Wednesday, October 02, 2024


The George Odlum Stadium has stood as a makeshift hospital for over 13 years, a reminder of the tragic fire that devastated St. Jude Hospital. Now, with plans to renovate both St. Jude and give the stadium a much-needed facelift, there’s an opportunity to rethink how we honor national heroes. While discussions are ongoing about naming the Millennium Highway after Olympian Julien Alfred, I argue that a sports facility like George Odlum Stadium would be a more fitting tribute to her.

Julien Alfred has put Saint Lucia on the world map with her gold medal victory at the Paris 2024 Olympics, symbolizing excellence in sports. It’s only logical that sports facilities, where the next generation of athletes will train, bear her name.    

Key Points to Consider:

  Symbol of Inspiration: Julien Alfred's gold medal victory at the Olympics has inspired countless young athletes in Saint Lucia. Naming a sports facility after her would serve as a constant reminder of her accomplishments and motivate future generations to strive for greatness.

  Legacy and Recognition: Renaming the George Odlum Stadium after Julien Alfred would solidify her legacy as one of Saint Lucia's most celebrated athletes. It would also provide a fitting tribute to her hard work, dedication, and talent.

  Alignment with Sports Facilities: Naming sports facilities after athletes is a common practice, reflecting the connection between the facility and the individual's achievements. This would create a more cohesive and meaningful naming convention for sports infrastructure in Saint Lucia.

  Alternative Options for George Odlum: While the Millennium Highway is a suitable option for recognizing George Odlum's contributions, other public spaces or institutions could also be considered. This would ensure that his legacy is appropriately honored while allowing for a more fitting tribute to Julien Alfred.

Athletes should be honored in spaces where their legacy can inspire others in their field. Naming a stadium, particularly one central to sports in Saint Lucia, after Julien Alfred would not only celebrate her achievements but also ensure her legacy in athletics is preserved in a way that resonates with future athletes. . 

Renaming the George Odlum Stadium after Julien Alfred would be a fitting and inspiring choice in sports while reserving the Millennium Highway for George Odlum’s legacy in politics.   It would not only recognize her exceptional athletic achievements but also serve as a symbol of hope and motivation for future generations. By honoring her contributions in this way, Saint Lucia can celebrate its sporting heroes and inspire young athletes to reach for their dreams.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Julien Alfred deserves to be celebrated with dignity, not reduced to the butt of a demeaning joke.

At the unveiling ceremony of a mural at the Ciceron Primary School meant to celebrate St. Lucia's pride, Olympic gold medalist Julien Alfred, Minister of Youth and Sports Kenson Casimir managed to overshadow the moment with an insensitive and demeaning statement. His words, “Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, let's stand as I introduce to you, the myth, the legend, met bondar yo tout, our very own, Julien 'JUJU' Alfred” left many stunned. Delivered in Creole, the phrase “met bondar yo tout,” meaning “master of their backside,” was highly inappropriate and gave the moment a derogatory tone. What should have been an inspirational occasion for students of Alfred's alma mater was instead marred by tasteless language.

Minister of Sports

Casimir’s choice of words, especially in Creole—a language that carries cultural weight and nuance—has rightfully angered parents across the island. What was intended as humor came off as crass and disrespectful, particularly in front of school children. As an Olympian and a role model, Julien Alfred deserves to be celebrated with dignity, not reduced to the butt of a demeaning joke.

It’s one thing to make a mistake, but what adds insult to injury is the minister's failure to issue a prompt apology. Leaders are expected to set an example, especially when addressing the nation’s youth. The students who attended the event looked up to Alfred as a beacon of excellence; instead, they witnessed a high-ranking government official undermine that achievement with a crude remark. Parents, who are now demanding an apology, have every right to be outraged. They expect better from the people tasked with nurturing and inspiring the next generation.

But perhaps even more shocking is the deafening silence from the St. Lucia Teachers' Union.

President SLTU
This is an organization that claims to champion the values of discipline, respect, and moral integrity in our schools. Yet, despite the backlash from parents, the newly elected president of the union has remained disturbingly quiet. Where is the condemnation? Where is the voice of advocacy for students who were subjected to this kind of behavior from a public official?

