
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Plans for mini stadium moves into high gear - post # 3

 This is the final post on the meeting where the stakeholders held some serious discussions. This blog want to wish the committee all the best in their endeavour to bring to all Choiseulians a facility which will stand out on the map. Good luck guys.


The following suggestions were made to acquire funding for the sporting facility.

*Use of the World Cup Funds which were allocated for the development of the field.

*Director of SSDF

*UK Caribbean

*the District

*Companies and Universities with new technology can be targeted such as University of Vermont

*Get companies to advertise outside of the sporting facility

*Have outsiders to pay a fee to use the facility


A group of individuals were selected to form a committee which would be responsible for the planning stage of the sporting facility including meeting with the architects. Members of the committee are

*Mr. Brian Charles

*Mr. Vincent William

*Mr. Jonathan Chalon

*Mr. Glen Albert

*Mr. Davidson Lionel

*Mr. Mac Arthur Phillip

*Mr. Alvah Charles

Mr. Lionel thanked persons for attending the meeting.

This blog wants to recommend to the committee to name the stadium after the late JMD Bousquet.
HELLO!  Did someone turn up their nose? Just a thought.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Plans for mini stadium moves into high gear - post # 2

This is the second post to bring you in the know about the plans for the mini stadium which will be a state of the art in Choiseul


It was felt that the field needed proper security. However, there was also the need to ensure that persons did not feel restricted when using the playing facility especially the footballers who use the area regularly including weekends.

*The main discussion concerning fencing was “How and where do we fence?, Is the fencing going to take care of the whole complex including the playground?

*The area should be fence to prevent vandalism by the public and assist with events that require crowd control.

*It was agreed that the sporting facility should not be blocked with concrete since this would make it too private.

*Deep gutters should be used to prevent specific entry points.

*The possibility of planting trees around the facility should also be considered.


*The road separating the playing field from the court should be condemned.

*A road should be cut from the main road and join with Miss St. Rose’s road as the alternative route.

*One suggestion was made to keep the road which leads to Mr. William’s house to allow easy access for the residents who live at the back of the playing field.

*Another suggestion was made to make this road part of the sporting facility. It would be used as a walkway to access the facility.

*A road should be built right around the facility which would be used as both an entrance and an exit.

N:B Access to the playground should not mean access to all areas in the sporting facility.


Two (2) possible ways to maintain the sporting facility were suggested

1. The facility should be maintained and sustained by the government

2. A committee should be made responsible for it. This committee will devise a plan to generate funds.

Check for the final post.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Plans for mini stadium moves into high gear -Post #1

After the recently completed meeting with the Choiseul Village Council where Bousquet discussed the mini stadium project,the former as well as other stakeholders held a meeting on Tuesday November 30, 2010 on the proposed site for the project to discuss further plans.
The meeting was well attended and the discussions went well. This blog has decided to publish the entire minutes of this meeting in three subsequent post to keep you in the know.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Davidson Lionel and later Mr. Mac Arthur Philip


The main aims of the meeting were

*to discuss plans for the sporting facility

*to select a committee whose main responsibility would be to meet with the architects in planning the structure of the sporting facility

*to ensure that Choiseulians play an active role in the planning stage of the sporting facility.

The discussions which took place were categorized under the following headings namely:

(A) Major concerns of residence

(B) Structure

(C) Security and fencing

(D) Access of the Facility

(E) Maintenance and sustainability

(F) Possible sources of funding

(G) Formation of planning committee


The persons who were present at the meeting voiced many of their major concerns which included

*that the size of the field not be tampered with. In fact it was felt that the field needed to be widened to create a state of the art facility

*that no development which does not include sports should take place on the small field

* In planning the sporting facility there should be a level of continuity

*That the fencing should not resemble what is found at the mini stadium in Vieux Fort

*That the satellite warehouse should be relocated

*That there should always be public participation in the planning stage to allow for greater appreciation of the sporting facility

*separation of the playing field from the playground



Many suggestions were put forward in relation to the design of the sporting facility. Among these suggestions were

*The sporting facility should include the court, the small field, the playground and the large field.

*The structure should be located to the South of the field facing Mr. Vincent William’s House. However, before this can be done a retaining wall has to be built to stabilise this area. The playing filed also needs to be resurfaced.

*The structure should entail (2) stories.

*The first floor will house toilet facilities, changing rooms, the gym, a resource room as well as some other offices which include an area for shows and concerts.

*The sitting should be placed on the top floor which should be leveled to allow for future development.

*A main building will be placed on this floor with sittings on either side of it. In addition, uncovered stands should be made available all around the structure.

*The courts should be included in the sporting facility and consequently seats have to be placed all around it.

*A walkway should be built to give the community access to the facility.

*The facility should be built in such a way that two sporting disciplines can take place at the same time, for example, cricket and Football.

*The small field should be used as a parking area for certain activities.

N:B The handicapped should be considered in the planning stage of the facility.

Check for the next post.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Does the Powerhouse reflect Lorne's views?

The comment written by an anonymous person talking about the powerhouse being against the mini stadium inspired this article.
Reports reaching this blog speaks to an article written by cyberboss condemning the constructiong of a mini stadium at the La Fargue Grounds. Question, is the views of cyberboss who is also the campaign manager for Lorne reflects Lorne position on the issue? It would be foolhardy of Lorne to stand in unison with cyberboss on this matter.It would be wise of Lorne to issue a statement disassociating himself for this statement.
If I know Lorne well enough, he is a sportsman with immense talent unlike his campaign manager who has had little or no success in the sporting arena. Doesn't Bolo know that the sporting public is in dire need of such a facility? Bolo has never been interested in the development of the sporting skills of the Choiseul youth. To denounce the construction of this facility for the youth speaks volumes of what the SLP camp thinks of Choiseul youth.
Bousquet has sought assistance form the governments of Morocco and Spain in the sum of $911,000 which now sits in an account managed by the Choiseul Village Council. The target is $1.5M.
Cyberboss (Bolo) is only hired to manage Lorne's campaign not make policy statements for the guy.
This blog wants to know whether Lorne is in agreement with Bolo' statement. The Choiseul youth and sporting public need to know, and soon.No gimmicks.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Apology to our readers and followers

We want to apologize to our readers for the break in continuity of our articles.This is due to the lack of internet access in our area since the passage of Tomas.
Lime crews have been hard at work and they have assured us that internet access and phones should be up and running
By next week God willing.
However,reports reaching this blog speak of the negativity of the Choiseul Powerhouse as it relates to the District Rep. Reports suggest that the powerhouse should call itself the Lorne mouthpiece.
Upon reflection I have to agree when I think of who Cyberboss is.
As we stated our blog is here to highlight the achievements of Bousquet.
When the time comes for us to put pressure we will.
This post is being written using a BB.