
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Will Choiseul Host 'Jazz at Sab Weesha' in 2012?

Now that the 20th St.Lucia Jazz Festival has concluded, the authorities are in the process of carrying out a post mortem to find out how the festival can be improved etc.
New out-district venues may be discussed, a new line up of artists will be suggested,even Jazz at Bordelais may be on the agenda. Will Choiseul be discussed?
Does Choiseul have what it takes to host a Jazz session? Are there persons with the know how and capabilities to see the event through. Will enough sponsorship be mustered. Is Sab Weesha ready for such an event? And many other questions will come to the fore. Finally who's going to take the bold step to get the ball rolling
Choiseulians need to demand a Jazz session in the district. Your humble servant have been for the longest while an advocate for 'Jazz in Choiseul.' This year I took it up to host 'Jazz in Roblot' and believe you me, the amount of red tape I had to go through is unimaginable....... parking, security, waste disposal, you name it.
The local band would have been hired together with Meshach, Sac Papier and other local entertainers. Quite some feed back was already reaching my facebook, twitter and email. Sorry guys.
This year on the main stage in Castries was Trey Songz, and some other well known artists. They all performed to the crowd's delight. Even heard that Morgan Heritage wanted to continue singing for free.
An interested party need to come together right now to chart the way forward for a different kind of genre to be presented to our people. If music be the food of life then play on
Choiseulians get together to make it happen....'Jazz in Choiseul'

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