
Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Following the phenomenal success of its recent 37th National Convention, the United Workers Party will be staging a massive national rally in the southern town of Vieux Fort this Sunday, August 25th, 2013. The event seeks to build on the heightened and growing interest in the Party as it prepares to take over the reins of governance when the opportunity arises.

At the rally party, supporters and enthusiasts will hear from the newly elected leadership of the party and other speakers who will address a litany of concerns, and the unprecedented hardship facing all Saint Lucians under the rule of the Labour Party Administration. The rally will be a demonstration of Party unity and strength as the UWP readies itself to regain office and restore confidence and pride in Saint Lucians locally and in the diaspora.

The national rally will be held near the Vieux Fort Town Hall and is scheduled to begin at 4:00 pm. Rally organizers have planned two motorcades which will travel along the western and eastern coasts of the island and culminate at the site of the rally. The respective motorcades will leave Castries and Soufriere at 12:00 noon and traverse the various communities in a post convention show of force.

The Vieux Fort rally is the first of a series of activities to mobilize the Party’s base and consolidate the UWP as a viable and potent political force. The United Workers Party has assumed the posture of a more organized and vigilant opposition, and is committed to giving quality representation to the people whilst preparing for the good governance of the country after the next general elections.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Debunking The Labor Propagandist Theory That Those With Economic Power Should Not Have Political Power - By Dane Gibson

The latest desperate effort by the minion operatives of the St Lucia Labor Party is to plant fear amongst the masses with this idea that, Allen Chastanet being viewed as being part of an establishment, of a relatively fixed group of privileged people that dominate the St Lucian economy could only be detrimental for St Lucia and St Lucians if they were to be allowed to contribute in Government of St Lucia… Of late terms like "Class", "power" and “bourgeoisie” are terms that suddenly make St Lucians uneasy in social media, and concepts such as "power elite" immediately put people on guard. Do these, like Papa Vader put it “Sections” exist? Of course they do … But the beauty of it all MY FELLOW ST LUCIANS is this Dichotomy in our Democracy has also co-existed and continue to without much ado….But desperate times in the labor camp have led to desperate measures and I suspect it is only to mask numerous failing initiatives and lack of vision by this Gov’t, so the they seek to divide to conquer….Typical.

The fact of the matter is MY FELLOW ST. LUCIANS while we may differ in our social and income levels, and some may have more influence than others, there can be no fixed power group when power is constitutionally lodged the hands of PEOPLE, especially when there is democratic participation through elections and when the evidence of social mobility is everywhere apparent. Our Prime Minister himself is a perfect example having come from humble means working his way to lifestyle of comfort. Anther fact is with that elected officials, along with interest groups like our ever present unions and YOU as consumers, together have enough countervailing power to say that there is a more open, pluralistic distribution of power rather than one with rich people and corporations at the top. Perhaps Dr. Tennyson Joseph labor’s esteemed well degreed political scientist and intellect can come true and shed some light on the matter. I’m sure this would make for a more interesting debate 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Step Up, Or Step Out

    The bonds are still there
    There is growing concern over the efficiency of the present Choiseul-Saltibus UWP Constituency Branch when it relates to MOBILISATION. Many of us from the old school have been trying to findout what is happening for the upcoming Mini rally in Vieux fort, all to no avail. is there a conspiracy to boycott Allen's move towards PM-ship. There are circulationg rumors that the present exec is pro Tucker - was he not instrumental in getting his crew to nominate him for chairman of the party? Didn't a few of them openly cried at Marigot when it was officially announced that Ezekiel had won? There is more in the mortar than the pestle.
    Choiseul rep on UWP NYA
       Choiseullocal for Choiseul-saltibus told this blog that after posting a message on the Youth Arm Facebook page, asking for clarification for transportation to Vieux fort,  the Choiseul member on the National Youth Arm told him to provide the transport to Vieux Fort. The Youth Arm  has taken her out of place comment seriously and the matter is being looked into.

