Preliminary Census 2010 Results
This blog continues to bring you the Census 2010 preliminary report.
"The differences in definition among such terms as “Enumerated Population”, “Estimated Population” and “Household Population” must also be taken into account. Note that the enumerated population is the sum of all persons recorded on visitation records and/or census questionnaires, while the estimated population is the enumerated population plus an estimate of persons who belong to existing households but who could not be contacted/counted throughout the process of census enumeration. The household population includes all persons who reside in private households in Saint Lucia. " says St. Catherine
Enumerated Household Population and Estimated Household Population in Choiseul
District: Choiseul
Enumerated Household Population: - 5,766
Percent of Total Enumerated Household Population: - 3.8%
Estimated Household Population: - 6,098
Percent of Total Estimated Household Population: - 3.7%
Estimated Household Population for Choiseul, Gender and Sex Ratio
Choiseul 3,042 3,056 6,098 100.5
* - Females per 100 Males
Enumerated Household Population for Choiseul, Gender and Sex ratio
Choiseul 2,877 2,889 5,766 100.4
* - Females per 100 Males
Number of Households, Buildings and Business Places in ChoiseulDISTRICT HOUSEHOLDS BUILDINGS BUSINESS PLACES
Choiseul 2,069 2,693 259.
According to the report 332 less households were enumerated in Choiseul. Food for thought!
More stats next blog.
"Choiseul On The Move" was created to inform Choiseulians here and abroad as well as other interested readers bout the developments - political, social, educational and any other topics of interest happening in the district.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The results presented in this report were obtained from the initial analysis of the data collected during Saint Lucia’s 2010 Population and Housing Census. This means that the
figures herein are subject to review and may not exactly match final Census statistics.
The Central Statistical Office will launch a more detailed publication of the results of the 2010 Census in early March 2011.
Additionally, the comparisons made between the 2010 and 2001 census figures may be
affected by definitional and other analytical variations. Therefore, users of this information should scrutinize the related tables with an appropriate degree of caution.
The differences in definition among such terms as “Enumerated Population”, “Estimated Population” and “Household Population” must also be taken into account. Note that the enumerated population is the sum of all persons recorded on visitation records and/or census questionnaires, while the estimated population is the enumerated population plus an estimate of persons who belong to existing households but who could not be contacted/counted throughout the process of census enumeration. The household population includes all persons who reside in private households in Saint Lucia.
The island-nation of Saint Lucia recorded an overall household population increase of 5
percent from May 2001 to May 2010 based on estimates derived from a complete enumeration of the population of Saint Lucia during the conduct of the recently completed 2010 Population and Housing Census.
Saint Lucia’s total resident population as at midnight on Census Day, the 10th May 2010
stood at 166,526 persons. Saint Lucia’s total population including non-resident persons was estimated to be 173,720, the total number of non-resident persons was 7,194. The preliminary count of Saint Lucia’s enumerated population was 151,864 persons reflecting a response rate to the census of 92%. The total resident population of St. Lucia is comprised of 82,926 males and 83,600 females. Out of this sum, there were 165,595 individuals residing in private households, 931 persons living in institutions .
An estimate of persons who were not counted because they could not be contacted
during the census’ enumeration phase was added to the enumerated household population of 151,864 to produce an estimated household population of 165,595 persons. This total compared to the 2001 Census’ estimated household population of 157,775 indicates an overall household population increase of 5.0 percent.
Out of the ten districts in Saint Lucia, household population contractions were reported
in the districts of Laborie, Dennery and Choiseul. Laborie recorded the largest household
population decrease.
Preliminary 2010 Census results show that Saint Lucia’s island wide population density
is 796 persons per square mile. This figure was calculated using a land area of 208 square miles that excludes Saint Lucia’s forest reserve areas. These forest reserve areas cover approximately 30 square miles. The district of Castries, the location of Saint Lucia’s capital city, had a population density of 2,139 persons per square mile. The least densely populated district, with a population density of 434 persons per square mile, was the district of Soufriere. The district of Gros Islet, which experienced the most rapid population expansion, recorded a population density of 643 individuals per square mile up from 532 in 2001. In 1991, census figures reported a population density of 345 persons per square mile in the district of Gros Islet.