The union’s silence sends a dangerous message—that authority figures can get away with disrespectful behavior without consequence. Is this really the example we want to set for the young minds entrusted to our care? If the Teachers' Union is truly committed to fostering a healthy, respectful environment in schools, they must act. Ignoring this issue suggests they are complicit in allowing such behavior to go unchecked.

Julien Alfred

Minister Casimir’s words were not just a slip of the tongue; they were a gross display of poor judgment in a setting where decorum and respect should have been paramount. He owes an apology, not only to Julien Alfred but also to the students, teachers, and parents of St. Lucia. To brush this off as harmless banter is to ignore the deeper impact it has on our young people.

Equally, the St. Lucia Teachers' Union must break its silence. As the body responsible for upholding standards in education and behavior, they cannot sit idly by while such inappropriate language is normalized in front of students. They must speak out and demand that public officials be held accountable when they cross the line.

Minister Casimir, it’s time to do the right thing—apologize. A moment meant to honor one of St. Lucia's brightest stars has instead become a source of embarrassment. The minister should take responsibility and show true leadership by admitting his error.

And to the Teachers' Union: Silence is complicity. Our children are watching, and they deserve better from the very institutions sworn to protect their development. It's time to stand up, speak out, and demand that respect and integrity remain non-negotiable in our schools.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Shameful Betrayal of Choiseul's Lands: A Community Left Behind

As a proud resident of Choiseul, I’m compelled to raise an urgent alarm over the impending sale of Bisee lands in La Fargue. For decades, the fertile lands of Choiseul have been prey to unscrupulous dealings, with politicians at the heart of these murky transactions. Today, the story is no different. The proposed sale of this land to a non-Choiseulian threatens the very fabric of our community, and we will not stay silent.

Let’s make no mistake about it—this deal reeks of political nepotism. It’s now circulating that the Bisee land, opposite Mathias Bar, is being sold to none other than Ian Baptiste, the brother of Foreign Affairs Minister Alva Baptiste. We all know Ian—he ran the infamous TIPSY Bar in La Fargue until it was destroyed by fire last year. Now, in a conveniently orchestrated move, he’s about to secure prime land right here in our village, despite over five Choiseulians reportedly being denied the opportunity to purchase or lease it. What’s the justification for Ian’s special treatment? Is it because his brother sits in the Cabinet?

This land has history—history that belongs to Choiseul. For years, it was home to agricultural officers like Miller and St. Hill, who served our community with dedication. When they left, the land stood idle, its potential ignored by those who should have cared for it. Why, now, has the government suddenly decided it’s fit for a sale—and to a non-resident, no less? Why not offer this land to a Choiseulian?

Adding insult to injury, the plans for this land include establishing another bar or nightclub, right in the vicinity of Choiseul Secondary School, just 30 yards away. Are we really going to stand by while yet another alcohol establishment threatens the well-being of our youth? Have our leaders forgotten the efforts of the principal at Rivière Dorée School, who fought successfully to stop the construction of a bar near his school?

But this issue goes beyond just a bar. It’s about the future of Choiseul. La Fargue is the heart of Choiseul’s development. Why isn't the land being used for something meaningful—like a proper facility to house the Choiseul Library, Post Office, and Village Council, all of which are currently crammed into a dangerous, dilapidated building? This land could be the perfect site for such a much-needed development, one that benefits every resident of Choiseul, not just a privileged few.

The sale of the Bisee land represents more than just a shady deal—it’s a betrayal of the Choiseulian people. We must stand up, speak out, and demand that this government rethink its plans. The land must be preserved for the betterment of Choiseul, not sold off to outsiders for profit. This is our home, and we will not be ignored.

Choiseul belongs to its people—let’s keep it that way


Monday, September 09, 2024

Kwéyòl in the Classroom: A New Era for Saint Lucian Education

A Historic Step Towards Preserving Our Heritage

As parents, we want the best for our children. We strive to provide them with a quality education that equips them for the future. In Saint Lucia, this commitment extends beyond academic excellence to the preservation of our rich cultural heritage.

