supporters are noted for.
You will realize that maypwis will be the order of the day. You will also realize that the Labour Party has transformed (like their Choiseul campaign crew counterparts) electioneering into low-rent mass entertainment. Their message will be irrelevant and theatrics will take centre stage.
You will also notice that while Lorne is reading his speech (sorry, Bolo's speech) the crowd would seemingly be uninterested. And while a few pockets would respond emotionally there will be no wild jubilation in anticipation of a Lorne victory.
At that rally, Labour will employ any means of deception to get into power. Don't be suprised if you hear that the 'Fonmar and back of California lands' will be offered to Choiseulians for free. What treachery! Only a desperate party would insult the intelligence of the Constituency with such drivel.
Despite the mindless predictions coming from the two recent Labour engineered polls, the opposition will will lose an additional seat or two come next elections.
The crowds attracted currently by the UWP rallies have been massive and determined. This must be a worrying phenomenon for the Labour Party.
One must not forget the ineptitude and scandals that plagued at least two of the former Government ministries......Rambally's and Finistierre's.
Rufus' campaign crew must expose his achievements and expose the betrayal of the SLP candidate as a man of the poor working class.
On the principle that a Constituency gets a Parliamentarian it deserves.
The next general elections will tell us whether we as Choiseulians will endeavour to take the path of continued progress,or choose the path of regression and continued deception.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Progress Pics on Roblot Road Slippage Works

Just keeping you abreast on the status of works in Roblot.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Park Estate Field Upgraded

The voices of the youth in Park Estate and its environs can be heard loud and clear. There is an avalanche of support for the upgrading of the field in the community.
Over the years this small community has produced some very talented cricketers....one or two have even been called on the national side. This you must admit is through the avenues presented to them through the Parliamentary Rep. He has provided them with sports gear...both cricket and football,he intially had this same area which is being upgraded,leveled to accommodate cricket playing and of course his moral support was always there.
Well we should be seeing big things from this small community in the future. Now that the field is enlarged, i am sure that the standard of football will surely improve.
The work have been temporarily held up because of Tropicl storm Emily, but will resume as soon as the weather clears.
Now that Park Estate will have a fairly large field, persons can look forward to bigger events in this community.
They can take a page from the Delcer/La Pointe organisors in the way they have been putting their newly constructed field to maximum use.
Without a shadow of a doubt Bousquet has done nuff for sports in his constituency.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Fitte Road Rehab on Track

Well, at last the residents in the community of Fiette can breathe a sigh of relief after much arm twisting had been done to get this project off the ground.
Again Bousquet must be commended for his valiant effort and continuous pressure on the relevant authorities to get this road rehab project for the residents.
Minibuses as well as the road users finally have their complains heard. There is no doubt that the business places in the area will welcome this initiative. a definite plus for Rufus.
Much work have been done on this road in the past...grading and drainage.these tempory works have only relieved the pressure for a short while.
The first phase of the project is on. Proper box drains are being constructed by local contractors,who have employed the boys in the 'savanne' to get the works done.
The project is moving along smoothly and is due to be completed shortly.
Bousquet has vouchsafe that his legacy for the development of this Constituency will live on and it is by this he will be judged.