Gros Islet was the least densely populated district in Saint Lucia at that time.
The complete preliminary report can be obtained from Mr. St Catherine by writing to him at or email this blog at with the subject "Request report"
We will be more than happy to send it to you.
NB: Subsequent excerpts of the report will be published on this blog. So keep logging in.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
"Choiseul On The Move' going places
Logix is happy to announce that this blog is really making the rounds all over the world. Inspite of the negative comments and smut,by some individuals who have an agenda, and which are targeted at certain persons, we the writers of this blog are not deterred. We are well aware of the intentions of these comments, and to preserve the integrity of this blog these comments are trashed.
'Choiseul On The Move' scored big over the past month. The stats below confirms this.
Pageviews by Browsers
Internet Explorer 512 (53%)
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United States 274
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Saint Lucia 157
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 106
Jamaica 42
Czech Republic 40
Canada 31
United Kingdom 25
Germany 19
Denmark 15
We want to ensure our readers that this blog will continue to serve the purpose it was created to do - portray Bousquet's achievements in his constituency.
In closing our staff wishes everyone a prosperous New year. Keep logging on!
'Choiseul On The Move' scored big over the past month. The stats below confirms this.
Audience : 2010 Dec 26 – 2011 Jan 24
Internet Explorer 512 (53%)
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Pageviews by Countries
United States 274
Netherlands 190
Saint Lucia 157
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 106
Jamaica 42
Czech Republic 40
Canada 31
United Kingdom 25
Germany 19
Denmark 15
We want to ensure our readers that this blog will continue to serve the purpose it was created to do - portray Bousquet's achievements in his constituency.
In closing our staff wishes everyone a prosperous New year. Keep logging on!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Bousquet’s 2010 Constituency Achievements (Part 2) - Drains/retaining walls
During the past year the Parliamentary Rep took the bold step to have the drainage system of our roads upgraded. In collaboration with the Ministry of Works, Bousquet toured the constituency and was apprised of works that needed urgent attention. Without further ado, Bousquet immediately got into negotiations mode with the members of Cabinet and very soon one could have seen the roads in the constituency were flooded with small drainage projects awarded to small contractors to remedy the situation.
They were timely projects, for had these works not been done, the impact of hurricane Tomas on our roads could have been more severe. Because of the properly constructed drains run-off waters were channeled correctly. This is what vision is about! Drainage works were carried out in La Maze, Victoria, La Fargue, Roblot, Jetrine, Rivere Doree, Savanne George Saltibus, Balca, Boisden, Cafierre and the rest.
Many retaining walls were constructed around the district to preserve the integrity of our roads. In one particular instance a retaining wall was constructed to preserve life and property as four houses were precariously perched over a recently occurred land slippage.
There can be no doubt that Bousquet has been laying down the infrastructural foundation for future developments in his constituency.
They were timely projects, for had these works not been done, the impact of hurricane Tomas on our roads could have been more severe. Because of the properly constructed drains run-off waters were channeled correctly. This is what vision is about! Drainage works were carried out in La Maze, Victoria, La Fargue, Roblot, Jetrine, Rivere Doree, Savanne George Saltibus, Balca, Boisden, Cafierre and the rest.
Many retaining walls were constructed around the district to preserve the integrity of our roads. In one particular instance a retaining wall was constructed to preserve life and property as four houses were precariously perched over a recently occurred land slippage.
There can be no doubt that Bousquet has been laying down the infrastructural foundation for future developments in his constituency.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Bousquet's 2010 Constituency Achievements ( Part 1) - Roads
Without a shadow of a doubt Bousquet continues to change the landscape of Choiseul/Saltibus, which is the constituency he represents. This he did through major road projects, drainage works, footpaths,driveways, bus shelters to name a few. This was no easy feat, taking into consideration the magnitude of work he has to take care of at his Ministry including the foreign visits. But this Rep is a no nonsense man, who , according to a flyer of his is "Committed to developing Choiseul's fullest social and economic potential."