      But that is not all, and it shows one the lackadaisical attitude of our present exec. The largest and most loyal polling division wrote this letter to the Chairman of the Branch exec, Mr Gilbert Issac. As to the time i am penning this post the chairman has not dared to reply. This letter was sent nine (9) days ago.  the letter goes like this:
    "Hi Whelan
    I am happy to know that the Executive is apparently active. When do you anticipate the process of establishing the Divisional Groups to commence and how long will this process take? We, that is, the supporters of the Delcer Polling Division, believe that this is a very important and necessary exercise and I urge the Executive to expeditiously conduct that exercise.
    I have seen messages on Facebook promoting a Mini-Rally in Vieux-Fort. What are the arrangements for Choiseul? How many transports, if any, have been allocated for the Delcer Polling Division? If paid transportation is authorized, how much is the trip and when will the drivers be paid? Where is the meeting/rendezvous point? What is the departure time? I anxiously await your prompt response as I am inundated with inquiries from interested supporters and we would need ample time to make the necessary arrangements.
    Is the P.R.O. active? I ask the question because there is very little or no dissemination of information from the Constituency Branch. That is a serious handicap and I urge you and your Executive to improve that aspect of our affairs. I hope that you take my suggestions/recommendations and questions in the spirit in which I make them. The effective management and functioning of the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency Branch is critical to the success of the UWP and we all, including myself must pull up our proverbial socks. Thanking you in anticipation of for your assistance and cooperation.

    Respectfully yours,

    (name withheld)"

        Serious questions that need immediate answers and that goes for all polling divisions. This letter underpins the problem we the loyal and conscious supporters of UWPs in the constituency  have.
    Choiseul/Saltibus Rep
     We need to remove.this "Soucouyaan", type representation ( pas mwen kee dee e, say nom yo mem kee dee e)  which Choiseul now, is burdened with. Therefore let"s get it RIGHT.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

UWP Responds to SLP Statements

UWP political leader
The United Workers Party is indeed pleased that the recent Address to the Nation by its newly elected Political Leader, Mr. Allen Chastanet, has drawn so much interest from Government and Labour Party Operatives. The August 13th, 2013 Press Release from the Office of the Prime Minister was indeed another feeble attempt to discredit the new indomitable UWP Leader, Mr. Allen Chastanet.
Although the Government’s Press Statement is laid naked by its own attempts at distortion, it is important to review the August 13th Press Release in order to set the record straight.
It must be noted that the Address by the Political Leader spoke to “potential fall-out”, not just with respect to the OECS, but also the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The concern expressed was the proposed use of the SUCRE as the trading currency of ALBA Countries, and the implications for the OECS Monetary Union. In other words, does St. Lucia plan to leave the ECMU and abandon the Easter Caribbean Dollar? Does St. Lucia’s accession to ALBA now put us in conflict with the   Pro- Argentina position on The Falklands Islands and could have serious repercussions for our Foreign Policy standing with the United Kingdom. Similarly, the clear anti-USAID stance of ALBA may undermine our longstanding relationships with the USA. Such decisions can have widespread implications for our nation as a whole and ought to be part of a national debate. These are major concerns which affect our people and they must be aware of the implications, and be given the opportunity to express their opinions on. Matters of Foreign Policy should not be left exclusively to the dictates of a short-sighted Government.
The suggestion for the need for Parliamentary approval as relates to ALBA is in consonance with transparent and participatory democracy! The history of Labour Party Governments led by Prime Minister Anthony, gives natural cause for concern, as reflected in the very recent and damning examples of Rochamel and Grynberg which were cited in Mr. Chastanet’s Address.
It is, therefore, mischievous that the Government’s Press Statement would attempt to draw parallels between the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and ALBA. This is clearly an attempt at mixing the disparate issues with all the attendant connotations. The UWP insist that because of the implications re: debt accumulation ref. Petro Caraibe which is an initiative of ALBA and the potential political fall-out from membership of ALBA which is an anti - American Alliance that the approval of Parliament MUST be sought.
SLP political leader
Our apprehensions regarding ALBA may already be gaining merit in the recent manifestations of possible US reprisals.   Further, the articulation of policy intent within a Throne Speech does NOT mean that the Government has the “go ahead” to take Saint Lucia to the “gates of hell” before consulting with the people and parliament. The fact is, most Saint Lucians do not know or understand what ALBA is or represents. This approach is what in our folklore is referred to as “Jab an Sak” (the Devil hidden in a sac).
The worn out strategy of seeking to tarnish Mr. Chastanet’s record as a Minister in the last UWP Administration by bringing into question Minimum Revenue Guarantees (MRG) agreements with some airlines is exposed by its own pale weakness. Firstly Mr. Chastanet makes it clear that all MRGs were subject to approval by the Cabinet of Ministers and were in fact signed by the St Lucia Tourist Board and not the Minister of Tourism. The shallowness of this attempt to denigrate the UWP Political Leader is highlighted by the fact that the use of MRGs is a policy which has been employed by successive UWP and SLP Governments. It is obvious that such agreements are treated as confidential for strategic purposes. It is for that same reason that the current Government might not wish to divulge the details of the current agreement/arrangements between itself and United Airlines.
There  is, however,  a  deafening silence from the Government  on  issues that are of grave concern to Saint Lucians, as they affect and threaten our livelihoods and sovereignty.
The following issues highlighted in Mr. Chastanet’s Address are restated for the attention and response of the Kenny Anthony Administration:
-    The removal of VAT on ALL reading glasses for senior citizens;
-    The removal of VAT on ALL medication;
-    The request for full disclosure and clarification on the award of a contract by SLASPA for the construction and operation of a Fixed Based Operation (Private Jet Terminal) at HIA;
-    The status of Post Hurricane Tomas Reconstruction Projects;-    The revision of the VAT with a view to reduction of the rate;
-    The update on the St Jude Hospital Redevelopment Project and a definitive statement on a date for returning the Hospital to its original home;
-  The full disclosure on how much money was collected from the Airport Development
Tax for the Hewanorra International Airport Redevelopment Project;
This is also an opportunity to once again call on Saint Lucia’s Prime Minister Kenny Anthony to
address the Nation on the troubling Grynberg matter.
Finally the Address to the Nation by newly elected Political Leader of the United Workers Party presented the Labour Party and the current Government with an opportunity to engage on a new standard of political discourse. During his address, Mr. Chastanet stated the following: “our people deserve better than the maypwee and personal character attacks which pass for political discourse, and they are demanding, rightly, that our exchanges be about real issues that matter, the issues which affect our welfare, as a nation, and as a people”. “And I say to members and supporters of the UWP, the Labour Party is not our enemy, Kenny Anthony is not our enemy, his ministers and supporters are not our enemies.  But we do have enemies – and our enemies are poverty, unemployment, ignorance and apathy; and  we must fight those enemies, with everything we have ….”

