
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bousquet Brings Relief to La Pointe, Delcer and Industry Residents

Sometime last year heavy rains caused the Anse L' lvrogne River to overflow its banks thus washing away a bridge that connects people of the area to the Town of Soufriere and environs. The absence of that bridge has caused untold hardship to the residents of the La Pointe-Delcer-Industry communities. Comuters plying the Soufriere/La Pointe Route became non existent. Persons wishing to travel to Soufriere had to take the long route of : 1. going via Mongouge route or 2. going via the Choiseul Village route. What a hassle and an increase in bus fare money.
That has changed. Immediately after the storm washed away the bridge, the District Representative visited it and has been in constant dialogue with the Ministry Of Communitions and Works to get this bridge rebuilt. During the past two weeks heavy duty equipment have been hard at work to constuct a makeshift bridge to alleviate the people's hardship.
The bridge is now completed and the residents are happy once more. Soufriere can now see an increase in business. By the way did Dalson play a part? LOL!
Bousquet once again showing his concern for the Choiseul People. Certainly there is not a shadow of a doubt

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