The Boisden Road project to my mind stands out among the rest. It was heart wrenching to experience the hardship the residents of Boisden had to endure, using this two or more kilometres of some resemblance of a road over the years. Mini buses refused to ply this route. Again the man of vision saw the neccessity to give these people a proper paved road. Everybody are happy and express their gratitude to Rufus in no uncertain terms.
Another commuity road was constructed in Morne Jacques and again, the residents don't walk in mud anymore. Persons leaving their homes had to have two pairs of shoes - one to wade the mud until they arrive at the main road and the other to dress up to get to work or wherever their destination.
The people of Derriere Morne are fortunate to have the longest footath to have been constructed in Choiseul. This one is a monster of a project. Is that to fool the people as one critic puts it? Some persons live in the glory of their environment and don't see the need for other persons to elevate to a higher standard of living. This is Bousquet's vision - selfnessless and committment to Choiseulians to have a better life.
The Morne Sion drive-way, again illustrates Bousquet's committment to improving the standard of living in the communities. This project have brought widespread relief to the people, and for that they are proud of Rufus.
The Boisden Road project to my mind stands out among the rest. It was heart wrenching to experience the hardship the residents of Boisden had to endure, using this two or more kilometres of some resemblance of a road over the years. Mini buses refused to ply this route. Again the man of vision saw the neccessity to give these people a proper paved road. Everybody are happy and express their gratitude to Rufus in no uncertain terms.
Another commuity road was constructed in Morne Jacques and again, the residents don't walk in mud anymore. Persons leaving their homes had to have two pairs of shoes - one to wade the mud until they arrive at the main road and the other to dress up to get to work or wherever their destination.
The people of Derriere Morne are fortunate to have the longest footath to have been constructed in Choiseul. This one is a monster of a project. Is that to fool the people as one critic puts it? Some persons live in the glory of their environment and don't see the need for other persons to elevate to a higher standard of living. This is Bousquet's vision - selfnessless and committment to Choiseulians to have a better life.
The Morne Sion drive-way, again illustrates Bousquet's committment to improving the standard of living in the communities. This project have brought widespread relief to the people, and for that they are proud of Rufus.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Massacheusetts honours Martin Luther King Jr.
Below is an article pulled out from the net. It speaks to the celebrations to honour a great man.
Some 1,000 people honored Martin Luther King Jr. this morning at the city's annual holiday breakfast in his name, remembering the slain civil rights leader as a transformative force for good and pledging to build upon his legacy.
"He showed us the path," said Martha Coakley, the state's attorney general, who paid tribute to King as an inspiring figure who "fought for the dignity of every human being."
In a well-received speech at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, keynote speaker Melissa Harris-Perry drew parallels between today's divisive political climate and 1967, the year of King's final book "Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?"
"We have a right, and a responsibility, to choose community," Harris-Perry, a Princeton professor of politics and African-American Studies, said to applause. "We can do it. We must do it."
Harris-Perry noted that King wrote his book after the passage of two pieces of landmark legislation - the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. At the time, hopes for further gains were high but proved hard-won in the face of fierce resistance, causing deep disillusionment.
The historic 2008 election of President Barack Obama, she said, had sparked similar resistance and disappointment.
"It was a period of backlash," she said, referring to 1967. "We were told it was all moving too fast."
"I see critical parallels between 1967 and 2011," she told the crowd, which included many African-American leaders and activists from Boston and across the region.
In the wake of the shootings in Arizona, Americans face a similar choice between chaos and community, she said.
"We have a choice to grasp onto the story of Dr. King and make it our own," she said.
At the start of the breakfast, a moment of silence was observed for the victims of the Arizona shootings.
Events honoring King were held across the region today. Governor Deval Patrick was scheduled to attend a celebration in Springfield this morning, as well as the Boston Children’s Chorus' tribute concert this evening at Jordan Hall.
In Jamaica Plain, 500 volunteers were gathering for a day of service, including making scarves and dental-care kits for the homeless and baby blankets for low-income families.
In earlier remarks at the breakfast, US Senator Scott Brown praised King as a "visionary" who fought courageously for justice, and inspired the best in people.
"He wanted us to be better," he said, adding that people need to set aside partisan differences for "what's best for our state and country."
"We're all just people," Brown said. "I wish we could do just do the right thing and get along."
