
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Choiseul Secondary First School Day Assembly

The mini buses filled with students started arriving at the school at about 7:35 am. Filled with excitement and a little tense the new comers disembarked the buses and gazed in awe at the school plant thinking wow this is my new school. A number of parents accompanied their children hoping to make the transition easier for their kids.
Braving the inclement weather Mrs. Laffeuille, a teacher at the Choiseul Secondary School stood at the podium to welcome the new batch of students as well as the old ones and to officially commence a new school year.The assembly started with prayers followed by the National Anthem.
Mr. Augier, the principal, in welcoming the students lamented the low percentage pass at the CXC exams last school year. He said the school got a 66.46% pass mark, the lowest the school has ever performed. He asked, " You form fives, are you going to change this ,this year?" One could hear mumbles among the students, giving a hint that they are not even sure.
At a recent meeting with the parents of the new students, the principal assured the parents that this is their students'new home and that he considers himself as the students' father and the the female teachers their mothers.
The school has an enrollment of over seven hundred pupils and a staff of about forty teachers including a vice principal.
The students were awarded a half day on the first day of school. School gets into full speed on Wednesday September 2, 2009..

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