We continue to seek opportunities to engage all interested parties in this new dialogue about the current and future development of our small nation.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Did The CCCU Board Of Directors Make A Fopar?

A reliable source has informed this blog about issues surrounding the purchase of a building and lot in the town of Soufriere by the Choiseul Credit Co-operative Credit Union (CCCU). According to this source, the building being purchased is close to 60 years old and in poor condition. It is being purchased at a cost of $630 000.00 and based on a report by Herbert Peter ( not proven) will require at least another $430 000.00 to bring it to a state of repair in addition to planning and drafting costs. This means it will cost the Credit Union about $1 100 000.00.

   Unfortunately, in spite of the manager’s advice against the purchase, the source continues, this decision was taken although the structural engineers report has indicated that the structures of the building will be good for only about 30 to 35 years. This means that by the time the building is paid for it would have to be demolished unless major structural redevelopment is undertaken which will significantly increase the stated cost. Additionally, if one takes into account the real cost of the venture to the Credit Union it will be noted that by the time it is paid for the amortized will be about $2 400 00.00 ($1 100 000.00 x 7% interest over a period of 25 years) By the end of this period the question which needs to be asked considering the engineer’s report is “What will the value of the building be after it has been fully paid for.

  Additionally, this source revealed, that the branch in Soufriere cannot afford the cost of the building because its operations are being subsidized by the Choiseul to the tune of $97 500.00 in 2013, over $90 000.00 in 2014 and $60 000.00 in 2015. The expectation is that the branch will break even in 2017 and surpluses will be realized from 2018. Remember, the amortized cost of the building at a rate of 7% per year over a period of 25 years is estimated at $2 400 000.00 after which its structure will be at risk.

Here are some pertinent questions which this blog thinks need immediate answers

1. Shouldn't the Board consult the membership on such a large investment before committing to this deal. After all, the society belongs to the members and no decision of this magnitude should be made without the approval of members?

