
Monday, April 12, 2021

Bradley, Pauline and Alphonsus Agree to Virtual Town Hall Meeting?

Until the reopening of many sectors on island and with the ongoing uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual town hall meetings are more important than ever. They’re a valuable way in politics for constituents to hear from leaders, create a sense of community and reinforce the constituency’s mission, goals, values and culture

 In more than 30 years’ experience in political campaigning, I’ve learned that one of the things voters value most is the opportunity to connect with leaders. That’s why town hall meetings are so important; they give leaders a forum for sharing their plans, reviewing critical issues and discussing what constituents can do to help their communities succeed.

The intention behind this new initiative, it appears to me, is to create an open space for voters to engage in conversations. One would hope that these three meetings do not become just a series of dense, one-way presentations which can be made worse if one session is just the same as each other town hall.

Top - Pauline Prospere, Bottom - Alphonsus St Rose, Right - Hon. Bradley Felix

Political town hall meetings are great for getting everyone in the constituency together at the same time to share important constituency updates, strategy decisions, and progress toward candidate-wide goals. Additionally, virtual town halls gives each potential candidate  the ability to easily share content, interact with the audience in new ways and record the discussion for playback later.

According to Jonathan Chalon, from Ministry of Youth and Sports, “This is a great opportunity for our Choiseul Youth to engage in a dialogue with each candidate on different dates. Let us listen to what is in store for us and also for us to share our concerns and get answers to those burning questions.”

Virtual town hall meetings were mostly unheard of a year ago. Now they’re a powerful tool in the politician communication toolbox.
You can jointhe event via the zoom platform. Look out for additional information in the coming days!!!