For decades, there has been a growing movement to incorporate our Indigenous Kwéyòl language into the school curriculum. Kwéyòl is more than just a language; it's a vital part of our history, culture, and identity. It's the language of our ancestors, passed down through generations, and it continues to shape our way of life.

A Milestone Achievement

In a historic announcement on Emancipation Day in 2022, Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pirre declared that Kwéyòl would be integrated into the school curriculum. This landmark decision marked a significant step towards recognizing the importance of our Indigenous language and preserving it for future generations.

Kwéyòl in the Classroom

Just two years later, Minister for Education, Hon. Shawn Edward, confirmed the exciting news that the Saint Lucia Kwéyòl Curriculum Pilot Programme would be implemented in 15 local schools starting in the 2024/25 academic year. This means that for the first time, our children will have the opportunity to learn and engage with Kwéyòl in a formal educational setting.

A Commitment to Our Heritage

By including Kwéyòl instructions in the national school curriculum, the government is demonstrating its unwavering commitment to preserving our heritage for future generations. This initiative not only promotes cultural diversity but also fosters a sense of pride and belonging among our youth.

A Bright Future for Kwéyòl

As parents, we can support this groundbreaking initiative by encouraging our children to embrace Kwéyòl and celebrate our cultural heritage. By learning Kwéyòl, our children will not only develop a deeper understanding of their roots but also gain valuable language skills that can benefit them in various aspects of life.

Let's work together to ensure that Kwéyòl thrives in our schools and continues to be a vibrant part of Saint Lucia's identity. The future of our language is in our hands.

Saturday, July 06, 2024


Racism, in any form, is a blight on society. In the context of St. Lucian politics, it is essential to stand against any rhetoric or actions that divide our nation based on race. Recent comments made by Grenada's Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell at a Saint Lucia Labour Party event have sparked a necessary debate. His call for ensuring Saint Lucians are put into office, though potentially well-intentioned, has been interpreted by some as an exclusionary and racially charged statement.

This interpretation, championed by United Workers Party Chairman Therold Prudent, highlights a broader issue within our political landscape. To condemn racism in St. Lucian politics is to emphasize the importance of unity and equality. Our nation thrives on diversity, and it is imperative that we look beyond the superficial divisions of race and nationality to focus on the content of one's character and their contributions to society'


Promoting the idea that only certain individuals based on their racial or national identity should hold office is dangerous. It creates an 'us versus them' mentality that can erode the fabric of our multicultural society. St. Lucia has always been a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds, and our strength lies in this diversity. To suggest otherwise is to undermine the very principles of democracy and equality that our nation holds dear.


It is crucial for political leaders and citizens alike to reject any form of racism. Our political discourse should be focused on policies, vision, and the capabilities of candidates, not their race or birthplace. As Prudent rightly pointed out, St. Lucia should be a place where everyone, regardless of their background, can aspire to leadership and contribute to the nation's progress.


We must ensure that our political landscape is inclusive. The accusation that the government plans to use its parliamentary majority to restrict the eligibility for the Prime Minister's office based on birthplace is concerning. Such a move would not only be undemocratic but also a step backward in our fight against racism and discrimination.


Let us rise above the pettiness of racial division and embrace the true spirit of democracy. St. Lucians deserve leaders who are chosen based on their qualifications and dedication to the nation, not their race or place of birth. We must come together to build a St. Lucia that is inclusive, equitable, and forward-thinking, rejecting any rhetoric or policies that promote racism. Our future depends on it.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Perky Pixie Pink, Powerfully Poised, Professional Politician

In the vibrant political landscape of St. Lucia, few figures stand as dynamically as Hon. Allen Chastanet, the leader of the opposition. Known for his charismatic presence and unwavering commitment to his nation's progress, Chastanet embodies the essence of a "perky pixie pink, powerfully poised professional politician."

 A Vibrant Leader with a Dynamic Presence

From his early days in public service, Allen Chastanet has exuded an energy that resonates with the people of St. Lucia. His approach to politics is anything but conventional, blending a refreshing sense of optimism with a deep understanding of the issues facing his country. This unique combination of traits has earned him the nickname "perky pixie pink," a testament to his lively and approachable demeanor.