2. Are the owners of the building related to or connected to any member of the Board (their Surnames suggest this (it is being rumored on the ground that a board member has a family interest and it is interesting that of all the owners carry the surname? (family surname withheld)

3. Why should such an investment be made if the Branch is already being subsidized since this will further drain the returns (profits) of the Credit Union and this can result in the reduction of interest to members? (It will cost the members a further $5 000.00 monthly to pay for the building when one deducts the projected rent from the monthly amortized cost of $8 500.00)

4 Considering the age and condition of the building isn’t this putting the member’s funds at risk?

    Efforts to get a response from the Credit Union,s persons in-charge, since there seems to be no general manager, proved futile.( An issue that needs urgent attention)  Therefore it begs the question whether the Board of Directors are really working in the interest of the members and by extension the institution.
   There have been other subservient activities going on at the Credit union, like abuse of cell phones, favoritism towards delinquent members, and the list goes on. It is alleged that a certain member on the board had a phone bill of over $500.00 for a month for the cell phone provided to him/her, whereas other board members bills were a mere $150.00? But that is for another show.

Sunday, August 04, 2013

"I think that the debate should be elevated to do justice to SLU on the competence of the individuals to lead our fair isle." - Allan Amedee

A recent discussion on SLAP caught my attention. It had to do with Allen Chastanet's competence in Kweyole.  What amazes me is why such an issue at this point in time? Is the Constitution of St Lucia written in patois, or should one be verse in the dialect to lead this country? Must Allen be able tom speak patois fluently to be able go give good representation locally as well as abroad/
This blog thinks that this issue is a far-fetched one which should not be entertained by the so called bright minds of the SLP and the like.
 As a past teacher I have seen the damage done to young minds as they grapple with the English language at school -  pure transliteration.from patois; what a sorry state? And here we are today making an issue with person's competence to lead a country base on his ability to speak the dialect fluently. Give me a break!
Below is that discussion extracted from Facebook:
Amatus Edwards: There is the view that Allen Chastanet needs to be able to speak Kweyol fluently to qualify as PM. The rationale presented is that he needs to be able to communicate to the ENTIRE nation and kweyol seem to be the ONLY means by which this could be achieved. The following should make for some interesting discussion:
 1. What about the population of deaf people. Would they be reached with Kweyol? Or, are they unimportant?
 2. Should he master sign language as well? Can our present PM sign?
 3. When he would have spoken in kweyol without translating into english, would he not be excluding those folks who can't understand Kweyol. I was shocked to come across a fellow Anse La Raye resident who could not understand simple kweyol.
 4. Should each word the PM speak be translated to both kweyol and English....oh, and sign Language?
 5. When was the last time you heard KDA speak kweyol when taking news interviews? Has he been deliberately keeping the masses in the dark?
 6. The constitution requires that MP have a good mastery of the English language. Are you satisfied that all the MPs do?
 7. The constitution does not require MP to be fluent in kweyol.
     Politicians speaking kweyol to people in Saint Lucia is more platitude than anything else - me think.
    Amatus Edwards: Rohan Roaks admins could you kindly PIN this post? Thanks in anticipation. This issue has taken centre stage and so should be thoroughly dealt with.
   Shazi Chalon: Amatus Edwards sign language is not our culture the kreyole language is a very important part of our culture we are a natural bilingual people that's whats makes us unique !!!
    Vieuxfort South Cries: Shazi Chalon hope you are covering your tracks
    Shazi Chalon: my work speaks for me !!!
      Nicholas Sydney: you have articulated some great points and I do agree with you. The most important thing should be the Prime Minister should be able to communicate to the entire nation. Lets look at the US where Spanish is a language spoken by a large portion of US citizens. The president of the US is not chastised for his inability for speaking Spanish. If he wants to communicate to the Latinos he has a translator do that for him. The same is done for deaf people. If he cant use sign language then there are people who are assigned for that task. Although things are put in place to address these limitations; such as close caption television. However we are not measured by the same standards in St.Lucia. There is only a small percentage of deaf people in St.Lucia and yes we do have close caption television. We have newspapers because believe it or not deaf people can read. Creole is spoken by or at least understood by the vast majority of our citizens. It is part of our history as a matter of fact a day is set aside to observe its significance to St.Lucia. Any person seriously considering themselves for office of Prime Minister should at least be able to communicate to the masses in their native language. Though the president of the US is not required to speak Spanish, anyone running for Governor or congressman in any of these Latino areas they are expected to speak Spanish.
