
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another Bus Shelter In Choiseul

There is no question about it, that Bousquet has delivered more to Choiseul in his short period as Parliamentary Representative than any other politician who has represented Choiseul barring his dad. Bousquet is very receptive and sensitive to the needs of his Constituents. Can't take that away from him.

The latest near completion project is a bus shelter in the Delcer community. This project has been a long-awaited one.

Activist Mr. Jimmy Haynes was very instrumental in securing the land for the erection of the project.

The project is being constructed at an estimated cost of $12000.00 The Bus Shelter is due to be opened on Sunday December 21, 2008.

Presently another project in underway in Jetrine. Look out for photos tomorrow.

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