
Sunday, May 31, 2009


Pentecost (Whitsunday) is a major festival in the Christian church. It is celebrated on the Sunday which falls on the 50th day after the Easter festival.
What is Pentecost?
Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit in the form of flames to the followers of Jesus, as recorded in the New Testament. Jesus had told them to wait until the Spirit came to them. Ten days after ascension, 50 days after the resurrection, the Spirit came.
(Ascension Day marks the last appearance of Jesus to the disciples after his resurrection at Easter.)
When is Pentecost?
31 May 2009
23 May 2010
What does Pentecost mean?
The name Pentecost comes from a Greek word which means 'fiftieth'.
Why is the festival called Pentecost?
The festival is often called Pentecost because when the disciples received the Holy Spirit and began to go out and preach about Jesus it was the Jewish festival of Pentecost.
Pentecost is recognised as the birth of the Christian Church. The Apostle Peter preached a sermon which resulted in 3,000 people becoming believers.
Whit Sunday
Whit Sunday is a favourite day for baptism. It is thought that because people are often baptised dressed in white, Whit Sunday was probably originally known as 'White Sunday'.
Whisuntide is the week following with Whitsunday, which is always the seventh sunday after Easter Sunday.
This year Catholics here are having a synod at the George Odlum Stadium

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Earthquake Confirmed

The Seismic Research Centre confirmed the following. On Wednesday 27th May, 2009 at 5:00 pm. local time an earthquake occurred east of St. Lucia. The event was located at 14.00°N 60.86°W. The magnitude was 3.4 and depth was 48 km.
No damage was reported.
On Thursday, 28th May, 2009 at 12:28p.m. local time an earthquake occurred southeast of Dominica. The event was located at 15.04°N 60.48°W. The magnitude was 4.0 and depth was 48 km.
No damage was reported
Remember during an earthquake:
Remain calm.
If you are still feeling shaking stay where you are stay still until the shaking stops.
Once the shaking stops you can move around and take care of any injured persons.
Move away from the coast line, get away from the sea.
Be careful in case the earthquake shook anything loose.
Remember to have an engineer to check your building to make sure it is safe.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Raveneau Project Nears Completion

As this article is being written workers are nearing the completion of the two-lane footpath/road. According to the project manager the works shold be completed by Friday this week.
After a close inspection of the job there is no doubt that this in itself is a masterpiece. The photos clearly show that.
Once again it must be noted here that the residents are overjoyed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Raveneau Project On Stream

The two -lane foot path/road that the District Rep. ordered to be constructed in the Raveneau community is well on its way. Persons are deligently and asisidiously working to to see this worthwhile project completed.

Speaking to the residents one said, " Bondieu ke voyeur Rufus. " meaning it is God who has sent Rufus for them. Another complained, "For years under the last administration we have asked for this road and nothing has happened, look Bousquet just won his seat and look what he has delivered. We are proud of him. He is a very empathetic person".

One only have to look at the blog dated May 16, 2009 to see the condition of the road these residents had to trod to get to the main road. Persons had to have two pairs of shoes - one for treading the muddy path and the second one to be used to dress up to travel to the town or city.

Bousquet has changed that.

Kudos to the MAN.

Bousquet in his 2007 budget speech he remarked, "People will remember me by the works I have done." Rufus is firing on all fours.

Look out for another project that have just started in Jetrine.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bousquet Expresses Concerned

On Friday May 15, 2009 , Bousquet who is Minister for External Affairs was forcibly searched on the steps of an American Airline plane. According to an interview given by the Minister on DBS tv on Monday's Lunch Time Report he said there seems to be a concerted effort by certain persons to embarrass the government miniters.
Mr. Bousquet cited an incident whereby The Minister of Youth and Sports was stopped and searched as he was about to enter the Beausejour grounds during World Cup as Mr. Hilaire and Julian Hunte calmly entered without being seached.
It has been rumoured that the same girl who ordered the search on Bousquet also tried the same stint on the Prime Minister sometime ago,with no success.
Bousquet says he is fearful for he does not know what will happen next. "What guarantee that I have that someone on the plane may not tamper with my luggage and plant something in there that can increminate me." Words of wisdom? You bet it is! As of now Ministers and Government officials should be given full secuity privileges to insure that they are not defamed.
Speaking with the Leader of the Opposition after Cecil Frank's funeral Service, he told me "As soon as this happened I was informed......" Mere coincidence? You be the Judge.
The Constituents of Choiseul are outraged at that kind of treatment metted out to their Rep. They feel it's a deliberate attempt to frustrate Bousquet as he continues to do great work in the district.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Choiseul Icon Laid To Rest

The Choiseul Icon, Cecil Allan Frank, who was born on January 12, 1924 and died May 8, 2009 had a massive turn out at his funeral service which was held at the Catholic Church on Saturday May 16, 2009 at 2:00 pm.
The service was attend by the Prime Minister, Hon. Stephenson King, Hon. Kieth Mondesir, Hon. Leonard Montoute, Senator Dr. Nicholas Frederick, The Leader of the Opposition, Dr. Kenny Anthony as well as many of Mr. Frank's family and friends. Noticeably absent was The Parliamentary Representative,who according to his Ministerial office is out of state on Government business. However he was represented by a small contigency.The Church was packed to capacity with many persons standing outside. Members of the family occupied the front pews as clear evidence of their sorrow masked their faces.
The Service took the form of a mass and lasted almost two hours. The Eulogy was moved by Mr. Jimmy Haynes a well known person in the community. Prayers were offered by the Children among them Sophia Cox.
The Casket draped with a white veil was well vanished to a deep glossy brown colour.
The burial took place at Industry on the deceased estate. Only members of the family were allowed into the enclosed personal cemetary while a huge crowd looked on from outside the fenced area. This Son of the soil will be surely missed.