     Allan Amedee: I think immersion in one's cultural heritage is an important element of representation. Moreover, I don't see him as the/a Solution, if anything I see him as part of the Problem. I have no Party Political axe to grind
     Urban Dolor: I am in agreement with Allan Amedee. I don't think this is all about whether Mr. Chastenet can speak/understand/ Kwéyòl. I think more of it has to do with whether he has the experiences that would have allowed him to speak (or at least understand) that language. Now if he has not been exposed to the experiences that allows a person to become a Kwéyòl speaker I think it would be extremely difficult for him to understand the lives of Kwéyòl speakers. If he has the experience but chose not to learn the language then that may well be saying something else - he is either unable to learn [languages] quickly or he is condescending - I don't think either of these augers well for him.
The Corollary of what I have offered is that even if Mr. Chastenet were to take crash courses in speaking Kwéyòl he would still be handicapped without an ability to understand the experiences that would have shaped the lives of the Kwéyòl speaker. Why should we have a leader who is incapable of empathizing with a significant portion of the electorate?
I think that Kenny D. Anthony would be a better leader if he were able to sign. Don't you think so Amatus Edwards: Among other things it would help him better structure thoughts that he wants to share with them.
    Allan Amedee: POLITICS unlike being born with a silver spoon where the sun don't shine. One is ELECTED and NOT SELECTED
       Amatus Edwards :I get it guys, it is not about his inability to speak kweyol but his inability to understand the experiences that would have shaped the lives of the Kwéyòl speaker. Did I get it correctly this time around?
    Amatus Edwards: Shazi Chalon says sign language is not part of our culture. This means that we don't sign in Saint Lucia. This can't be true Chalon. Our culture is not static. It has evolved to include quite a bit of foreign cultures to create a potpourri that we seem to enjoy. You would say that Country and Western is not part of our culture; but Urban Dolor would yell at you to say that you would have been joking.
     Amatus Edwards: Urban Dolor brought a new dimension; that of his inability to understand the experiences that would have shaped the lives of the kweyol Speaker.
While I don't buy that view because I never lived on a slave plantation and I am pretty clear about the travails of slaves on one but I would seek to deal with the point that the good gentleman has advanced.
If UD is correct, then shouldn't the PM need to understand the experiences that would have shaped the lives of the other saint Lucians who don't speak kweyol? I think we have to choose one or the other. Isn't it important for the PM to understand the experiences of all of us? Or can he? Can anyone understand the experiences of a whole nation firsthand or can he acquaint himself with them through other means? Besides, while most saint Lucians would be speaking kweyol, their experiences growing up may be much different from each other!
    Joseph Dosserie: Whereas his ability to speak the language would have been a great asset, I think of bigger importance is his knowledge, understanding and deeper appreciation of the kweyol culture, and how it influences the lives of the populist. My answer is no.
Eldon Morille: A young lady spent about two six months stints in new York December 2011- January 2013 when she came back met her at super j said to her sac ka fete and she was like uh what??? am like sa ka fete and she goes I do not understand patois, well ashamed to have embarrassed my self and her I went about my shopping.
     Amatus Edwards: Joseph Dosserie , please read my penultimate post.
     Joseph Dosserie: I did.i was expressing my own views.
   Allan Amedee: My Bro Amatus Edwars, I understand and respect you views and dogged defense of your position. But, my brother you seem to be unhappy with any one with a contrary view. We are not clones of each other and come and see things from different perspectives. i't wouldn't be a Democracy otherwise
   Amatus Edwards: Okay then Joseph Dosserie. You need to take a look at the New thread which I created on that kweyol issue.
       Ian Charles: Sigh, this "can the white Saint Lucian man speak patios" argument is a very pointless argument. I know MANY people, MANY PEOPLE who are black Saint Lucians and cannot speak more than patois cuss words. How many northern kids can speak a word in Patois? Juk bois has on occasion, gotten upset with his guests for not being able to speak patois! For me, the important issue is whether AC can identify with the circumstances, realities and challenges of the people he seeks to represent. If no, and if that is critical, then what of the argument that persons who did not hail from a community cannot or should not run that constituency in an election? I thought the reason for the latter was that those persons did not know the people or could not identify with them. Lastly, I think the unability of AC to speak fluent patois is excellent. It has placed an important cultural issue on the front burner. But if speaking creole is integral to our claim to true lucianism, then shouldn't we ALL be able to? And if Chastanet decides to take classes, what of the other black Saint Lucians who can't speak patois? Also, if AC learns Patois, would that then satisfy our requirements for representation? I see this as a case of be careful what you wish for!