By Peter Schworm, Globe Staff
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Some 1,000 people honored Martin Luther King Jr. this morning at the city's annual holiday breakfast in his name, remembering the slain civil rights leader as a transformative force for good and pledging to build upon his legacy.
"He showed us the path," said Martha Coakley, the state's attorney general, who paid tribute to King as an inspiring figure who "fought for the dignity of every human being."
In a well-received speech at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, keynote speaker Melissa Harris-Perry drew parallels between today's divisive political climate and 1967, the year of King's final book "Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?"
"We have a right, and a responsibility, to choose community," Harris-Perry, a Princeton professor of politics and African-American Studies, said to applause. "We can do it. We must do it."
Harris-Perry noted that King wrote his book after the passage of two pieces of landmark legislation - the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. At the time, hopes for further gains were high but proved hard-won in the face of fierce resistance, causing deep disillusionment.
The historic 2008 election of President Barack Obama, she said, had sparked similar resistance and disappointment.
"It was a period of backlash," she said, referring to 1967. "We were told it was all moving too fast."
"I see critical parallels between 1967 and 2011," she told the crowd, which included many African-American leaders and activists from Boston and across the region.
In the wake of the shootings in Arizona, Americans face a similar choice between chaos and community, she said.
"We have a choice to grasp onto the story of Dr. King and make it our own," she said.
At the start of the breakfast, a moment of silence was observed for the victims of the Arizona shootings.
Events honoring King were held across the region today. Governor Deval Patrick was scheduled to attend a celebration in Springfield this morning, as well as the Boston Children’s Chorus' tribute concert this evening at Jordan Hall.
In Jamaica Plain, 500 volunteers were gathering for a day of service, including making scarves and dental-care kits for the homeless and baby blankets for low-income families.
In earlier remarks at the breakfast, US Senator Scott Brown praised King as a "visionary" who fought courageously for justice, and inspired the best in people.
"He wanted us to be better," he said, adding that people need to set aside partisan differences for "what's best for our state and country."
"We're all just people," Brown said. "I wish we could do just do the right thing and get along."
By Peter Schworm, Globe Staff
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Monday, January 17, 2011
Morne Sion Drive-way Completed
Most persons are aware of the massive project which was constructed at the back of M and C in Morne Sion some time last year. Two bridges were constructed and a drive-way of approximately two hundred meters (200m) was paved. This brought relief to the many residents.
Motor vehicles can now drive way up to their front door. Persons who were constructing new homes had to labour under the heavy loads of sand and stones from the main road to the construction site. This is no more. Trucks can now drive all the way.
During a presentation ceremony last year the drive-way was officially opened. There was some sort of short-sightedness on the part of the contractors as they did not budget enough to have this drive-way reach the very last house.
Bousquet through the generous Taiwanese Government was able to secure the rest of the funds to completed the project. The whole project has been estimated at over $150,00.00.
What was even more significant was that it is the residents who were involved in the constuction,thus bringing a little livelihood in the area.
Daytoo Canawee people are glad that their standard of living has been greatly improved. Next on the agenda is to acquire lands to have a suitable playground for the youth.
Bousquet, improving the standard of living of his people.
Motor vehicles can now drive way up to their front door. Persons who were constructing new homes had to labour under the heavy loads of sand and stones from the main road to the construction site. This is no more. Trucks can now drive all the way.
During a presentation ceremony last year the drive-way was officially opened. There was some sort of short-sightedness on the part of the contractors as they did not budget enough to have this drive-way reach the very last house.
Bousquet through the generous Taiwanese Government was able to secure the rest of the funds to completed the project. The whole project has been estimated at over $150,00.00.
What was even more significant was that it is the residents who were involved in the constuction,thus bringing a little livelihood in the area.
Daytoo Canawee people are glad that their standard of living has been greatly improved. Next on the agenda is to acquire lands to have a suitable playground for the youth.
Bousquet, improving the standard of living of his people.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Roblot's move towards a carnival band
Well at last the youth of Roblot, Lamaze and Debreuil have decided to come together to form a carnival band this year.
The initiative was taken by your humble servant the man Logix. It has been my dream to unite the youth of these three communities and what a better way to do so.
A meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow to discuss the way forward. Mr. Mc Arthur Phillip wiill be addressing the gathering at the meeting.
We will be relentlessly persuing sponsorship for the band.
Interested persons wishing to join the band are asked to send a comment including their contact number this post.
Sent from my Nokia phone
The initiative was taken by your humble servant the man Logix. It has been my dream to unite the youth of these three communities and what a better way to do so.
A meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow to discuss the way forward. Mr. Mc Arthur Phillip wiill be addressing the gathering at the meeting.
We will be relentlessly persuing sponsorship for the band.
Interested persons wishing to join the band are asked to send a comment including their contact number this post.
Sent from my Nokia phone
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Bousquet donates laptop to Rivere Doree Combined
As was mentioned yesterday Bousquet did present to the principal of the Rivere Doree Combined School a laptop.
The presentation ceremony was less elaborate than the one at the Reunion Primary. This being due to the time constraints.
Bousquet's message to the school was basically the same except he injected into the pupils a sense of enterprenuership.
The principal on behalf of the school thanked the Rep.
Sometime last year Bousquet had already presented the school with a desktop and printer.
Bousquet is hoping to present the other two laptops and printers next week God willing.
Bousquet making strides in education in the district. Can't beat that!
The presentation ceremony was less elaborate than the one at the Reunion Primary. This being due to the time constraints.
Bousquet's message to the school was basically the same except he injected into the pupils a sense of enterprenuership.
The principal on behalf of the school thanked the Rep.
Sometime last year Bousquet had already presented the school with a desktop and printer.
Bousquet is hoping to present the other two laptops and printers next week God willing.
Bousquet making strides in education in the district. Can't beat that!
Sent from my Nokia phone
Bousquet presents laptop to Reunion Primary School
A day which was initially planned to see the Rep present four Laptops to four different schools
had to be curtailed to the presentation of two laptops for circumstances beyond Bousquet's control.
Bousquet, arriving at the Reunion Primary School, initially thought that there was no scchool due to the silence which emanated from the structure. But to his suprise he was welcomed upstairs to a thunderous ,Good afternoon Mr. Bousquet!'
The atmosphere was warm, as one could feel an aura of comradry in the air as the pupils performed a welcome song and dance under the supervision of music teacher Gaile Charles.
Bousquet, the experienced politician as he is,went straight into the meet of the matter. He praised everyone for putting on such an elaborate ceremony. Apart from the principal he mentioned two teachers from the school whom he has had dicussions with about future plans for the school. He stressed the importance of discipline to the students and reminded them that 'Education is the Key.'
The principal, Ms. Laffeuille thanked the Rep for his donation and also informed him of the inclusion of a blind child at the school who is doind exceptionally well.
A full coverage of this ceremony will be aired on NTN soon as the GIS team covered the event. The other school which was also presented with a laptop was Rivere Doree Combined.
Look out for the post on Rivere Doree Combined's presentation.
Sent from my Nokia phone
had to be curtailed to the presentation of two laptops for circumstances beyond Bousquet's control.
Bousquet, arriving at the Reunion Primary School, initially thought that there was no scchool due to the silence which emanated from the structure. But to his suprise he was welcomed upstairs to a thunderous ,Good afternoon Mr. Bousquet!'
The atmosphere was warm, as one could feel an aura of comradry in the air as the pupils performed a welcome song and dance under the supervision of music teacher Gaile Charles.
Bousquet, the experienced politician as he is,went straight into the meet of the matter. He praised everyone for putting on such an elaborate ceremony. Apart from the principal he mentioned two teachers from the school whom he has had dicussions with about future plans for the school. He stressed the importance of discipline to the students and reminded them that 'Education is the Key.'
The principal, Ms. Laffeuille thanked the Rep for his donation and also informed him of the inclusion of a blind child at the school who is doind exceptionally well.
A full coverage of this ceremony will be aired on NTN soon as the GIS team covered the event. The other school which was also presented with a laptop was Rivere Doree Combined.
Look out for the post on Rivere Doree Combined's presentation.
Sent from my Nokia phone
Monday, January 10, 2011
Delcer playground nearing completion
The youths in Delcer, Indusry, Lapointe and its environs are all smiles now as they see the long awaited field nearing its completion.The District Rep went through a long and tedious process to have the government acquire the lands for the field.
