
Thursday, January 21, 2016

"What If I Decide To Go Along With Lorne?" - Jimmy Haynes

L.T. doing his thing
I must say that Lorne Theophilus, the Parliamentary Representative for Choiseul/Saltibus, gave me the biggest surprise of my life this one Thursday night. Hmmm! don’t start letting your mind race as to what the hell is Dedan shouting about.

You know General Elections are round the corner…...rite, and you know very well that this is the time when dem politicians are going all out to show case themselves to their constituents, in spite of their neglect over the years. However, I am not sure if our Rep was showcasing or genuinely being himself at that karaoke session at the Hangers Bar that Thursday night. What a night it was!
Though the crowd was not large, there were significantly some notable political figures from the opposite side of the divide – they were all invited by Lorne….so they say. The strategist is already at work….don’t you think?

 I remember having a serious convo with Jano Octave, a Facebook  friend of mine, when I posted that I may be a better singer than the Rep. Oh! how she took offence and gave kudos to the Rep whom she had never heard sing, except at that famous SLP Convention in Vieux Fort. She was not at the karaoke session.
But earlier that karaoke night, the Rep called me and asked that I meet him at that  session…I gladly accepted the invitation. But my mind started racing and I remembered Eve, another  top friend of mine telling me, that same day Jano and I was having the convo that our Rep can sing…..cold feet for me…awah!

The Champions at Hanger's Bar
Hangers Bar, which is situated opposite the La Fargue Playing Field was the place to be last Thursday night. The DJ started the show and called your humble servant to do the first song. By that time the Rep was already there and mingling with everyone.  Previously we already had a chat and we were all set to have a fun night. ”AA, you already” he remarked as the DJ blasted my name over the system. I did “Guitar Man” by Bread. The Rep followed with “Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton. His rendition of the song did not impress me much, but it seems that he was only warming up. Well I had it coming!
The Rep was fantastic throughout the night. “You remember Lucsa” his mom, who was this outstanding choir singer in the Catholic Church, Lorne remarked as I gave him kudos over a song he had just performed.He took the night away in spite of top selections by Ferior, Dean, the station sergeant, a beautiful lady by the name of Maureen and myself, to mention a few. Jano was right after all. But was this all at the session?

Not in the least!

Hungry and Jimmy
Politics had to find its way somehow. The arrival of Jimmy Haynes and his little entourage, set my mind ticking. What is dah man's mission? Is he here to compete with Lorne? Is there a little "complo" brewing?  My mind was just racing. You will recall Jimmy's Liberation Train initiative and his intention to run for the Choiseul seat. However this is for another article.

So here comes Jimmy onto me. "Garson you did not even send to wish me Happy NEW Year" Boy, I have been so tied up with work, that this must have slipped me, I may have sent it though, was my reply. By the way, what are you doing here, I quickly threw at him. "Well, Lorne was in my area today and he asked us to check him out here tonight" He replied. We spoke freely for a couple of minutes, but I could sense something was bugging Jimmy. Here comes the bomb! "What if I decide to go along with Lorne?"  He threw at me. "that would be a shocker. I need to teach these guys" ( I presume it's the UWP) "a lesson." He kept on talking. Well bro, if that's how you feel, go for it man, I solemnly advised him.

Jimmy and Lorne doing "One Love"
Jimmy seems to be hurting badly; probably at the slow pace with which his Party is moving to recognize him for the candidacy - if they ever do. But Jimmy, to me, seems to be hurting I think, because  of his own inaction - he is not a member of the Party as far as I know, and he has not applied to be considered as a candidate -- so whats the issue here? But that's for another show. I am sure Lorne would welcome the support - but at what cost? And this was just what he came to confirm that night. (Take this with a grain of salt)

So my dear friends. just before I left, after having my fair share of Karaoke for the night and then listening to  Lorne's rendition of "You're Still The One" by Elton John, I have no doubt in my mind that Lorne knew exactly what he was singing - that he' s still the one for Choiseul/Saltibus come next elections. 
I tend to concur.

Friday, January 08, 2016

Student Faced Near Death Incident At Secondary School.

The switch that almost killed Danzella
A harrowing experience by a fourth form student at the Choiseul Secondary School has left traces of electrical current still running through her body, This is what a medical doctor, who examined Danzella Joseph, the  student who came into contact with a live exposed electrical wire at the Choiseul Secondary School reported. 
Danzy, as she is affectionately called, after she came into contact with the live exposed wires, was taken to hospital - St Jude's, in a private vehicle, (why not an ambulance?) treated and discharged. Later after complaining with severe pains she had to be taken to a private doctor. Can you believe this? LIVE EXPOSED ELECTRICAL WIRES AT A SCHOOL OF OVER 500 STUDENTS! Has safety/security gone down the drain at this school?
This is not surprising, since this school or rather that block has been pronounced unstable since  an earthquake shook it considerably. What is even more disturbing is that the principal, Mr Augier don't seem to have a clue as to what is happening at this school - ask the teachers and you will be surprised at what they tell you. This school has been at its lowest ebb since the appointment of this principal. Do your research.
Lewis, Pierre and Augier - The responsible authorities
Fault must also be laid at the foot of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Ministry of Education for, after being notified of the instability of this building  continue to place the lives of our children at risk. Shame! Shame! Shame on them!
I spoke with Danzella Joseph and this is her story: “We were next to the door having a conversation. Then I was trying to head outside. While  going out I placed my hands on the wall not knowing that there was and open wire switch next to me ... The switch sparked…. whilst I was getting shocked, I wasn't thinking at that time. When I realize this was going on I screamed and pulled myself back and ran toward the other door and fell on my knees.
Danzella Joseph
Well, all they {School authorities} did was bring me to the health center and the health center sent me to St.Jude's. They brought me back to the office were they sent me on a teachers car to transport me to S.Jude's  ( NOT via an Ambulance ). When I arrived at St.Jude's they put me to sit as an ordinary patient waiting. After wards all they did was an EKG and discharge me with medication no blood test, nothing..... Well my mother is not pleased with it…. she went to the school to see what was going on.
The principal stated that he wasn't aware of the broken switch in the classroom, but he had already got it fixed  as the school term was coming…… when this was a lie. The switch has been broken a month since school close for Christmas.
 My mom isn't accepting that St.Jude's didn't do much for me, so she's taking me to a private doctor. The school gave her the insurance paper and sent her off. I visited the doctor yesterday where I had to do multiple test at Tapion "Blood Test ,CBC, kidney and liver test etc."  He also said that it may not affect me now but later on in life it might.  So right now I have to go back to the doctor."
A wing of the Choiseul Secondary
 When contacted by telephone, the school's principal, Mr Augier, who's negligence almost cost a student her life, remarked, "I have nothing to say. Contact the chief." Who is the chief I asked? "The Chief Education Officer" he rudely responded and hung up.
Mr Augier must realize that he is answerable to the parents and by extension, the general public who pays for his salary. He has nothing to say he says, when in fact it is due to his negligence and oversight that this student  was exposed to this hazard in a classroom. The child's parents should really make him have his day in court so he can tell the judge, "I have nothing to say, ask the chief"

Sad day for Choiseul Secondary.