     Gleason Lafeuillee: Ian Charles i'd say if there are St Lucians who don't speak patios is because they don't want to. this i'd say based on the fact that if u pass by the Syrians who came to St Lucia and own businesses all over. many if not all of them do speak the creole/patios. they make it their business to learn it as soon as they land. when you go by their store they would speak it to you and when they don't want you to know what they speaking they use their native language. so i'd say its not a requirement but I think the leader of the nation should at least have be able to converse in our native language. that would help to identify him/her as one of us. that's my humble view.
    Urban Dolor: Amatus Edwards I am still hoping that you can give me your support for my position that Kenny Anthony would be better off if he could sign. Alas, I will have to wait a little longer. About the understanding slavery matter. There is no way that an ordinary person who did not experience slavery first hand can have the splanchnic understanding of the atrocities associated with slavery when compared to a person who had first-hand experience. Top of the line actors are the only ones who may come close to that understanding.
Tell me Amatus whose would you prefer to be defending your right to access to a Country and Western dance, me or some one who has never gone to a country and western dance in his life (assume that the other fellow is just as articulate as I am).
      Ian Charles: Gleason Lafeuillee you'd feel better if a PM could speak it, but not that he uses it. I agree that those who don't speak it,don't want to or aren't interested in learning. But the "one of us" viewpoint"? How do we define that? SJC was Vincentian, AC is born Lucian. Can't he and others learn? Btw, I am no AC advocate, just arguing the issues.
     Jimmy Haynes: I thought about making a contribution to this debate but with all these accomplished mystery spinners on this already deteriorating pitch my slow lollipop bowling will be annihilated. What I find strange is that everyone with a known allegiance or sympathy to the SLP believe that Allen Chastanet's inability to communicate in kweyol is a significant deficiency in his qualifications to be the Prime Minister of St. Lucia.Likewise those with the opposite view are apparently non supporters of the SLP. Our obvious partisan political biases neuters the objectivity of our vaunted positions and renders our googlies mere no balls. The ability to speak kweyol is an asset when communicating with some sections of the St. Lucian population. We all know that. But Allan Chastanet's inability to communicate fluently in kweyol by no means disqualifies him from being the Prime Minister of this Fair Helen. Basta!
    Amatus Edwards: Urban Dolor, sorry for not having addressed your question. The truth is that this is a non issue in the current scheme of things as a leader would only be speaking to one group at a time which ever way that you turn and twist it. The others would have to be accommodated otherwise. So, the deaf will suffer, those who are not tuned to the broadcast at the time will suffer, etc
How do you people know about Chastanet's understanding about the pains and suffering of the country? Is it because he came from a wealthy family? Come on! Will he be taking decisions all by himself assuming that you are correct on that score?
Please guys find another point of contention. We have so many doctors administering medicine to Lucians and can't speak a word of kweyol. There must be more risk there to even life. We have a sizable population of differently-abled people for whom we make little accommodation but we are fussing over AC can't speak kweyol. How many people who listen to politicians in SLU that can't understand ACs english? UD would know that there are more folks who can't understand and speak kweyol than there are who can't understand English.
      Allan Amedee: I think that immersion in one's cultural heritage in representing people should not be overlooked. Whilst i will not lay great preponderance and pre eminence by that stall. However, it would assert one's familiarity and awareness with the plight and well being with the people that one is purporting to represent. It's an understanding effect. However, I think that the debate should be elevated to do justice to SLU on the competence of the individuals to lead our fair isle. i'm not and yet to be convinced. Mr Chastanet is a damn Lucian and no doubt a good one. So the juvenile, infantile mutterings of whether or not he speaks kweyol is simply political knock about and part of his vulnerability which should have been fore saw by those who elected him. But, a man who is not even sure of winning a seat is chosen to lead and we're all thinking that he is the NEW MESSIAH. Frankly, we've all gone BARMY LOOPY

     Jimmy Haynes: Allan, I find it quite amusing as I listen to people say that Allen Chastanet cannot win a seat. The fact is that he did not win the Soufriere/Fond St. Jacques seat in 2011. Does that mean that he cannot win a seat in 2016 or whenever the General Elections are called? Come again guys, like you said Allan, " I think that the debate should be elevated to do justice to SLU on the competence of the individuals to lead our fair isle."