
Friday, December 17, 2010

Plans for mini stadium moves into high gear - post # 2

This is the second post to bring you in the know about the plans for the mini stadium which will be a state of the art in Choiseul


It was felt that the field needed proper security. However, there was also the need to ensure that persons did not feel restricted when using the playing facility especially the footballers who use the area regularly including weekends.

*The main discussion concerning fencing was “How and where do we fence?, Is the fencing going to take care of the whole complex including the playground?

*The area should be fence to prevent vandalism by the public and assist with events that require crowd control.

*It was agreed that the sporting facility should not be blocked with concrete since this would make it too private.

*Deep gutters should be used to prevent specific entry points.

*The possibility of planting trees around the facility should also be considered.


*The road separating the playing field from the court should be condemned.

*A road should be cut from the main road and join with Miss St. Rose’s road as the alternative route.

*One suggestion was made to keep the road which leads to Mr. William’s house to allow easy access for the residents who live at the back of the playing field.

*Another suggestion was made to make this road part of the sporting facility. It would be used as a walkway to access the facility.

*A road should be built right around the facility which would be used as both an entrance and an exit.

N:B Access to the playground should not mean access to all areas in the sporting facility.


Two (2) possible ways to maintain the sporting facility were suggested

1. The facility should be maintained and sustained by the government

2. A committee should be made responsible for it. This committee will devise a plan to generate funds.

Check for the final post.

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