Works are presently ongoing to have the playground completed by the end of February. Arthany, a police officer in the Delcer community has great plans for the playground. He is already planning a cricketorama for the opening ceremony and is working tediously with the youth by helping them form clubs in each little enclave.
He has solicited the services of Dedan Jn. Baptiste, an ex-island cricketer to help with the coaching of the area's cricket team.
For too long now, the youth of these communities have not had a recreational ground. Now they see hope. Bousquet is proud to be associated with the project and is looking for funding to constuct a spectator's stand.
Recently a playing field was completed in Jetrine.
Bousquet working in the interest of the youth.
Works are presently ongoing to have the playground completed by the end of February. Arthany, a police officer in the Delcer community has great plans for the playground. He is already planning a cricketorama for the opening ceremony and is working tediously with the youth by helping them form clubs in each little enclave.
He has solicited the services of Dedan Jn. Baptiste, an ex-island cricketer to help with the coaching of the area's cricket team.
For too long now, the youth of these communities have not had a recreational ground. Now they see hope. Bousquet is proud to be associated with the project and is looking for funding to constuct a spectator's stand.
Recently a playing field was completed in Jetrine.
Bousquet working in the interest of the youth.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Bousquet's 2010 Constituency Achievements in Review
Coming soon to this blog a documentary onthe above topic. Very informative and revealing. It will give you the reader an indepth account of what Bousquet has been doing in the constituency for the past year.
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Dacretin and Caffierre/Dugard Commuters get a bus shelter
The District rep with the assistance of the Taiwanese Government have just recently provided funding for the construction of two more bus shelters in the constituency.
Both the Caffiere and Dugard commuters have been at the mercy of the elements of the weather as they awaited tansportation. The same applied to the Dacretin commuters. Well this is no more as both bus shelters have been completed and the commuters are happy with the works. The bus shelter for the Caffierre/Dugard people is located in Sauzay, opposite Cyria's shop and the Dacretin's shelter is opposite Obeius' Shop.
Bousquet have already completed four bus shelters in some very crucial areas.During the course of this year he intends to construct at least two more shelters and give the exsisting ones a face lift.
The first two pics show the shelter in Sauzay while the other two show Dacretin's.
Bousquet, making life easier for his people.
Both the Caffiere and Dugard commuters have been at the mercy of the elements of the weather as they awaited tansportation. The same applied to the Dacretin commuters. Well this is no more as both bus shelters have been completed and the commuters are happy with the works. The bus shelter for the Caffierre/Dugard people is located in Sauzay, opposite Cyria's shop and the Dacretin's shelter is opposite Obeius' Shop.
Bousquet have already completed four bus shelters in some very crucial areas.During the course of this year he intends to construct at least two more shelters and give the exsisting ones a face lift.
The first two pics show the shelter in Sauzay while the other two show Dacretin's.
Bousquet, making life easier for his people.
Friday, January 07, 2011
Mongouge Multi-purpose Centre - a masterpiece
Bousquet has once more kept his word. Sometime last year during a tour of the delapidated community centre at Mongouge,he promised the residents that he is going to build a muti-purpose centre for them. The critics did not. take him serious. For the past few months work has been onging at a rapid pace to see the completion of this state of the art centre in this picturesque community. According to the contractor this facility will house a library,an auditorium ,an IT section, a kitchenette and a conference room. Magnificent! Mongouge will rise again.
This area where the centre is being built has enormous potential. Near the centre is a mini mart, a health centre, a restaurant, a variety store, a disco, and a refreshment house. A complete package.
The construction of this centre has brought employment to a number of young persons in the community who otherwise would just be loitering around.
Talking with some of the residents they are all very pleased with the project.
Bousquet, the man for Choiseul.
This area where the centre is being built has enormous potential. Near the centre is a mini mart, a health centre, a restaurant, a variety store, a disco, and a refreshment house. A complete package.
The construction of this centre has brought employment to a number of young persons in the community who otherwise would just be loitering around.
Talking with some of the residents they are all very pleased with the project.
Bousquet, the man for Choiseul.