
Friday, August 07, 2009

Choiseul Youth and Sports Council Hosts Summer Camp

Choiseul Summer Camp 2009 came to an exciting climax on Friday 31st July after an exhilarating week of learning, excitement and fun. The theme for the camp was FIGHTING HIV / AIDS through Character Building and was hosted by the Choiseul Youth & Sports Council in collaboration with the Universal Peace Federation. Approximately One hundred participants converged at the Centre of Excellence in Reunion to engage in a multiplicity of fun and educational activities.

A superb cast of presenters addressed the participants on a variety of interesting themes. Dr. Morella Joseph was especially inspiring as she shared her stories of triumph and tragedy with the audience. She captivated the participants using Shock & Awe tactics and a dose of straight talk about the realities and challenges facing young persons in our society. There were poignant addresses from Mr. Casius Elias and Mr. Ignatius Evans who enlighten and motivated the campers to strive for excellence in their every endeavour pointing out that their “attitude will determine their altitude.”

A group of participants formed the media team who were instructed by the veteran media guru Mr. Jerry George; who focused on interviewing, oral presentation, production and dramatization. They used those skills to create a feature presentation on HIV /AIDS and its impact on youth in the community which included an interview segment with community persons, a theatrical presentation and movie production. Mr. Linwall James continued the fight against increasing threats to humanity as he made a stellar presentation on anger management and conflict resolution.

Mr. Remy Taupier from the Universal Peace Federation facilitated intriguing plenary as the participants sought to dissect the intimacies of happiness, maturity, and sexual relationships. Daily group discussions were facilitated by outstanding volunteers who created a safe and secure learning environment where participants discussed and explored various issues related to sex, abstinence, happiness, and virtues. Participants were provided with opportunities to showcase their talents in song through a Karaoke segment, which uncovered a plethora of amazing singing talent among the youth. Dance and drama allowed the students to build their self confidence as they brought to life their various perspectives on HIV, sexuality and health. Participants’ artistic talents were nurtured and showcased through poster making, jewellery designs, card making and other arts and craft activities. The participants indulged in a variety of team building activities fun games and sport as they developed a sense of teamwork, and sportsmanship which will help form desirable virtuous character.

A sense of volunteerism and community were developed in the participants as they played their part in a community service project which included a community clean up, a documentary and the clean-up of the Sab Weesha Beach Park.

The closing ceremony provided the stage for the participants to collect their certificates and say thank you to the sponsors, Caricom, The Department of Youth & Sports and Bank of Saint Lucia. The participants then hosted a extraordinary talent show which brought the curtains down on what the one participant described as “the best camp ever.”

Contributed by Jonathon Chalon
Look out for more photos tomorrow.

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