
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Choiseul Choir brings Xmas to Roblot

The Roblot community seems to have been "blessed" for the last quarter of this year. Firstly, a number of project have been carried out in the community and as if to put an icing on the cake , last night the Choiseul Choir treated the residents to a repertoire of carols at The Hotspot Bar.

The Choiseul Choir has been in existence for a number of years. For quite sometime now the choir has recognized the need to bring the christmas cheer to the entire Choiseul community. Every year during the Xmas season the group visits the different communities for carol singing. The group is headed by the music teacher at the Choiseul Secondary School, Mrs. Philomena Laffeuille. Also in the group iare well known singers Ms. Thornille and calypsonian Inferior.

The session was well recieved by the residents.

1 comment:

Lester Auguste said...

oh the days ...... some golden memories here...