Chastanet's style is a breath of fresh air in the often staid world of politics. His speeches are infused with a positive outlook, aiming to inspire rather than merely inform. This attitude has helped him connect with a broad audience, from young voters seeking change to older generations desiring stability and growth.

Poised Under Pressure

The role of opposition leader is fraught with challenges, but Chastanet handles these with remarkable poise. Whether debating policy in parliament or addressing his constituents, he maintains a calm and collected demeanor. This ability to remain composed under pressure is a critical trait for any politician, particularly in the high-stakes arena of opposition leadership.

His poise is not just a personal trait but a professional asset. It allows him to navigate complex political landscapes, negotiate with rivals, and advocate effectively for his policies. Chastanet’s poised nature reassures his supporters and demonstrates his readiness to lead, even in turbulent times.

Professionalism at Its Core

Beyond his vibrant personality and poised nature, Allen Chastanet is a consummate professional. His career is marked by a commitment to excellence and a dedication to serving the people of St. Lucia. As a former Prime Minister and current opposition leader, he brings a wealth of experience and a track record of tangible achievements.

Chastanet’s professionalism is evident in his meticulous approach to policy and governance. He is known for his thorough research, strategic planning, and ability to articulate his vision clearly and convincingly. This professional rigor ensures that his proposals are not just aspirational but also feasible and grounded in reality.

 A Vision for St. Lucia

Hon. Allen Chastanet’s leadership is defined by his vision for a prosperous and vibrant St. Lucia. He advocates for policies that promote economic growth, social equity, and sustainable development. His focus on education, healthcare, and infrastructure aims to create a strong foundation for future generations.

Chastanet’s vision is not just about immediate gains but long-term stability and progress. He understands the importance of laying the groundwork today for a better tomorrow, ensuring that St. Lucia remains resilient in the face of global challenges.


Hon. Allen Chastanet stands out as a "perky pixie pink, powerfully poised professional politician" in St. Lucia’s political scene. His unique blend of energy, composure, and professionalism makes him a formidable leader and a beacon of hope for his supporters. As he continues to navigate the complexities of opposition leadership, Chastanet remains committed to his vision for a brighter, more prosperous St. Lucia.

Friday, May 03, 2024

The Heartless Reality: Roblot's Soulless Community

Did the Roblot Community let down one of its own? This haunting question echoes through the pathways and concreted-roads of the upper part of Roblot, piercing through the silence like a dagger of guilt. Last Sunday's events have unearthed a chilling truth: Roblot has lost its soul.

Picture this scene: a middle-aged man, fallen by the roadside, bleeding and unconscious after a simple stumble. As he lay there, abandoned by fate, not a single soul from his own bloodline rushed to his aid. Reports speculate that he may have had a drink or two, but does that diminish his humanity? Absolutely not.

What stings the most is the apathy shown by his own kin. His brothers, pillars of the community, turned a blind eye to his suffering. One, a respected figure, chose indifference over compassion. Another, affluent and self-proclaimed pious, found it convenient to ignore the cries for help. Is this the conduct of Christian values they so proudly proclaim?

It took the intervention of a stranger, a non-relative, to summon an ambulance to the forsaken man's side. And even then, not a single family member bothered to offer information or support. The callousness displayed is not just disheartening; it's abhorrent.

In a community that prides itself on camaraderie and neighborly love, this incident serves as a grim reminder of our collective failure. Where is the empathy that once defined us? Where is the sense of duty towards our own flesh and blood?

Roblot's descent into soullessness is not an isolated incident but a symptom of a deeper malaise. It's a stark reminder that wealth and status mean nothing when devoid of humanity. As we grapple with the aftermath of this tragedy, let it serve as a wake-up call—a call to reclaim the compassion and solidarity that once defined us.

Let us not forget the man abandoned by the roadside, for his plight mirrors our own collective loss of soul. It's time to introspect, to rebuild, and to reaffirm our commitment to each other as a community. For only then can we hope to rediscover the soul of Roblot