
Thursday, April 30, 2009

La Pointe Gets Another Footpath

Another footpath valued at over $15,000 have just been completed in the Upper part of a Point. The footpath was constructed to serve over ten families who have have trod over a small track to get to ther homes and to the main road.

The families have exprssed their gratitude to the District Rep. for answering their cry.
It is in Mr. Bousquet's nature to go all out to assist person in need. This is the quality of the man. As he mentioned in his 2007 budget address "when I leave Choiseul it will be a better place. This will be the legacy by which you will measure my work."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu and You (part 1 )

Making the rounds these days over the media is The Swine Flu. Here are a few facts about the disease:
What is swine flu?
Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Swine flu viruses have been reported to spread from person-to-person, but in the past, this transmission was limited and not sustained beyond three people.
Is this swine flu virus contagious?
CDC has determined that this swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is contagious and is spreading from human to human. However, at this time, it is not known how easily the virus spreads between people.
What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu in people?
The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu. In the past, severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been reported with swine flu infection in people. Like seasonal flu, swine flu may cause a worsening of underlying chronic medical conditions.
How does swine flu spread?
Spread of this swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
How can someone with the flu infect someone else?
Infected people may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 7 or more days after becoming sick. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick.What should I do to keep from getting the flu? First and most important: wash your hands. Try to stay in good general health. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Try not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bousquet Spends $100,000.00 In His Constuency During Holy Week.

A number of small projects have been underway in numerous communities in the choiseul/saltibus constuency durin the Easter season. Most of these projects involve,constucttion of small bridges to cros ravines,building of drains, road levelling, pot holing, and cutlassing of road verges as well as clearing drains and unblocking culverts.
The monies have been disbursed to a number od contractors who in turn wil subcontract persons to get the works done. Mr. Bousquet is very pleased to have such a project Code Name: "OPERATION LETS DO IT OURSELVES" underway, as he thinks that the most needy persons in each community will benefit, as well as the projects will uplift the appearance of the communities. It is espected that some one hundred and twenty- five ( 125 ) persons will benefit.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bousquet Brings Relief to La Pointe, Delcer and Industry Residents

Sometime last year heavy rains caused the Anse L' lvrogne River to overflow its banks thus washing away a bridge that connects people of the area to the Town of Soufriere and environs. The absence of that bridge has caused untold hardship to the residents of the La Pointe-Delcer-Industry communities. Comuters plying the Soufriere/La Pointe Route became non existent. Persons wishing to travel to Soufriere had to take the long route of : 1. going via Mongouge route or 2. going via the Choiseul Village route. What a hassle and an increase in bus fare money.
That has changed. Immediately after the storm washed away the bridge, the District Representative visited it and has been in constant dialogue with the Ministry Of Communitions and Works to get this bridge rebuilt. During the past two weeks heavy duty equipment have been hard at work to constuct a makeshift bridge to alleviate the people's hardship.
The bridge is now completed and the residents are happy once more. Soufriere can now see an increase in business. By the way did Dalson play a part? LOL!
Bousquet once again showing his concern for the Choiseul People. Certainly there is not a shadow of a doubt

Friday, April 10, 2009

Laborie Primary Schools Win Inter-primary Schools Sports

Although the opening ceremony started about forty minutes late, what transpired throughout the day more or less made up for this short coming. The day's activities started with a march past with all the schools in district 7 - Banse Primary, Laborie Primary Schools, Piaye Combined, Saltibus Primary, Rivere Doree Combined, Roblot Combined, Reunion Primary, Mongouge Combined and Delcer Primary.
Ms. Theophilia Charles, an official with the Ministry Of Education started the ceremony with prayers,which was followed by remarks by the District Education Officer, followed by a Representative from the District Representative 's Office. then Mr Dave Albert , the Physical Education Teacher from the Piaye Secondary School was the guest speaker . Ms. Eve Amaible, a teacher at the Rivere Doree School, moved the vote of thanks.
A short display of karate skills involving students from the Center Of Excellnce was demonsrated for the general audience which was about two thousand strong.
The atheletes displayed a high level of courage, endurance, speed and discipline throughout the events. The officials on the field displayed a high level of professionalism whilst at the officials booth, three Peace Corps Volunteers took care of the data that flowed from the finishing line, thus furnishing the dj with frequent updates for consumption by the Team coaches and the crowd on the whole.
The relays were spectacular and Laborie really showed their superiority and for a second year they emerged champions again.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Industry Residente Get a Footpath

The Taiwanese Government in collsboration with the District Representative, Mr. Rufus Bousquet has again made life alot easier for residents in Choiseul.. Last week a footpath was constructed in Industry, a community that was visited last week by the Taiwan's Ambassador. Residents in the immediate area had to be walking on a dirt path to get to the main road, and to make matters worse, persons had to be walking barefoot when it rains to avoid soiling their shoes whenever they had to leave the community for school, church or even to go shopping.
What a relief ! For this the residents are very grateful to the Taiwanese for funding the project and of course the Rep. for initiating and negoitiating to see the project come on stream.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


The history of April Fool's Day or All Fool's Day is uncertain, but the current thinking is that it began around 1582 in France with the reform of the calendar under Charles IX. The Gregorian Calendar was introduced, and New Year's Day was moved from March 25 - April 1 (new year's week) to January 1.
Communication traveled slowly in those days and some people were only informed of the change several years later. Still others, who were more rebellious refused to acknowledge the change and continued to celebrate on the last day of the former celebration, April 1. These people were labeled "fools" by the general populace, were subject to ridicule and sent on "fool errands," sent invitations to nonexistent parties and had other practical jokes played upon them. The butts of these pranks became known as a "poisson d'avril" or "April fish" because a young naive fish is easily caught. In addition, one common practice was to hook a paper fish on the back of someone as a joke.
This harassment evolved over time and a custom of prank-playing continue on the first day of April. This tradition eventually spread elsewhere like to Britain and Scotland in the 18th century and was introduced to the American colonies by the English and the French. Because of this spread to other countries, April Fool's Day has taken on an international flavor with each country celebrating the holiday in its own way.
In Scotland, for instance, April Fool's Day is devoted to spoofs involving the buttocks and as such is called Taily Day. The butts of these jokes are known as April 'Gowk', another name for cuckoo bird. The origins of the "Kick Me" sign can be traced back to the Scottish observance.
In England, jokes are played only in the morning. Fools are called 'gobs' or 'gobby' and the victim of a joke is called a 'noodle.' It was considered back luck to play a practical joke on someone after noon.
In Rome, the holiday is known as Festival of Hilaria, celebrating the resurrection of the god Attis, is on March 25 and is also referred to as "Roman Laughing Day."
In Portugal, April Fool's Day falls on the Sunday and Monday before lent. In this celebration, many people throw flour at their friends.
The Huli Festival is celebrated on March 31 in India. People play jokes on one another and smear colors on one another celebrating the arrival of Spring.
So, no matter where you happen to be in the world on April 1, don't be surprised if April fools fall playfully upon you.